Revealing The Nature Of God

When a woman bares a child, she reveals her love for her mate to the world. She takes part of Him and herself, in the most intimate way possible, fashioning their combination into one new person. By herself, a woman cannot bring forth life, but in revealing herself to her mate intimately, she ultimately manifests Him to the world.
Likewise, our life is in God. Without Him, we cannot manifest His nature. As we allow God to reveal Himself to us, and we open up to Him, we manifest His nature to the world. We become, essentially, an amalgamation of God and man, just like His son Jesus Christ is.
Revealing God’s nature
That fact is, God is so vast, so unimaginably multifaceted, revealing His nature takes an infinite number of people. Each and every one of us potentially reveals an aspect of God never seen before. We conceive and ultimately birth the attributes of our Creator through yielding to Him completely.
The tragic truth is, the part that God destined for you to manifest remains unseen if you do not manifest it. Revealing His nature, if you never birth what God has given you, goes missing forever. This is essentially what Satan is doing through His war on children. Just like Pharoah and Herod, the Devil tries to prevent the manifestation of the sons of God through killing them. The sin of abortion, beyond its hideous nature on earth, has terrible consequences that reverberate throughout eternity. Though it seems expedient to some in the here and now, erasing a child from existence hurts God in ways we can’t imagine.
The power of His love
So many people read what I say and don’t allow these truths to fully impact them. I know this is a function of Strong Delusion. To many, who think after the natural man, these essays are just a curiosity among many different curiosities on the internet. However, to those God is calling to as His Bride, listen to this:
“Only you can manifest God in the way you are uniquely suited for. Give our Bridegroom the desire of His heart by revealing His nature and bringing forth after His kind.”
In conclusion, God destines us, as the Bride of Christ, to reveal His nature both in this world and in the world to come. We are the greater man-child spoken of in the book of Revelation Chapter 12. God calls you to be part of this overcoming company of saints through His Divine Love. Become the Shunammite you were meant to be and start revealing God in this earth, thus proving, you are worthy to be the wife of the Most High.
Dear Connections,
There is a dividing line between the church of Philadelphia and the church of Laodicea. One church is characterized by brotherly love while the other is characterized by self satisfaction. Consequently, one is caught up into heaven while the other suffers. The question for each of us is, “which one will we choose to part of?”
To become part of the household of God, which is what happens if you are raptured, you must developed a relationship with God that warrants such inclusion. No one wants a stranger to live with them forever. Imperfection bothers God so much, that He even left Eden and will not return until He creates a perfect New Heavens and New Earth. Therefore, when God says “Be ye perfect as I am perfect” He means it.
Our only path to perfection is through being in Christ and clothed with his righteousness. The perfection of our heart towards God is what comes first. Only later, during the resurrection or rapture do we receive glorified bodies worthy of God’s new creation. What I am finding, as I yield to the Holy Spirit, is the intimacy with God through His Body which is the path to this perfection.
Unfortunately, many of us are conditioned to equate intimacy with sex and so cannot accept this path. As they learn that God desires to be one with us through other members of His body they recoil in legalism and shame thinking of only one thing. However, physical intimacy is just a very small subset of a vast range of intimate behavior that God wants to show us through each other.
To be intimate with God is to simply yield to whatever He desires. Sometimes God wants to talk, walk, or doing various ministries, and sometimes kiss. It is a free flow of life and love between each of us and that is a comfortable and proper as a walk with God in the cool of the day.
Intimacy opens up us to new areas where people can experience true friendship with the opposite sex without the expectation of any quid pro quo. Many beautiful women long for a man-friend whose ultimate goal is a relationship and likewise, many successful men long for a relationship with a womam not biased on their net worth. When you are flowing in divine love towards each other, the purity of motive is what makes possible the holy intimacy between you. True love from above desires to do whatsoever the other person needs, and selfishness is really the furthest thing from their minds. As you give, and they give, everyone is loved to the degree they need. If everyone discerns the body of Christ, everyone is taken care of to the extent that they need at the moment;.
None of our actions are shameful when performing the acts of God no matter what we are doing. Form a handshake, to dancing, to hugging, to intimacy with another remember of the Body of Christ you are holy before you Lord because you are led by Him.
Of course, if you are not lead by the Holy Spirit and you take liberties out of selfish desire, then all of what say does not apply. Carnal men and women copying the things of the Spirit for the wrong motives is like a diamond ring in a pigs nose. The solution to this type of behavior is to help everyone be spirit led so that they will know the difference. That way, if someone who is not walking in the Spirit comes to you and wants to say they are being lead to do this or that, you will simply say “no, you are not” and walk away.
Our future lies with God, Seraphim, Cherubim, Angels, and our saved brethren. We are marrying into a noble and established household that spans the ages. There are rules to this great house in heaven just as there are rules to any great house on earth. We learn these rules through the Spirit, the sermon on the mount being a primer that shows us what God expects of His Bride.
Lastly, in a time of love, to reject intimacy is to reject God Himself. No woman who is truly in love does not long for the touch of her intended. Likewise, the sign of the Bride is her focus on the Bridegroom and fulfilling his desires in any way she possibly can.