Dear Beloved,
Lightning is both powerful and instantaneous. The brilliant flash produces a deafening clap of thunder. Today, for the first time, I realized what the Bride of Christ actually is. Dazed, I’ve both seen and heard the light.
The common concept of what the Bride of Christ is, shows only half the truth. Most believe that the virgin of God is a group of perfected, holy saints. However, because the clergy believes that true worship is devoid of physical intimacy, they do not see the whole picture. Lacking half the answer, they are far from the truth. The truth is , that by limiting God’s people’s ability to express holy intimacy, they prevent the very thing God created us for. Imagine a bride who won’t kiss her intended, yet in the church when is the last time you recieved a holy kiss?
A revelation of the Bride of Christ: the greater Esther
The resurrection means Jesus Christ is the first-born from among the dead. The son of God is the last Adam and was born of the will of the Spirit. God’s son sits at the right hand of our Father as a Seraph. We, the Body of Christ who are male and female, join with Jesus as one body. Together, we are the future wife of the Most High, the replacement for fallen Lucifer.
Salvation, Pentecost, and Tabernacles has one goal in mind, to bring forth the Bride of Christ. As the future wife of YHWH, we are destined to rule and reign with Him as His queen. What God is trying to accomplish through us is to bring forth after His kind. Just as Eve is the mother of all living, we are the mother of the children of God in the world to come. Our children are literally as numerous as the stars of heaven.
Divine mates
The goal of the church of Philadelphia is to produce God’s divine mate. In essence. our Lord is going to break earthly contracts that He never authored and join divine mates together of His choosing. This will reorder and restructure believers worldwide, destroying all the things man has built.
God’s desire has always been to have children. However, how does a omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient Spirit do this? We all know that YHWH is one God and there can be no gods beside Him, so how does He procreate?
The answer is this:
“what are human beings, that you think of them; mere mortals, that you care for them? Yet you made them inferior only to yourself; you crowned them with glory and honor. You appointed them rulers over everything you made; you placed them over all creation:”
Psalms 5:6-9 (Good News Translation)
As God indwells us, we yield to Him. As we yield to Him we take on His nature. In Spirit filled perfection, we change into His image and likeness. God moves through us in all areas, even in mating. By being Spirit led, God selects our mate, connecting us spiritually aswe fall in love with Him and each other. Moving in and through us during love-making, God unites with us and our children are literally born of His Spirit. We give birth, through the union of God and man, producing the children of God.
The core of the Bride of Christ is Divine Mates
In conclusion, much of the church stands against God’s desire to be one with His people. The rest, who are open to God, do not understand what their Lord is driving at. Priests and Nuns are the outward manifestation of a terrible error. Due to the false concept that holiness is lack of physical intimacy, the normative church prevents God from joining with His people through Divine Mates. There are lots of ramifications of Divine Love, but at the core of everything is God desires to have children both now and in the world to come. Amen.
Hi Michael,
I have a dumb question for you. I think that I know the answer but would like to hear your insight.
If a man or woman has been medically “fixed”,does this change the equation?
Dear Chad,
Good morning Bro! Hope you are well today and that God is blessing you abundantly.
I don’t think it’s a dumb question, if you are wondering about these things, others are probably doing the same.
Let me preface this by saying, the default position in any situation is to always go with what God says to you personally. Only God knows you through and through and can advise you accurately on specific issues. All anyone else can do is give you their opinion based upon what revelation they have and the leading of the Spirit. So, whatever I or anyone else says is simply a broad perspective and the nitty gritty of any specific situation is a matter between you and God.
Having said that, let me say this; Divine Mates are not dependent upon procreation in this creation. In other words, whether you can or cannot have kids does not preclude God from paring you with a spiritual union. While if you are able, you should have children as God leads, being in right relationship to God through a union of His choosing is beneficial far beyond progeny.
We need to be equally yoked so that God can work His will through both of our lives. I believe that for most, who can have children, it is God’s will for them to have kids. However, with those who cannot have children, be it medical reason or other circumstance, that is a temporary situation. In the restoration of all things, i.e. the New Heavens and New Earth, we all have glorified, perfected bodies and procreation will still be a commandment from God.
There are some decisions that we make that, in retrospect, may not have been wise. Often times we did so because they seemed right to our natural minds at the time. Sometimes we just are born without the ability to bring children in this present world. While these things are not the best situation, at least they are temporary. God says we have a lot to look forward to and really means it.
In a broad view of things there is a difference between Sarah and Keturah. Sara had to happen because Isaac had to happen. If you messed with Sara, as Pharaoh almost did, bad things ensued. However, later in life Abraham took Keturah to wife, had 6 more children, and a couple of concubines to boot. After completeing what God wanted to accomplish through Sarah’s and Abraham’s divine union, what Issacs dad did after that was less important to God’s overall plan. Therefore, I believe, Abraham had more latitude to do what he wanted later on in life. In other words, not every mate we ever have is as important as Sarah.
My point is that many earthly marriages are earthly contracts that God is not interested in if He is not the author of that particular union. In fact, given His way, our Father mostly ignores them and will break them if He has another mate that He wants you to be with. It is not a must that you divorce and worldly marriage in order to follow God’s will. However, if your worldly marriage prevents God’s will, then that is another matter altogether.
In the end, though I say a lot of things by revelation, what I say can never and should never replace your ability to listen, hear, and obey on time. What YHWH reveals through me are perspectives that can help you see the overview and be a starting place for you to look for what God wants you to do in your life. However, the fine tuning is always a personal matter between you and your Lord.
God bless,
Dear Beloved,
The marriage of the Lamb’s wife is not a number, but rather a heart condition. This is why there were ten virgins called to the marriage feast rather than just one. The wife of God is not a phyiscal gender either, it is a attitude of submission and as a overall group, it is female female to God’s male. Why is this so? It is because God mates with mankind to bring forth His children. God demonstrated this in the clearest possible way through the Birth of Christ. Amen.
God bless,