Let’s not kid each other, many of us have felt this desperate
It is hard to admit to others that we have been so weighed down with the cares and worries of this life that a grave looked appealing. As Christians we are supposed to be “believers”, and killing ourselves is a mortal sin. Moreover, we even feel bad about having thoughts about suicide after we don’t do it. Seems sometimes that we can’t win for losing.
It is a terrible thing to feel so worthless, so utterly in pain, that we contemplate risking eternal night. However, this is really what the plan of the Devil is all about, killing us and separating us from God forever. In Lucifer’s mind, even the lake of fire is too good for us.
Saving God’s Seraphs
Salvation is the act of saving God’s Seraphs from suffering an eternity of torment. The truth is, God created mankind and called us very good. Though YHWH creates us a little lower than the angels, He destines us to become one of the “us” in His temple. It is our destiny to cry Holy, Holy, Holy and adore the Most High. Lucifer, in her rage and rebellion, sought to take all that from God by making us experience an eternity of torment with her in the lake of fire.
Compassion in the midst of conflict
Salvation is not a pretty business, but a messy battlefield rescue. We do what is necessary that “some” might be saved. Tragically, many are too badly hurt and perish right before our eyes. It’s just plain horrific, and that is why it is called a war in heaven.
However, God calls some of us to be battlefield medics for the Most High. God trusts us to do our best that some can have a chance at eternal life. Sometimes we make gut-wrenching choices as to who lives and who dies because, truthfully, we are short-handed and understaffed. Yet, as good soldiers, we do our best and answer God’s call even if it is above and beyond the call of duty.
Saving God’s Seraphs
If you grow weary and feel like ending it all, don’t. We all tire of the war, and the sheer weight of our sorrows sometimes press down upon us like the foot of a great dragon. However, at those times simply trust in God and know that there is a new day dawning in the morning and there is hope.
In conclusion, God has His legions of angels in holy armor to fight these ungodly melees for us. These divine protectors stand between us and all those who want to kill, maim, and torture God’s beloved. Sometimes we just need to stand back and let them do their job. Let us rest with the Most High where He is. Our destiny is to be in the presence of God, close to His heart, forever. Amen.
Dear Connections,
It is a cruel and special torment, when our doctrine makes us feel like we must hurt those we love in order to be true to God. Church leaders literally burned Joan of Arc at the stake, someone who almost single handedly saved their beloved France from England, thinking they were doing God’s will. How pitiful are the souls of those who are so deceived they do evil that good may come of it.
This is precisely why God forbade the knowledge of good and evil from man. We, left to our own devices, aren’t capable of making right decisions, especially in areas of judgement towards other. Even Jesus wouldn’t stone the woman caught in the very act of adultery, yet some feel qualified to denounce their own flesh for believing differently than they do.
Legalism kills, Christ Spirit makes us alive. God loves us and it is we who despitefully use each other. The truth is, whenever we act without love, we act without God. Personally, I want as much grace as Christ will give me at the great white throne judgment, so I will err on the side of mercy in my dealings with others. People caught in such heartlessness are tormented by doubts. They put on a brave face, but their basic humanity rebels within them, twisting and turning in anguish at what they do.
Truly there is a division taking place before our eyes. On one hand we have those who live by reason and will do anything to anyone if they believe they have erred in the faith. On the other hand, there are a those whom God is calling who want to know Him through each other more than each other’s doctrine. We are literally witnessing the beginning of the great falling away and most do not see it.
In the end those who chose reason over revelation will end up just like the Pharisees who shouted “crucify Him!” The only difference will be that instead of Christ, they will be encouraging agents of the Antichrist to kill their fellow believers and even members of their family.
It seem that what I say is impossible, but the sad fact is that these times are nigh, even at our door.