The Sea Of Glass Is God’s Window Into Our World
John says,
“And before the throne there was a sea of glass like unto crystal: and in the midst of the throne, and round about the throne, were four beasts full of eyes before and behind.”
Revelation 4:6
Before God lies a sea of glass, deep and wide, clear as crystal. This sea is, in fact, a window to our world. In that place all is still and no winds blow to disturb the image of what our Father sees.
In heaven, you can see for eternity
Our Father’s sight is clear, there is no distortion or opacity of any kind, only clarity. On the other hand, on earth we see as through a glass darkly where everything is indistinct.
The difference between heaven and earth is the way in which we see. God reveals all in heaven by His spoken word, while we on earth perceive everything through the knowledge of good and evil. Revelation makes everything clear while the forbidden fruit obscures all.
The only way we can have clarity of vision is to live by His revelation. Those around His throne are full of eyes because they see as He sees due to close proximity.
We can never know God through our natural minds
I went to five years of intense Bible College, yet I could not see clearly because I tried to know God through my natural mind. I studied a spiritual book through my intellect and found that the knowledge of good only brought death to my soul. The more I learned the more I died inside. At the end of knowing everything a natural man could know about scripture I was further away from knowing Him than when I began.
One hour in the presence of God will teach you more about Him than all the Bible knowledge in the world. I understand now that we cannot see God from our earthly perspective. God wants us to live by revelation, not knowledge, seeing through a sea of glass as He does.
Give me direct revelation
I don’t like hearing teaching these days unless it is given by revelation. I don’t read books unless they are written under the anointing of the Holy Spirit. Sermons where men proclaim what they know instead of whom they know hurt my ears. I am simply weary of being told about God by those who do not know Him. My soul yearns for the current word of His Spirit.
The Apostle John saw a New Heavens and New Earth clearly, because he saw it from eternity. Today, if we truly desire to know and do His will, we must see the world through a heavenly perspective too. Anything garnered from this realm, from this earthly viewpoint, is distorted and almost useless. The only way to truly see things as they actually are is through a sea of glass as our Father does.
Dear Connections,
Light is darkness, darkness is light, or at least that is what our present world wants us to believe. Bible study, as the Christian church practices it, is in reality, the study of the knowledge of good. Yet, such pursuit of righteousness through our intellect is sold to us as the epitome of seeking after God. No wonder there is spiritual and physical death in our churches. Basically, if you want to kill a Christian, send them to Bible College.
There was a prophet, named Jeremiah that told the king of Judah to accept the yoke of Babylon as God’s judgement. Furthermore, God said,
“Therefore hearken not ye to your prophets, nor to your diviners, nor to your dreamers, nor to your enchanters, nor to your sorcerers, which speak unto you, saying, Ye shall not serve the king of Babylon: For they prophesy a lie unto you, to remove you far from your land; and that I should drive you out, and ye should perish.”
Jeremiah 27: 9,10
I tell you, by the word of the Lord, that the leaders of our generation which tell you to study the word of God are like the false prophets of Jeremiah’s day. They are selling you a false bill of goods generated out of their natural minds. They are damming God’s people just like the dreamers, enchanters, and sorcerers did that sold God’s people a false vision in Jeremiah’s time. Many leaders are so hooked into the church system, given sustenance through it, lauded by those who worship them in it, that they cannot hear the Spirit for themselves, much less show others the way.
Our natural minds are at enmity with God. In fact dependence on our natural minds came about through sin. From the very beginning our Father could not be known EXCEPT through revelation. Anyone who truly gets anything out of the scripture does so by revelation and not through intellect. It is a mistake to believe that we ever come to any truth through our natural minds. In fact all truth, any truth, is revealed through the Holy Spirit. Apart from that which God reveals to us by His Spirit, there is no truth.
The funny thing is, that even though what I say sounds radical or even fanatical, it does not even begin to touch upon the magnitude of this revelation. This truth is the crux of the whole struggle in this creation. Revelation vs. Reason. God’s word vs. our understanding. The Tree of Life vs. the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. Life vs death. Good vs. Evil. God vs. Satan.
If there is one warning I can give to you it is this:
The man of sin, the son of perdition, the little horn, is the very embodiment of the natural man. Satan incarnate will appeal to your reason and he will seem good to the natural man. The whole world wonders after the Beast, not because he appears evil, but becausehe appears to be good according to what seems right us. Furthermore,those who believe in him will be willing to kill for him.
We are fully in the midst of Strong Delusion. I used to believe we were just at the beginning of it, but now I know we are fully engulfed by this spiritual blindness. The only way we can see in this demonic darkness is by listening to and trusting the Holy Spirit above what our five senses tell us is true. Almost verything in the world around us is a lie and most of us know it not. All that we have been told is truth is, in fact, the exact opposite of the light.
In World War 2, at the beginning, there was a man named Moshe in a certain village. Unfortunately for him, he was one of the first people the Nazis imprisoned in a concentration camp. Luckily for him, he escaped. When he made it back to his village, he tried to warn others about the horrors he had experienced. However, no one would believe him. What He said seemed too fantastical to be true because it was contrary to their current state in the village. Even though someone with firsthand experience of the atrocities being committed, warned them, no one took him seriously.
I have witnessed what is to come. I have seen “good” Christians turn into persecutors of the brethren. People I looked up to, when confronted with the love of God, became demoniacs. Though I did not know it at the time, I experience a foretaste of the birth of the man-child and the great falling away at the same time. I saw the tail of the dragon catch people off guard and many fell, turning against the very God they claimed to serve. I learnt personally what made the difference between those who accepted and those who rejected the manifestation of the Holy Spirit was their ability to trust God’s voice more than they trusted their own minds.
Like that person who tried warn others of the impending holocaust, I am telling you in as many ways as I know how, about an impending spiritual holocaust. Satan wants to kill our souls and well as our bodies. I am pleading with you to take the revelation that I share seriously. I know, first hand, of what I speak. There is coming a great tearing and rending in the church. What God is about to birth is something that we do not expect – for it comes in a way we cannot accept through our reasoning or intellect.
In conclusion, we are truly up against the fall of night. We live under the dominion of the seventh head of the beast already, yet because it is so vast we do not comprehend what is already here. Now is the time to buy oil of the Spirit and to prepare ourselves to meet our Bridegroom. This is the night we are warned of in the parable of the ten virgins. The whole world lies in the lap of the wicked one and we are asleep! Wake church from your slumber and trim your lamps for we are being called to the marriage supper of the lamb. Prepare yourselves to enter into an intimate relationship with your God in Christ. Hear what the Spirit is saying to this generation; wake up!