In The Quiet, If You Seek Me You Shall Find Me

A friendship born in the midst of war
I was talking to a long time friend the other day, looly81. We have known each other for at least 10 years now. I met her online and we became good friends.
She is a Muslim, or at least a nominal one, and I was very surprised by her admission that since coming to Britain she has been studying Christianity. She said that since she was living in the west she ought to know what westerners believe. That kind of “blew me away” because I never thought she would be open minded enough to do that.
Seeking God
Curious to know what Looly81 thought about Christianity in general, I asked if she had come to any conclusions about Islam vs. Christianity. She replied that she did not think they were that different but did not like the fact that both beliefs taught that you would go to hell if you did not serve God. She thought that neither belief was right for her.
My first thought upon hearing her say that was, “Wow, you have been studying Christianity for five years and that is all you came up with?”
There are not many wise among us
The truth is, I care very much for Looly81 and I find it difficult to think that she has not yet come to know Jesus in the way that I know Jesus. She is brilliant and has a good heart, though, and I hope and pray that she one day does come to know my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. She may even read this and, if she does, I hope she understands that I am simply doing my best to convey the truth to her in love.
It is written,
“I love them that love me; and those that seek me early shall find me.”
Proverbs 8:17
“And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart.”
Jeremiah 29:13
If you seek Me you shall find Me
God wants people to find Him. God is not hiding from those who seek His face. In fact, all He has been doing for thousands of years is working to restore our fellowship with Him. There is literally nothing God will not do to provide a way for us to come back into His presence. He even went so far as to ask His only begotten Son to lay down his life and bear the punishment for our sins so that we, if we repent and acknowledge Jesus as our savior, could go free.
God is a person, not a university subject
Frankly, the truth is, that if you have studied Christianity for five years and have not found God it is because you are not really looking for Him. Whatever reason you have for not finding Him yet, it is not because the truth cannot be known.
You are brilliant, no one doubts that. Yet, for all your intelligence you don’t seem to be able to understand the basics of His love. Everything about our God is known through revelation, therefore, those who approach Him from a strictly intellectual position can never really understand Him. The war and Islam has made you afraid to open up and trust anyone, especially Christ.
Jesus has sat with you through it all
God has been with you since I met you. He has sat with you when bullets were ricocheting off of buildings outside your home during the war. Jesus, through his servant, tried to comfort you during the time when your Father was hurt. In fact, at any time during all these years Michael would have been glad to tell you anything about Me you wanted to know. The truth is, I was with you all that time, through him.
Saying you have studied Christianity is really not the truth of the matter. You have studied about man’s religions as though they are all in one big basket and made up of the same thing. However, I am different because I am God and the Heavens are my throne and Earth is my footstool. Those impostors, which say they speak for me, do not.
Take My hand
I gave My son for you in hopes that you would choose to take My invitation to repent of your sins. My Son paid the price for your sin to provide a way to be saved from the hell that you object to. Do not decide to spend eternity with the likes of Satan. I have been with you though My servants for many years but you resist me always. The war killed many but don’t let it take your eternal soul.
It is time for you to come home and to get to know me. I loved you even before you were born. I have a bright and wonderful future planned for you if you will truly humble yourself and seek my face. Though I resist the proud I give grace to the humble. You have a choice to make and I hope you will choose life.
Michael in Christ
Dear Connections,
What I have come to know, is that trauma is not just for a moment, but can last a whole life time if you don’t do something to take care of it. I have not known many from war torn countries, but the few I have known seem to carry it with them no matter how secure and lovely their lives become.
For instance, I have meet people, who have lost fathers early in their childhood causing their families to struggle financially. though they became doctors and other professionals, even during plenty, their sense of lack never really leaves them. Out of habit they still live like they are poor even though they have abundance.
When dealing with my friend I noted that she was still in a war mindset. Although now in a place with freedom and liberty, she still acted like life could return to that unstable state at any moment. This colored her ability to form relationships and even connect with God Himself.
No matter how much trauma we have experienced, at some point we must let go and trust. This is often a person whom God is flowing through when it comes to connections. We can’t hold on to the past, or our ways of dealing with things, when God begins to love us out of them.
In the end, we all must make a choice, do we keep in our place of pain because we feel it is realitively safe, or do we venture out of our comfort zone because we desire a better future? Everything in life is a step of faith and only those who risk all will gain everything.
Dear Connections,
Once you love someone in the Spirit, you really never fall out of love with them. Connections are forever no matter what the other person does. Sometimes, we believe that if we have a connection with someone that they should and must reciprocate. However, not all connections are like this. Sometimes we love another simply because God puts them in our heart. Though they may not be able respond, we are love them anyway.
Very beautiful women have a difficult time thinking that anyone loves them for who they are. Since so many are attracted by how they look, they always wonder if that is why people love them. Therefore, even though they allow themselves to make love they never really feel loved as a person for who they really are.
What happened with Looly81, as far as I can tell, is that she felt so controlled by culture, religion, and circumstance, that when she finally felt free, she could not accept anything or anyone might limit that freedom. After being out of control for most of her life, she never wanted to lose control again. I get that and it is understandable.
The problem with that way of thinking is that God wants to be in control of our lives. Our Father in heaven wants us to trust His voice more than we trust ourselves. If we refuse to allow Jesus to be our Lord and Savior we cannot be saved.
In a way, unless we give our hearts to God we cannot know Him. Likewise, if we cannot give our hearts to a man or woman of God’s choosing we can never truly be loved. We can sleep with people, but lack the true intimacy that joins hearts and spirits, because we simply never want to lose control and be vulnerable.
I will never not love looly81. I simply can’t change my heart towards her because it was more than a natural attraction, it was and is a Spiritual Connection. She did not and does not know this and may never fully understand it.
I share this with you because you may encounter this type of one way Spiritual Connection too. This is perhaps, other than breaking a connection, the most difficult type of spiritual union you will encounter. Just know that this is what God feels all the time towards everyone who cannot or will not love Him too.
God bless,
Dear Connections,
The reason why the Devil brings war to different parts of the world is, besides general mayhem, is to prevent people from connecting with God in others. Where there is hate, people become inhuman and do things that they would not ordinarily do to each other. This creates fear and mistrust of anyone and no matter how loving another is to you, you never really quite feel at ease or safe. Somewhere, in the back of your mind and heart, you fear everything could change in a moment.
Thus, people become protective of their hearts, their minds, and everything about their lives. The only time such people feel comfortable is when they are in control. Unfortunately, you can never really love if you cannot let go and give another the power to harm you.
I think only God can help us in such difficult areas, because only He can heal the deep mistrust we have of one another. I have found that, when God connects you with another and they connect with you, trust comes automatically and they end up telling you everything about them.
Higher education gives women, in my opinion, the illusion of control of their lives. However, what often ends up happening is they sacrifice so much to gain their degrees that they end up losing out on what is truly important.
My first girlfriend, that I truly felt I loved, could not handle the thought of her boyfriend leaving engineering college to study theology. She wanted to be teacher (something that her parents highly approved of) and I, on the other hand, felt a calling to study the scriptures to know more about God.
Eventually, my then girlfriend and I broke up. It was one of the most difficult things I have ever experienced in my whole life. I could not fathom why going to school was more difficult than our relationship and knowing God. I ended up going my way and she ended up going her way.
I met my first love some years later. She had her degree and was a teacher as she desired. However, she was not married and had no children. During the intervening years she did meet someone, but he passed away due to a critical illness. On top of that she contracted an illness that made having children difficult, if not impossible. I felt badly that we had not gotten together for I thought, “it would have been a kindness for her if she had a baby boy or girl”.
Though my first loved looked very good, for an instant, (I think by the Spirit) I saw her as she really was. Standing there in front of me, I saw her scared, all over her body, from head to toe. Literally, there was no place I could see that had no mark of pain and suffering.
To my mind, my girlfriends quest for higher education was a complete and utter waste that ultimately took away her future. To my knowledge her lineage stops with her for she has no children. She is on this board and that, looked up to in her community and probably displays degrees on her wall, but in all that really, in my opinion, mattered she lost out.
Many women are very, very intelligent, but it almost turns out to be a cursing to them rather than a blessing. They spend their reproductive years studying and then developing their careers until, many times, they don’t even want children. Due to their extremely liberal views on everything from Styrofoam cups to abortion, they are hardly fit to be a wife any longer. Unless a man hands his position of authority and leadership to them, they will not marry.
Marrying a man of God’s choice is literally salvation for many women, because, left to themselves they do not make wise choices precisely because of their education. Humility in a woman is much more desirable than a degree and a willingness to trust is ultimately more important than her ability to protect herself from anything.