Seraph Hunters Go Where Angels Fear To Tread
There is a greater reality than the world we see. Our cosmos is but a very small subset of eternity. What we view as supernatural, is actually just the way things are in that greater realm. We are so much more than we appear to be.
Therefore, when we only go by what can be understood by our natural minds, we severely limit ourselves. Man was never meant to live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of our God. Therefore, do not chain yourself to the terrestrial when, in fact, God wants us to walk in heavenly places with Him.
Mankind is a Seraph in the making. We are the replacement for fallen Lucifer and are embroiled in a war that spans heaven and earth. We are not just battling fallen angels, but this conflict to the death is between the forces loyal to God and a fallen Seraph of the Most High.
Paul says,
” For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.”
Ephesians 6:12
Identifying the Bride of Christ
Recently, God has been allowing me to see His Seraphim. These Divine Mates are called to be part of the Bride of Christ and they are spiritually known. Mostly, you can see it in their eyes and sense it in the revelation they speak or write.
In a word, I feel like a Seraphim Hunter. I want to identify these individuals, both men and women, not to harm them, but to preserve them. God is moving strongly through me and others to help these saints realize who they are in Him.
Seraphim Hunters to the rescue
Many of these believers have been and still are very much under attack of the enemy. Fallen Lucifer marks them out, often from birth, for destruction. I am not sure how she identifies them so early, but some of these people suffer a great deal and many do not survive spiritually.
In fact, if you can receive it, many Seraphim have turned to the dark side of the spirit simply because they’ve found no place in Christianity. Seraphs, who were born with spiritual giftings, fell into great sin because they had no other place to turn. Rejected by the church, they’ve been seduced by great evil.
Be a Seraph Hunter
We must seek out the lost and boldly tread where angels fear to go. God is a Father who seeks out the lost wherever they are. As we experience His Divine Love, we can love those who are unloved and give them a chance to find their way back.
This is way beyond the four spiritual laws and is next level evangelism. Led by Love we go to extraordinary lengths as Seraph hunters. God gave His only begotten Son to die in our place so that some might be saved. If our Father did that, there is nothing He will not do through us to reach those that are bound in the chains of darkness.
Seraph Hunter Fiction Series
The Seraph Hunter Fiction Series weaves truths of God’s Spirit with a rollicking story of Brenzel and her adventures as a Seraph hunter. Presenting spiritual truths in a fictional setting allows our readers to become acquainted with concepts that are beyond their normative Christian experience. Enjoy!
Dear Seraphs,
I have come to realization that we cannot see Seraphim unless we are one. Seraphim are the Divine Mates of God and as such are protected by the most High. The reason for hell is the overwhelming anger of YHWH against Lucifer and her fallen angels for violating His Seraph. Saying to Eve “hath God said” is like the first rape (in a spiritual sense). Tempting mankind was like inappropriately touching a young Bride of Christ. God, is going to have His judgement and that judgement will be upon all those who harmed the love of His life.
Everything in God is linked to sharing His perspective. Until you are invited into His house and observe His Seraphim around Him, you can’t really understand His motivations. The rest That YHWH seeks is in our love. God, within the confines of His sanctuary, rests in the proximity of His Seraphs. They literally minister to Him in the same way a beautiful, loving woman ministers to her man. Their form, conversations, sweetness and sensuality, all make Him feel good. This is the one place, in all that He has created, which YHWH can “be Himself”.
The thing that Lucifer did is break that peace as she polluted His sanctuary. She opened herself up to the host of heaven and committed adultery with as many as would have her. She took that which was the exclusive right of YHWH and gave it away for nothing in order to hurt Him.
Lucifer is the original adulterer. She is the original woman of sin and every time God speaks about a harlot, He is ultimately talking about her. She broke His heart by becoming the original wife of whoredoms. Hosea and the woman He married is a type or picture of this betrayal.
God says,
“The word of the LORD that came unto Hosea, the son of Beeri, in the days of Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah, kings of Judah, and in the days of Jeroboam the son of Joash, king of Israel. The beginning of the word of the LORD by Hosea. And the LORD said to Hosea, Go, take unto thee a wife of whoredoms and children of whoredoms: for the land hath committed great whoredom, departing from the LORD. So he went and took Gomer the daughter of Diblaim; which conceived, and bare him a son.”
Hosea 1:1-3
The only way God can recover from His broken hear is to put her away and take another. However, the divorce that God grants is eternal punishment in the Lake of Fire. Like Vashti was never to see the face of King Ahasuerus again, So Luci will be put away from the presence of God for eternity. Moreover, if you act like Satan, you will receive the punishment of Satan, it is that simple.
God is not bound by man’s anything. For some reason religious folk have the idea that they can dictate what is proper or not to God’s people. I have news for you, God does not recognize your authority if it is not in line with His will.
For most, God is about to violate everything many hold scared, because none of it is His will. You are going to literally kill people over your false doctrine and say “let the Lord be glorified”. Woe unto you, you wicked, evil and perverse generation. You are truly a brood of vipers just as John spoke. God is about to anoint His man child and you will find yourself on the opposite side resisting the very manifestation of the sons of God.
If God does not recognize you, neither do I and it is fitting that you should be blind to the truth. The reason that common folk hear Jesus gladly is precisely because most of them do not go to church. It is the religious people that give the Son of God grief. Unless you count all lost For Christ’s sake you will not make heaven your Home. This includes your precious doctrine which stands as an Idol because it is a creation of your own mind, separating you and your congregations from the Love of the Spirit.
Doctrine is dead and it has always been thus. The knowledge of good kills and only the Spirit gives life. We must live completely by revelation and not but reason. There is no other way and if you declare there is, then you are caught in the grips of Strong Delusion.
I love the picture that the Bride of Christ is like the seraphim of God….that we get to be closer than close to Him, sharing His secrets, knowing His thoughts and heart and feelings….I also love your comment that we are all so much more than we can see….our “reality” us not the greatest reality at all…..oh, what it would be like to not be hindered by our sight!
Good word – thank you! And thank you for rescuing the seraphim! 🙂
Big hugs….