Seraphim are not of this universe but are from special acts of creation in other realms of God’s Spirit. Some have been with God in ways we cannot comprehend. Seraphim are the Spiritual Unions of God and dwell in the secret places of the Most High. Solomon and his wives are a type of this greater spiritual reality.
The revelation of the Seraphim has been growing in me for some time. God is illustrating that Isaiah’s level of insight is not the exception, but the norm. In other words, Spirit-led believers, in these last days, experience the same degree of revelation that produced the scriptures.
That same Spirit
To many, this concept seems blasphemous. Some idolize the scriptures so much that they forget holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Spirit. That is the same Spirit that dwells in us through the in-filling of the Holy Ghost.
When I write, I write by the revelation of the Holy Spirit. Whatever I hear, or sometimes see, I write. As I trust YHWH’s Spirit, I am shown things past, present, and future which cannot be known by the natural man. These mysteries are simply revealed to me, not learned through study.
A revelation of Seraphim
The revelation of the Seraphim and who they are to God is truly profound. I now understand that such scripture level revelation is simply part and parcel with becoming the Bride of Christ.
Dear fellow Spiritual Unions,
Why do we fear God’s revelation? After all, when God reveals Himself isn’t that supposed to be the delight of the Bride of Christ? I used to think that knowing about the Millennium or the New Heavens and New Earth was being “out there”. However, that was just a minor adjustment of perspective that only served as a jumping off point into the limitless Rhema of God.
What I am writing lately is raw revelation. I don’t filter stuff because I am writing to Spiritual Unions. What I have been tempted to do in the past is “couch” and “water down” revelation to a point where I believed others could handle it. Now days, I believe this is folly. When you touch perfection, you taint it. Sometimes, when you dare put your hand to the ark you suffer the consequences.
In the time that we live in, when so many things are happening at once, we can ill afford to eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. The battle of Armageddon is characterized by death while the rapture of the Bride is characterized by life. These two events demonstrate the consequences of eating of one tree or the other. In the battle with the Antichrist, people fight God and die while, in the rapture, people yield to God and live. Thus, the only fruit that interests me is the one that imparts life eternal.
There is a process going on before our eyes, which will determine who ends up where in eternity, if we chose to see it. We are deciding every day, in many ways, where we will spend our forever after. We have entered into Strong Delusion. We are fast approuching a point of no return yet, when that day arrives, many will not know it. This spiritual darkness of our age is like the darkness that decended upon Egypt during the days of Moses and the 10 plagues. That supernatural darkness was not the natural absence of light, but the physical absence of God Himself. It was a preview of outer darkness. Likewise, the Strong Delusion we face today is an absence of the presence of God in our hearts.
Therefore, I am concentrating on writing raw revelation. I believe only the unaltered word of God, fresh from His throne, is powerful enough to illuminate our delusion. I hope people will accept and embrace what God is saying even though the light is bright. To turn away from the truth in the waining hours of these last days leaves us with nowhere to go. There is no wiggle room left because we are fast approaching the point of no return where we will not be able to get addition oil even if we try.
Like the time of Noah, there has been so much preaching of righteousness that we’ve ignored, we’ve become deaf to the warnings of our Father. In Noah’s time, there was a darkness of spirit that preceded the storm clouds. As the Ark got bigger, the people believed less and less. No one heard what God’s prophet said for all were confident that nothing would ever change. Therefore, though salvation loomed before them their unbelief kept them outside it. In the end, God saved animals instead of people because even brute beasts heard the voice of God better than men did.
In the Strong Delusion before the flood, there was correspondingly Strong Revelation given through Noah. The truth was right there before their eyes if anyone wanted to see it. Oddly enough, in our time there are no less than three full scale models of Noah’s Ark in the world. Today, just like Noah’s time, God is piercing the night, giving us eyes to see and ears to hear what the Spirit is saying to this generation.
God bless,
I feel there is never a man made balance to be made with God’s Word.
Do not ever change it, water it down to make it acceptable. Does not matter what the mood of it is either becuase, sometimes, we have to hear a Word that is difficult to hear.
Soft or hard, God’s Word is always given and brought in the Spirit of Love wanting what is best for the listener. The listener does not always know what is best for them.
Prophets should never bring a Word from the Lord being concerned about the reaction or reception. That is not part of the Prophet’s role. Just bring what you receive to bring, nothing more or less. A Prophet does not even need to interpret the particular Word or Revelation. So no explanations are required either.
God bless,
Hi Esther,
Thanks for that word of clarity. I agree with you very much. I am always surprized how much I feel buffeted about just saying things the way God says them. I really appreciate your support and encouragement!
Big hugs,
Hi Micheal, Spiritual Revelation has two sides. The one who speaks it and the one who hears it. The understanding of speaking and hearing in tongues is a perfect example. Both are lead by the Holy Spirit. If one or the other side is not there then the tree will not produce fruit. The Body of Christ must work together to build God’s Kingdom here on earth.
And I do agree, we are past the point of milk for those who can hear.
Hi Curtis, great to see you!
I really appreciate your comments and I feel like you have vital perspective in God to share. If you have time, could you elaborate a bit on what you wrote so that we can get the full understanding? I feel what you said is like a kernal of popcorn and that there is more to it!
God bless,
Hi Michael, I too appropriate your work. Not sure there is any popcorn, but it is obvious to me that the Word of God, as powerful as it is, is not worth the paper it is written on if the reader does not have God’s Spirit within them, to that reader. And the value of that Word is determined in direct proportion to how much a individual will allow God to speak to them through His Word. Same goes for individual revelations that are given by individuals for the Body of Christ, which is also made of individuals. The value of and the revelation is only worth the Kingdom enlightenment it brings to the hearer. If only one, or neither has God’s Spirit within, the revelation has no value.
So it’s a two part system. any individual revelation needs other individuals to understand. One needs God’s Spirit to deliver and one needs God’s Spirit to receive.
The point in all this is that, speakers can not just speak, they need God. And hearers can not just hear, they need God as well. It takes work to do both. Work as in, asking for guidance from our Heavenly Father, to speak and to hear.
There is a responsibility to both, to step up, especially in the current times, and exercise the faith that one should already be asking for. If a difficult subject is encountered when it comes to spiritual things, careful study and prayer is the answer, not dismissal because it doesn’t fit what one already thinks they know.
That dismissal could mean one missing the coming Ark. The reason most, if not all besides the ones who did, did not enter the Ark back then was because they were afraid of a new concept. They had never been on a boat before and that was to “out there” for them.
I try not to be afraid of the “out there” stuff, I let the God with in me take care of all that, besides He said He would save me, and I believe it. Faith works, that’s what I believe.
Dear Curtis,
Thank you so much for your comment. I really like the viewpoints of others being added to what we share because it really helps to flesh out these revelations. I thought this was particularly profound point,
“The reason most, if not all besides the ones who did, did not enter the Ark back then was because they were afraid of a new concept. They had never been on a boat before and that was to “out there” for them.”
Really well said and a truth put in a way I had never realized before. If you have time and feel lead, I encourage your to share more of your thoughts and insights with us.
Dear Brethren,
It is funny, it is like a door has opened to the spiritual realm and I am becoming aware of an eternal perspective. When you look at earth and this universe everything seems vast and infinite. Yet, the reality is that the opposite is true. This, all that we see, all that we think we know, is but a small drop in a vast eternal ocean.
The Devil wishes to murder us by focusing our attention on the here and now. He wants us to believe this is “all there is’. The lie is that we need to “save the world” when the fact of the matter is this universe is slated for total annihalation. Literally, everything we hold so dear is going to be dissolved in a feverent heat.
Our entire universe is like a crib that we will simply forget as we grow up in Him, not because it did not exist, but simply because everything else is so much more interesting. The revelation of Seraphim catapults us into the truth that there are beings and a reality that far exceeds anything that we know through our natural minds.
Only God can grant us such perspective. Eternity is beyond our natural comprehension. Denying mankind access to the Spirit was a result of the curse and the lifting of the Holy Spirit from Adam and Eve. This is why the day of Pentecost was such a big deal that Jesus, only 40 days after his resurrection, left. The comforter had to come, else mankind could never become the Bride of Christ.
Hi Micheal,
I agree, and wanted to add, for those who don’t understand how this can happen or is it possible? Consider the reality that from the moment we were created physical and for approximately 9 months from that point we lived in world that was small and very limited.
Then one day….
… reality changed.
And there was so much more. I can’t wait to be born again.
Hi Curtis,
Great comment. Very clear and concise. I just love revelation!
God bless,
Dear Connections,
What I object to in Christianity is the notion that when nothing is happening that it is God’s will that it be so. It is like suffering and want is a badge of honor for some believers. We are told to endure in faith, believing that God will make a way.
However, what if it is God who is waiting for us to step out in faith and do something to change our circumstances? What if our fate is largely in our own hands and we can, according the Spirit, do all things through Christ of strengthens us?
When God is not doing anything, it does not mean He wants to do nothing. Most of the time it just means that men and women of God lack the faith and courage to step out and believe Him for great things. The lack of God is not a badge of holiness.
Being poor is not next to godliness either. Christ was not poor. In fact, whenever Jesus needed ANYTHING it simply showed up. Our Savior did not care about worldly possessions simply because His Father gave him anything he needed at the time that he needed it. Temple tax in the mouth of a fish, food to feed five thousand and four thousand, expensive gifts brought to his parents at his birth. Whatever Jesus needed God gave him.
Likewise, we do not have to make our lack out to be something it is not. When we do not have what we need, let’s examine our lives and our faith rather than assume it is God’s will. Perhaps we will find that our Father wanted to bless us all along and we just didn’t believe it.
God bless,
Dear Connections,
Seraphim are the wives of God from previous creations. I suppose it may even be that, since time is irrelevant in eternity, they may be Gods spouses from the, past, present, and future. Mankind, collectively, is a Seraphim and we are destined to join the ranks of our Fathers heavenly harem. This is why so many of the great men of the Bible have more than one wife. Abraham, Jacobm, Gideon, and David had multiple wives. David’s son, Solomon, who was the greatest picture of God and Christ, had 1000 wives. Why is that? Why so many? It is because those earthly pictures reflect the true state of God’s heavenly kingdom.
The reason the faces and feet of the Seraphim are covered is because that knowledge is private. Who they really are and where they have walked is forbidden to us at this time. Seraphim only open up fully to God Himself.
Sometimes I hesitate to tell others of the deep things of the Spirit because the truth seems so fantastical to the natural minded man. However, Christ said this,
“If I have told you earthly things, and ye believe not, how shall ye believe, if I tell you of heavenly things?”
John 3:12
Brethren, there are heavenly things. There are realms of the Spirit beyond this creation that we cannot even comprehend without the illumination of His Spirit.
As for me, except in matters of the inner chamber, I am being open towards you and telling you of heavenly things. It is not my place to filter what God says. If God says it and He does not forbid me to share it, I do. Your responsibility is to prove all things and hold fast that which is true. However, prove all things through God’s Spirit not through the knowledge of good and evil. Ministers must quit modifying what God says because they feel people will not be able to handle the raw truth. Since all true understanding comes from the Holy Spirit anyway, even the newest babe in Christ can know God if they have ears to hear.
God bless,
Dear Connections,
Do we have to be 100% right in what we say? What if I or anyone else is not perfectly correct?
God says,
“Not many of you should become teachers, my fellow believers, because you know that we who teach will be judged more strictly.”
James 3:1 NIV
However, there are many teachers and each has various degrees of light on different subjects in the Bible. In my view, many teach things that are not right, however, does that make them bad?
When there is gross error, as in the times of the Old Testament judges, God did not punish people for making mistakes as strictly. However, in the times of refreshing during the ministry of the apostles, God did take things much more seriously. In fact, lying about how much two people gave to the work of God cost them their lives.
Every person should seek to handle the word of God carefully and failthfully. To the light we have we should speak plainly and honestly about the scriptures. However, that does not mean that we must adhere to doctrine when revelation says differently. If we do not trust God for further light we will be forever stuck in our ignorance. God says,
“Despise not prophesyings. Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.”
1 Thessalonians 5:21,22
Is everything I say 100% accurate and truth? Probably not. Is everything I say articulated to the best of my ability according to the revelation I have? Yes. Do I bear responsibility for the things I teach? Absolutely. Yet, here is the balance of the matter, “I also bear responsibility for NOT sharing revelation God gives me too. As a watchman on the wall, if I see things, but do not warn my brethren of the danger, God counts me responsible in part for their calamity.
The Antichrist is on the horizon. Strong Delusion is already here. The Tabernacle experience is a vital tool people need to stand strong during this time. It is more important to throw a life preserver to a drowning man than to worry about precisely how to do it. Likewise, it is more important to present these truths so that people can have what they need to survive against that man of sin than be 100% right.
In conclusion, we are so ridiculously far from the truth that talking about 100% accuracy is irrelevant. What is relevant is if we “listen, hear, and obey on time what God is speaking to us as individuals daily”. This is where the rubber meets the road in our Christian walks. Even if we do not have all truth, if we do what God asks us to do, when He says to do it, we fulfill the scriptures without having to know them perfectly.
God bless,
Dear Connections,
Before the day of our resurrection, we are going to experience many things. Evil will abound and we will walk in heavenly places. Jesus says,
“And the brother shall deliver up the brother to death, and the father the child: and the children shall rise up against their parents, and cause them to be put to death. And ye shall be hated of all men for my name’s sake: but he that endureth to the end shall be saved.”
Matthew 10:21, 22
Thought this scripture probably refers to those who remain after the rapture, I quote it here to illustrated the seriousness of our situation.
In Chemistry, one of the first experiments you are asked to perform is titration. This is an experiment that tells you when a solution is PH neutral. You drip a basic solution into an acid solution until it turns a different color. The interesting thing is that you drip, drip, drip while nothing seems to be happening. You wonder when it is going to change. Then suddenly, it changes suddenly and you bottom solution is a different color.
This is what is happening right now before our eyes. The Antichrist spirit is changing our societies drip by drip. To us, we don’t really notice much happening. However, as some point the last drip necessary to change everything will fall. At that point, the Antichrist will seemingly appear out of nowhere. Many will be amazed and say, “How can this be?” The fact of the matter that this world government has been building for centuries, but we lacked the spiritual insight and length of life to see it.
Many people are asleep in the light. We think we have enough oil in our lamps and we rest assured that everything is ok. It is not. We are on the cusp of an evil so all-encompassing that we will be powerless to do anything about it when it comes. Powerless, that is, save for the Holy Spirit in us. At that time, our very lives and the lives of our loved ones will depend upon us listening, hearing, and obeying on time.
This is all much nearer than people think and it is coming in a way that people do not expect. In fact, this world government will be hailed as the salvation of mankind and that man of sin will be looked upon as it’s savior.
Dear Connections,
I want to talk with you about the household of God. In the scriptures this is referred to as the mount of the congregation. The original place of God’s household was the sides of the north, in the mountain of God, located in Eden.
Within God’s dwelling place resided first and foremost God. The creator of the Heavens and Earth lived in the original mount Zion. Close to Him, and his heart, resided Seraphim. These are the spiritual unions of our Father and they are the “us” referred to in Genesis 1:26. Just like God, you cannot look upon Seraphim and live, this is why they cover their face. Seraphim are not of this creation, therefore they cover their feet. Above everything, the know and extoll the nature of their Lord, respecting Him as Sarah did Abraham. In very important events, they are God’s counselors.
Next are the Cherubim. These are creature that have attributes of both God and Seraphim. They have four faces depicting their nature. Strong and steady as the Ox, keen and swift as the Eagle, Fierce and noble as the Lion, and made in the image of God as man, they carry their Father. Each of their four wings are full of eyes, depicting wisdom. The reason we see them as Ezekiel describes is because they cannot be known as they truly are in this realm. They are, quite literally, the children of God. They exist in and are illuminated by the shekinah glory.
To complete God’s house, is an innumerable company of angels. Paul says,
“But ye are come unto mount Sion, and unto the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, and to an innumerable company of angels,”
Hebrews 12:22
These are servants of the Most High, akin to Solomon’s virgins without number (Song of Solomon 6:8)
Finally, we come to man, of whom King David sings,
“For thou hast made him a little lower than the angels, and hast crowned him with glory and honour.”
Psalm 8:5
This is a prophecy of the Son of Man, Jesus Christ, but is also refers to Christ’s body of believers who are in Him.
Lucifer, the covering cherub, desired to,
“….ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High. Yet thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit.”
Isaiah 14:13-15
I said all that to say this, we are destined, through Jesus Christ, to be part of the household of God. Our dwelling place is the city of God, called New Jerusalem, which comes back from heaven just as it left over 6000 years ago. We are each given a new name that God chooses for us as we take our place beside Him in the mount of the congregation.
Christ and our Father are one, therefore, we join with God just as Jesus did. This is the mystery of the church. What Lucifer desired to take through force, our Lord give us freely through love. Esther and Ruth picture mankind wed to the King of Kings and Lord of Lords in His glory.
The fashion of this world is passing away. All that is contains is destined for destruction. Only the souls of them that are saved will make the household of God their home forever. Let us obey the voice of our heavenly Lover and make the city of our great King our abode for ever and ever.
Lastly, Earth is the center of God’s universe. It is the seat of His power and His eternal abode. This is why God does away with the first heavens and earth and creates it again as the New Heavens and New Earth. Whatever God purposes to be always is.