Jesus says,
“For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.”
Matthew 24:24
Throughout history there have been false Christs.
In other words, there have been people who claimed to love mankind, declaring they would bring peace and safety, which were false Christs. The term Antichrist does not mean the “opposite” of Christ, rather it means “instead of” Christ. These pretenders seek to substitute themselves for the only true savior of mankind, Jesus Christ.
What many do not understand, when reading and interpreting scripture, is that the Bible speaks about eternal truths that which are much greater than can be contained within its pages. The Rhema of God, which is the expression of the Logos, is unimaginably vast. Instead of encapsulating all that God is, the Bible only shows different parts of our Lord. It is just that, like Moses, even seeing the hinder parts of our heavenly Father is so awe-inspiring that we tend to assume we’ve seen all that there is of Him. Here is a truth,
“Man’s mind, without yielding to the Holy Spirit, cannot fully comprehend God…ever.”
It takes the Spirit to know the things of the Spirit
Paul says,
“But God hath revealed them unto us by his Spirit: for the Spirit searcheth all things, yea, the deep things of God.”
1 Corinthians 2:10
In fact, the best that we can hope for is to allow the Holy Spirit to reveal Himself in a manner that we can understand. The Spirit of Truth overcomes our limitations so that we can experience God as He truly is. You may think, “wow, that sounds mystical”, but it isn’t, really; most of us just aren’t used to the supernatural.

The scriptures describe vast, eternal truths. For instance, there are literally hundreds of different names and titles of God in the Bible. Why is this so? It is because God is so magnificent that our language cannot describe all that He is with one name. Therefore, the Bible must us many different names, chief among them YHWH, to even come close to describing Him.
False Christs go by many different names
So too, the phenomenon of the Antichrist is variously described as “the man of sin,” “The lawless one,” the “son of perdition” and so forth. All these names and titles refer to a central evil so big, so terrible, one word cannot suffice. All the false Christs that have come so far are just the outer fringes of a satanic possession which grips the world in the person of the Antichrist.
Don’t slice and dice the scriptures too finely
Compartmentalizing scripture leads to all sorts of false doctrines. Slicing and dicing the scriptures too finely causes division within the Body of Christ. Each exclusive camp of believers dwell on one facet of the whole truth. Thus their viewpoint becomes a “hobby-horse” while ignoring the bigger picture of what God is really saying. Over analyzing the scriptures, mostly due to man’s natural minded interpretations, accounts of the majority of the schisms in the Body of Christ.
We are going to see, in the coming days, more and more false Christs claiming to be Jesus manifest in the flesh. A recent example of the is the Eastern Lighting group. The false Christ, the true Antichrist, according to scriptures, will take things to a whole nother level. Through the false prophet, the son of perdition will even show lying signs and wonders to give credence to his ungodly claims.
Do you really need to know about false Christs?
Why is this important to you? Why do you need to know what I am speaking about today? You need to understand that the scriptures speak about concepts you cannot understand without the Holy Spirit. Unless you submit your natural mind to personal revelation through the Holy Ghost, you will not be able to withstand Strong Delusion.
Here is a truth,
“The true manifestation of the Antichrist spirit embodies everything the natural minded man thinks God should be.”
That Man of Sin is the “knowledge of good” personified. The Antichrist is fallen Lucifer manifested in the flesh. Hitler, who killed millions, foreshadows the reign of terror which is the world government under the Antichrist. If you don’t know your history, Germany embraced and worshipped Hitler en masse as their savior. So too, the son of perdition will prestn himself as a savior to natural man.
The world follows after this false Christ not because they are stupid, but because their natural minds are conditioned to receive him. The Antichrist looks “good” to a “reasonable” person. It is the refusal to honor God and receive a love of the truth that makes people vulnerable to deception. Without allowing God to lead and guide you by His Spirit, even when it goes against your natural mind, you will gladly take the mark of the Beast. It is that simple.
Live by every word that proceeds from God
Christians must live by revelation. Direct revelation from God through His Holy Spirit designed mankind to function. Living by revelation is the only way to make heaven our home again. God uses His scriptures as a springboard to know Him, but they do not contain all there is of Him. God’s truths are “spiritually” discerned and beyond our natural minds. We cannot know our Father except through His Spirit. The tree of the knowledge of good and evil still brings death for those who eat of it. The result of the knowledge of good always brings death. Only through listening to and obeying God’s Holy Spirit, despite our natural minds, will we stand strong in the midst of “Strong Delusion.”
To reiterate, to be natural minded is death. Conversely life is to be spiritually minded. We no longer have the option to be of two minds in this world. In this time of false Christs the only way we truly see in Strong Delusion is by accepting the light of the world; Jesus Christ.
Jesus says,
“ Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying, I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life.”
John 8:12
The Spirit of revelation
I write by revelation. I really don’t think or plan out what I put down in these essays. Usually, I wake up in the mornings and simply write as the Holy Spirit leads me. These words I write are more than just my “opinion”. These writings are a manifestation of the Tabernacle message of “listen, hear, and obey on time”. As the Holy Spirit leads I write so that you, the reader, may have access to part of what God is saying to this generation.
We are to live by God’s direct revelation
In the end, you need to be receiving revelation from God yourself. I desire to point you in the right direction. Know that you can start hearing the voice of God for yourself and be led by His Spirit personally. Whatever revelation you glean from these essays is a minuscule fraction of what God wants to reveal to you personally. As you “listen, hear, and obey on time” amazing things are going to happen in you and through you. Amen.