“Something” Is An Eternal Truth: Can You Hear It?
Everyone “connects” with this song, because it is a fundamental truth and reality in the Spirit. So much of what we think is natural is, in fact, supernatural. Everything stems from Divine Love. We all innately know it, feel it, realize it.
Women were made to be symbols of love and adoration. The Daughers of Eve can yeild ot God in ways that are amazing. I really believe that Eve is the “new” thing of our creation. I think that Lucifer took one look and Eve and decided that she was not the fairest of them all. Thus there was war in Heaven to this day.
Avonlea represents much more than a young, talented woman
Many, when they see Avonlea sing, just see a young, pretty woman. However, to me she kind of sums up why God made the Heavens and Earth. Our Father looked around His creations and saw non “meet” for Him. YHWH in consultation with His Seraphim, created mankind a little lower than the angels, but destined to be crowned with glory as His Queen.
Our natural minds are simply what was left over when our Spirits went dormant. The smartest person who ever lived is but a shadow of what God created us to be when intermingled with His Spirit.
“Something” Is About Divine Connection
[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gmcjuZRGOfM[/embedyt]
Dear Connections,
It is very difficult to break free from deception when it is all you have ever known. All of us, to various extents, are victims of our circumstance. The Devil, fearing the manifestation of the sons of God, has driven a wedge of fear between us and Godly intimacy. The father of lies, defiling all things physical, deceives us into believing that physical intimacy is antithetical to pure Christian love. However, nothing could be further from the truth.
The center of who we are is intimacy. It is how we are conceived, how we are born, nurtured, and procreate. We are this way by God’s design. Denying this, robs YHWH the very thing that He created us for. Part of the reintegration of our bodies, souls, and spirits, has to do with releasing the shame that has plagued each one of us since the Garden of Eden.
In the world, those who whole heartedly indulge in sinful behavior, have no shame. They fully embrace evil and thus, are the mirror image of what we are supposed to be. It is time that we, as the Bride of Christ, fully embrace God and why He created us. Everyone knows that the foundation of earthly marriage is intimacy, therefore we must understand that the foundation of heavenly union is oneness also.
The physical expression of love between divine unions is an outflow of oneness with God. It is automatic that you want to be close to those who manifest the Holy Spirit in whatever way demonstrates His love. The Devil, making us fear sexual sin at every turn, keeps us bound and unable to fully consummate our love relationship with YHWH-saves.
Jesus said,
“That they all may be one; as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they also may be one in us: that the world may believe that thou hast sent me. And the glory which thou gavest me I have given them; that they may be one, even as we are one: I in them, and thou in me, that they may be made perfect in one; and that the world may know that thou hast sent me, and hast loved them, as thou hast loved me.”
John 17:21-23
Most Christians scrub these scriptures so clean of physical intimacy that they become a mystical, ethereal concept, having no real world application or demonstration. However, the oneness that Christ speaks of is a real thing that produces actual feelings as lead by God’s Holy Spirit. This is why the scriptures speak of a holy kiss.
Physical expression of Divine Love is a byproduct and natural outflow of the union of God and man. The fact that this takes place between men and women should not surprise us, for God speaks of us as the Bride of Christ. Men and women, to various extents as the Spirit leads, demonstrate the love of God between each other “for the express purpose” of loving their Lord. It is this one heart and one soul, which spiritual connection produces, that unites the Body of Christ. As a united body we become one with God. This is God’s design from the very beginning.