Finding your Soulmate is all about Divine Love
Natasha Bedingfield grew up in a Pentecostal church and knows Jesus as her personal Lord and savior. I believe being filled with His Spirit, along with her God-given talent, allows her to fully articulate the message of “Soulmate”.
Finding your mate is a universal need
People desire love from a special person ideally suited to them. We all feel a deep and abiding need for a soulmate who is our perfect match. God gives true mates and is a manifestation of God’s Divine love for both of you.
Spiritual connection is what a soulmate is. God selects the one that is right for you. Upon meeting the special someone, you sense them in your heart and belly. When you are round your soulmate all the world seems right, because it is God’s will than you be with them.
Such unions are divine in origin and are meant to server God’s purposes, not yours. However, because you are in God’s will when you yield to His choice of mate for you, everything in your life is blessed. While it this does not mean that everything will be smooth sailing, it does mean that there is a special grace upon your relationship. God blesses what He authors.
God pairs you with your soulmate
YHWH is well pleased when you and your soulmate come together. God makes you one, so that you might love each other and bring forth after His kind. The spiritual connection you share is a divine calling.
In conclusion, your soulmate, ordained in heaven, is more impotent than you can possibly imagine. Finally, if you allow God to, He will bring you together no matter what the odds are against you. Trust God and He will unite you with your soulmate.