spirit filled music

God Likes To Make Love To Music

There is a hidden secret in the lives of many people who are being drawn to Tabernacles; you are making love to Spirit filled music. Most do not talk about it, for it is too intimate and holy to speak of outside the bedchamber. I must admit that I feel a reluctance to talk about it too, but I do so because we need to know why this is happening.

There have always been musicians in every temple. The reason that there was even a Chief Musician in the first place is that God likes to make love to music. In fact, in everything He does there is song. This is what theme music in the natural world points to as well. God’s music inspires us and helps set the mood for something so holy, so pure, so right that the heavens must sing about it.

Love is what draws Christ back to us

The fact that so many are laying in the arms of their mates and listening to such anointed hymns, tells us that the day of Christ is soon at hand. What draws our beloved back from His work of creating a place for us is love. Ours is a siren’s call, in a good way, that not even God incarnate can resist. As we move to his music, we become love and that is the shining beacon that brings about the Parousia, or catching away of the saints.

As we lay in each other’s arms, we demonstrate the very thing that God wants from us. Just like in His heavenly temple, music fills the background of our Divine Love, providing the backdrop to whatever God is doing in our lives. The angels just had to sing when Mary held Jesus in her arms.

Make love to spirit filled music

I encourage all of you to find spirit filled music and make love to it. In your heights of passion, let His spirit flow through you and speak in other tongues. Be a representation of God making love to His Seraphs and let everything in your life flow from the unity of the Spirit that creates. Amen.

Fire of God by Jackie & Stacy Baker