What Do You See?
It has taken me a long time to come out of my background and shake off the shackles of Christian conventionality. Our reliance on our natural minds is taught to us from childhood and reinforced by church dogma. Many try living a Spirit filled life through following principles others teach them instead of listening to the Holy Spirit. It is not evil to be this way, however, the knowledge of good destroys us just as surely as the knowledge of evil.
Here is a truth,
“In a world of blind people, sight is heresy”
The central problem, pastors and teachers, is that you force your people into a doctrinal box. Every Sunday people hear your voice, learn your viewpoint, and imbibe what you think according to your understanding of the scriptures. Thus, if God says something different from you, people always wondering if they should follow the Holy Spirit or what you say. If people dare to follow God, and you don’t agree, you apply pressure upon them to conform. Consequently, no one under you can ever go above where you are and remain in your church for very long.
The danger of such dependency is that without you, your people cannot function. God’s sheep are so used to listening to you rather than Him, they don’t know how to hear His voice for themselves.
There is a new paradigm in town
I simply do not listen to anyone, anymore that does not speak with the voice of my Father. I don’t care whom you are, what you believe, or how strongly you say it. If the voice that I know as my Savior does not flow from your lips, you have no authority or consequence in my life. I firmly advocate that all believers take this stand and stop listening to those who claim authority, but do not have His voice.
As ministers of the Gospel, we need to understand that we are servants in the vineyard of God. Our duty is to first obey the voice of our God and then till His ground as He pleases. Many ministers are belligerent, egotistical, and domineering masters who sport a thin veneer of civility, but only in so far as you conform to their doctrine.
The New Paradigm is this: Spirit Recognizes Spirit
I have come to realize that Spirit recognizes Spirit. People who know God intuitively sense when God is in others. I really don’t have to convince anyone, they just know the truth. It is almost like we know things through our spirits that our natural minds cannot detect.
You, as you are reading this today, understand what I am saying by revelation. Even though you may think what I say makes sense, flesh and blood is not the reason that you do. You recognize The Spirit in me, because it is the same Spirit that is in you. This is the essence of spiritual connections, God joining us together through the revelation of His Rhema in each of us.
Often times we struggle with spiritual things, because there is an ever-present fear we may be going astray with new revelations. Many “think” this is quite “normal and natural”, but it is not the way God wants us to live. Nowadays, I trust the voice of my heavenly Father so much that I go with whatever He says. I don’t question my Good Shepherd any longer, I just trust and obey His voice. Conversely, I will not hear the voice of another, nor should I.
Uncertainty slows us down
Living by revelation is absolutely necessary, because if we are questioning God at every turn in the road, we will always be hesitant to travel it. Living in uncertainty prevents us from moving at the speed of faith. I see Spirit led saints constantly living in fear of error. It is almost like uncertain people are always struggling to believe and never relaxing in the revelation God gives.
Really, my friend, it does not make any difference if you are totally right or wrong, because we are all so far from being right that it makes no sense to worry about it. Trust His voice, YHWH will correct us if He needs too. If our Lord is not pointing out something specificly wrong, then lets start living in the Spirit. From the day that we said yes to Jesus Christ we all left the realm of the reasonable and stepped into the world of supernatural faith.
Knowing things by revelation
I don’t have to tell you that God wants to love you, you already know this in your bones. I can speak to you about the intimate things of His Spirit and your belly jumps for joy. Talking about time and space in terms of what actually happens in the Spirit doesn’t faze you because you instinctively know its true. In short, your spirit recognizes my spirit. Spirit recognizes spirit and this is what brings about the UNITY of the Spirit
Moreover, Spirit recognizes spirit, because God wants to do something between us. So many times I feel things in the Spirit towards people, yet they draw back and do not allow God to manifest through them. This is a big problem, because we need to connect and become one with each other to the extent that YHWH desires, else we fail to accomplish His will.
Travel at the speed of faith!
Any relationship, from acquaintance to Divine Mate, is to be led by love. We are not our own, we are bought with a price. Being inward and second guessing ourselves keeps us from His blessings. Our heavenly Father really does know what He wants to do and is very specific on how He wants to do it. Therefore, why not get out-of-the-way and let us be the Seraphim God meant us to be?
Dear Connections,
The picture in the essay above, is probrably the clearest demonstration of the what I am saying on the website that I have come across. I do not know what the orginal intent of the creator was, but I do know that is shows the truth of why God created this heavens and earth very nicely.
The man = God.
The woman = a Seraph
The children = the children of God.
God + a Seraph = The Children of God
God bless,
Dear Beloved,
Revelation is progressive, not static. By this I mean that truths of God are like mountains in the distance. As we approach God’s peaks we really don’t know how big they are until we get there. The actual fact of the matter is, anything in God is infinite simply because He is. Nothing in God is ever fully known. Some who think that foundational doctrines are settled err in this regard.
Not even one doctrine could be contained in all the books in the world. No one understands even the most basic doctrines fully. Even something like Water Baptism, which seems so basic, has meaning and significance that is way beyond what we currently understand.
What I am saying today, by the world of the Lord, seemingly so far out there to many, tomorrow will be yesterday’s news compared to what God is doing and saying. Everyone should realize this and purpose to embrace an ever evolving understanding and experience of God. We are always going to be saved (those who name Jesus Christ as their personal Lord), but the meaning and depth of our salvation will increase throughout eternity.
God bless,
This was really helpful to me – I have been on a journey with God of learning to hear His voice daily – and living by Revelation (making sure it always agrees with His Word). I have a unique experience God has blessed me with, that this article speaks to and helps me with, because I have struggled (and your article encouraged me to relax in it!) God called me to be a personal intercessor for someone, and I and that person can communicate spirit to spirit through God’s Spirit – i.e., I can feel what that person feels 24/7 (and likewise that person to me often) and often I can finish their sentences or laugh at a joke before they finish speaking it because I have some sort of recognition of that person’s mind.. . I see evidence of such things in scripture: God showed me that Jonathan and David had a similar connection, Paul had a spiritual connection to the people he ministered to, enabling him to “see” how orderly they were in the services without being present physically. . .and there are more. I know Jesus could know the thoughts and hearts of those around him, and He only accessed the power of God that is available to us. . .I know that I know – through almost 5 years of confirmation and God speaking to me almost daily about this gift – that this is from Him, but I have not ever heard a teaching like yours that seems to confirm so much about this type of spirit to spirit connection. . .like you said, my spirit agrees with your spirit in this article and it is great confirmation. Thank you!
Dear CL,
Thank you for your comment and may God bless you even more in you spiritual connection. When you first begin to experience such things you sometimes wonder if it can be true, but after a while, as you say, you know that it is God. Thank you for sharing with us and we appreciate your imput very much. God bless, Michael
I have since read a lot of your articles on spiritual connections (knowing that’s what I have with the individual I am called to intercede for, but not knowing that you had some God-given insight into this BEAUTIFUL gift!) While I don’t agree 100% with all you teach, many of your revelations are almost word for word what God has spoken to me….I have been searching and searching for someone who had insight into this gift of God – never having met or spoken to anyone, other than my connection, who had experienced it, and I am so grateful to find someone (or ones) who have experienced and are experiencing this! I will probably comment on some of your other articles, but for now let me say thank you for your boldness. The Spirit spoke to me at the start of my “connection journey” that I must “cherish the connection, it is rare and precious”, and I could write a novel on my learning experiences and revelations about it! For me, all that God says to me must line up with His written Word, which is our foundation and focus…and what I am experiencing does in every way – and helps me to even understand His Word more as He demonstrates His love to me through this connection. And I agree that the kind of Divine Agape love in these types of connections is unmatched in any other human relationship and should never be put into a “relationship box” or it will be limited. So much more to say about what God is teaching me about divine connections, which I believe are end-times prototypes of the love we will all have for each other in heaven…..thank you for sharing!
Dear CL,
I like how you said, “end-times prototypes”, that was very well put. It is true we don’t know how many of these types of Spiritual Unions exist right now. Frankly, I have thought there would be more than what I have found, but perhaps they are hidden in places we just don’t normally look. There is quite a body of work in the secular world about such things, but not much in the Christian sphere. I believe though, that you cannot really come to know what these relationships are about unless you believe in God and have accepted His son Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and savior. All this only makes sense from that perspective.
I want to thank you for commenting too, because sharing your thoughts helps others see that they aren’t totally unique in their experience. Many spiritual connections find themselves on the opposite side of everything and don’t know what to do about it. Aligning with God’s will tends to do that with people, but it can feel awfully lonely at times.
The final feast is actually a Chronicle of spiritual connections dating back over 30 years. These essays are written from experiences of Divine Unions in Christ who have entered into the Tabernacle Experience. I hope that these writings will continue to encourage you and others who are entering into the inner chambers of God’s love.
God bless,