Please settle down class and take your seats. My name is Ms. Periwinkle and today’s subject is Spiritual Biology. The human body is a marvelous creation, full of mystery. Hopefully, by the time we are done with our lesson, you will understand more of why we are fearfully and wonderfully made.
To begin with, all women are born with a uterus which allows them both to conceive, gestate, and bear a child. At conception, the sperm from her mate and her ovum fuse together and conceive a baby. Eventually, in about 9 months, she gives birth to child who is made up of both of their genetic material.
Created to be God’s mate

However, God created men and women to be able to mate with Him also. In fact, during conception, the Spirit of God is present to create an eternal spirit. While the natural mother and father provide the physical aspect of their baby, God uniting with their spirits forms the eternal soul and spirit of their progeny. Are you with me so far? Good!
Essentially, a woman’s womb is a type of the Holy of Holies. When she mates, especially with a Divine Mate, God’s Shekinah glory manifests in her. This happens during her climax and prepares her to possibly conceive a son or daughter of God.
The Spiritual Biology of the children of God

God created mankind in order to have children. Being an omnipotent, omnipresent, and omniscient Spirit, procreation posed a difficult challenge for Him. Therefore, YHWH created the race of Adam a little lower than the angels and gave them to ability to become one with Him. This way He could dwell in us, namely in our belly near our procreative parts, uniting in a way that produces children that are both God and man combined. The Virgin Mary is an example of this type of holy union. Jesus is the first-born of all creation.
The union of God and man
So, class, Spiritual Biology is the is the revelation of union of God and man. Moreover, God both feels and receives love as we love each other. Though we can receive and give love as individuals, our creator really wants us to go forth, be fruitful, and multiply together!.
In conclusion, remember that when a man and woman make love, if done properly, they unite with each other and God at the same time!
Thank you all and have a nice day.
God bless,
Ms. Periwinkle
When I look for a song to pair with my writing, I never look very hard. Usually, it is the very first song that comes up after I type in the main theme of the essay. Why is this? It is because almost everything I write about is already out there in the musical sector of the church. It is just that musicians have much more freedom to express themselves and be led of the Spirit than theologians do. All I am doing is putting together what is already happening. The move of Tabernacles is already here and it is being heralded by the singers in God’s temple.
God bless,
I wish it were easier to pick out open minded children of God. It seems like alot of the time even believing children are not awakened to the idea of divine intimacy. The modern day church has not lead them in that direction, even lead them away. To find this truth I had to find it on my own and me and my partner have a very hard time finding those open to shareing the full spectrum of God’s love.
Hi Ryan,
Thanks for your comment! I just think that to a lot of believers, these types of relationships in Christ are not well understood and, as you mentioned, the church even steers them away from them. However, God is doing a wonderful thing in our generation and people are starting to join together as YHWH foreordains.
I invite you to share more about how God has been leading you if you like. I know it is difficult to step out with such truths, because they are so personal. However, I like to testify of all the great things my heavenly Husband is doing so that He will be encouraged to do more!
God bless and big hugs!
Beloved of the Lord,
I want to say something that relates to Spiritual Lovers. I get it that it’s the most natural thing in the world to want to keep intimate spiritual experiences to one’s self. Even I have kept back more than half of the Connection Chronicles from the public.
However, I have published a lot of them simply because I want others to know they are not crazy when they experience such things with God. The fact is, vulnerability is the key to almost everything in YHWH.
When God does profound stuff with you as an individual and your mate, by all means tell others about it. Give God praise through your personal testimony. Let the whole world know how totally awesome God is in every area of your life, not just the churchy, acceptable ones.
The things I describe on the Final Feast are just one piece of the picture and to get a view of what God is really painting, we need the rest. If you have a piece, no matter how “out there” you may think it is, share it. It may be the exact one everyone is looking for to complete the most beautiful portrait in the world!
Big hugs and lots of love,
Dear Connections,
God says,
“Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness”
This “us” is often overlooked simply because many people do not know what or who the “us” refers too. However, I believe that the us refers to God and His Seven Seraphim (the seven spirits of God). God is male and so Adam represents Him. Seraphim are female and so Eve represents them.
The point is, we represent more than just one person. It is impossible to represent an “us” when you are single. Therefore, to fully reveal or “manifest” God and His Seraphs, you have to find the mate of God’s choice and become one. In fact, if you don’t do that, you have to be granted and receive special dispensation to be single like the apostle Paul.
Big hugs,