The Only Real Love Is From Above
Let’s talk about Spiritual Love. I capitalize Spiritual Love simply because this type of love is a real and divine thing. Many talk about different Greek words for love, but only tasting it for ourselves really shows us what Divine Love is all about. You have to experience Spiritual Love to understand it.
Here is a truth
“Spiritual love is literally God loving others through you completely and unreservedly”
To begin with, most of us are damaged to greater or lesser extents. Throughout our lives we have fallen into sin or been mistreated, resulting in suffering which developed emotional and sometimes physical scars. These scars prevent us from opening up our hearts to others.
God creates each one of us unique and gives us special talents. Yet, because of past hurts, much of what we are lies dormant. We have learned, often the hard way, to fear unkindness from the world and even those closest to us.
Earthly marriage is not enough
When we first meet and marry our mate, we enjoy a sense of completeness. However, as our marriages go on we find out that our mates cannot be everything to us. There is a growing and disturbing realization that we are still unfulfilled. As wonderful as our marriages are there are still parts of us that are not fully realized.
God never meant people to function as separate entities, but rather intended that we interface with other members of the human race as He chose. Paul speaks about the body of Christ and its members, fitly joined together, as supplying what the other needs. While marriage is perhaps the most intimate and complete form of this type of union, it is not the sum total of it. Unfortunately, when God brings other people to connect with you, especially if they are of the opposite sex, many protest. People may believe they saved their marriage by rejecting these Divine Unions, but they and the body of Christ suffered for it.
Spiritual love
Spiritual Love is a supernatural bond that God forges between people of either sex. Divine Connections are God’s way of fitly joining His body of believers together. At times, when we feel incomplete, it is simply because we are not connected with those parts of Christ’s body we are meant for. Spiritual love is God divinely ordering each part of His Elect with each other. Only God knows where we fit and with whom.
Love without limits

Spiritual love loves without reason. It is a love given through God’s Spirit to individuals who yield to it and others who will receive it. Spiritual love is God loving His saints through His saints. Holy intimacy is pure, but not in the immaculate notion of purity that many people conceive of. True Spiritual love will literally do anything that is required to selflessly love the object of its affection. If God wants to hug a saint who needs a hug, the best way to do that is through another saint. Kissing a saint is best done through another saint greeting one another with a holy kiss. When our Creator wishes to fellowship in love with His saints, the best way to do that is through love feasts.
Spiritual love reflects the needs of those so loved
Pain is, to a large extent, the reason why God’s people are so dysfunctional. Through many difficult experiences, people learn to close up and protect their vulnerable places. Unfortunately, as saints protect themselves from hurt, they also cannot manifest God to others. Divine love changes all this and suddenly people find they have the courage to be transparent, letting God flow through them. All of a sudden, treasures hidden within us blossom in the absence of fear. When God connects us to people who complement and complete us, we become whole.
Satan fears spiritual love
The Devil fears this type of divine unity more than anything else. As long as Satan keeps us divided we are of little threat to her personally or her satanic kingdom as a whole.

In reality most of the barriers that Christians erect to “protect” themselves end up becoming prison bars for their souls. They know, in their hearts, what they need to do, but they can’t break free. Thus, they are always between a rock and a hard place, wanting to be loved, but denying themselves love at the same time.
Locked up in heart and mind
Saints put on a brave face, but many are in desperate need. Believers deny themselves, because the only way they can imagine having what they want is through sin. Many feel condemned, because what they want must be sin, therefore they are evil. What most Christians do not know, and what Satan does not want them to know, is that God wants to fulfill the desires of our heart through His Spiritual Love.
Trust God above everything
It all comes down to trusting God rather than our own minds. Ruts define many people’s lives. These open-ended graves never allow us to see what God really wants us to do. People say that God would never do this or that simply because they can’t see it any other way from where they stand. However, if you never trust His voice enough to take a chance, how will you ever find out?
Trusting what God says is the basis of every Christian’s salvation experience. God declares Jesus died for our sins and believers believe by faith. However, our trust should not stop there, but continue as Christ leads and guides us into greater maturity. We must trust that if we ask for good gifts, that our Father will give them to us. So too, if God wishes to flow through you and to you in Divine love, you simply allow Him to do so.
The only line that really matters

Lastly, I write as one having experienced a foretaste of the Spiritual fulfillment of the Feast of Tabernacles. Many things I write are relevant to those who are entering into The Tabernacles Experience. If what I say does not make total sense at this point, simply hide it in your heart. I assure you that when you do enter into Spiritual Love everything I say will make a lot more sense.