Spiritual Unions: How God’s Divine Love Connects The Body of Christ

Spiritual Unions
For many years, the truth of the Tabernacle experience has been unfolding in my heart and mind. These truths are given by revelation through the Holy Spirit. I have sought to bring forth a biblical basis for something that is, in reality, well beyond what the first-century church understood. In other words, though Divine love and its manifestation are in sync with God’s revealed word, the fullness of this experience is greater than the book of Acts.
Furthermore, this makes sense because the churches of Paul’s time were the firstfruits; not the fullness of the harvest. Pentecost was a beginning and not the end. The Holy Spirit that lifted off of both Adam and Eve when their eyes were opened, now is being poured out upon those God restores to full fellowship. Through Christ’s blood, reconciliation is made for sin. The Holy Spirit that was taken is now given and the way opened to come back to the garden. The consummation of this journey is the marriage feast of the Lamb where the Spirit Bride unites. What was broken is made whole. What was lost is restored. God and His creation are one. Hallelujah!
How we lost our spiritual union with God
Mankind lost spiritual union through sin. We chose intellect over revelation. Through our natural minds, we did what seemed right in our own eyes and ate the forbidden fruit. Rather than submit to God’s supernatural presence we became masters of our own destiny and so sealed the fate of all mankind. As a result, that one act of self-determination led to near annihilation of the whole human race.
The gift of the Holy Spirit is meant to allow us to live by revelation and walk in the Spirit once again. To walk in the Spirit is simple; just listen to, hear, and obey every word that comes from the mouth of God. This means, obey what God speaks to you this very hour and every hour afterward. That is what Adam did in the Garden of Eden, that is what Jesus did at his first coming, and that is what we are to do also.
Reconnected and united by love
The truth is, God unites the Body of Christ through Divine Love. This is a separate and distinct spiritual experience from salvation and Holy Spirit baptism. Divine Love is a foretaste of the New Heavens and New Earth and is supernatural. It is the very nature of God given to anyone who will ask.
It’s all about spiritual unions
As a result, I have come to realize that connection love, which results in spiritual unions within Christ’s body, constitutes the central experience of the coming move of Tabernacles. The finishing work of the Spirit in our generation is the unification of the Body of Christ through spiritual connections. As God is one we become one through connecting with His Spirit in others. Thus we fulfill the prayer that Jesus spoke. It is written,
“Neither pray I for these alone, but for them also which shall believe on me through their word; That they all may be one; as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they also may be one in us: that the world may believe that thou hast sent me. And the glory which thou gavest me I have given them; that they may be one, even as we are one: I in them, and thou in me, that they may be made perfect in one; and that the world may know that thou hast sent me, and hast loved them, as thou hast loved me.”
John chapter 17:21-23
The truth is, individuals spiritually connected through God’s divine love, are about to fulfill Christ’s prayer in this generation.
Love is everything
To put it another way, Spiritual Unions are the Swiss army knife of the Spirit. Whatever Christ’s Body needs there is a Spiritual Union to fill it. If you are in need of healing God can heal you through spiritually connecting with another saint. God flows through you to them and God flows through them to you. If you need to work together in the ministry in complete trust and transparency, there is a spiritual union for that too. Literally, anything that needs to be done in and through the church can and will be accomplished through Spiritual Unions.
Unfortunately, most of the needs within Christ’s body go unmet. People come to church in need and, for the most part, return home the same way. Like starving children, they arrive seeking a spiritual morsel to ease their hunger pangs, hoping to live another day, but only find stale bread fit for hogs. They eat it because they have no choice, even though it is bitter to their bellies.
But I show you a better way
However, there is a better way. By connecting with God we begin to live by revelation. The word becomes part of us through listening to what God is saying daily. As we see Jesus in each other eyes, hear him speak through each other’s tongues, touch and feel the warmth of our beloved, experiencing His love through each other, our lives become a present testament and we its living epistles.
First of all, Spiritual Love literally does whatever God needs. If God needs you to encourage someone, it encourages. If our Father needs you to hug someone, it will hug. The Holy Spirit gives life in whatever way God needs us to do without limits. The life of God flows through you to bring life to others. Here is a stunning truth,
“Rules only exist for natural-minded people.”
God says,
“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law.”
Galatians 5:23
Be no more children
Secondly, as we live by the law of love we also fulfill every other law. Anything we do, at the goading of the Spirit of God, is pure and holy. I venture to say that 95% of what people really need the church outlaws as inappropriate or outright sin. For God’s sake, in many churches you cannot even hug a person of the opposite sex. People constrained by man’s precepts and teachings cannot allow God to flow through them. Put away such childish notions for it is high time to grow up in God.
Let us be no more children and simple doe what Christ says. Moreover, who cares anymore what the Pharisees of our generation think! We do not serve them! Serve the living God who speaks to us every waking moment of every day. Follow the Good Shepherd because we know His voice! Break the bondage of our natural minds and simply let go and let God be all in all.
We are well able to possess this land!
In conclusion, Spiritual Unions bring about the unity of the Body of Christ. Through faith, we are entering into territory that even the apostles did not know. I testify that this is a land that’s new, fresh, and available for the taking. Ask for it and you shall receive the Love of God in ways that you never thought possible.
Lastly, the manifestation of the sons of God has begun and is marvelous in our sight. A nation, my friends, is being born in a day right before your very eyes! The church of Philadelphia has come!
After reading some of your writings and views and having experienced Don’s influence and visited the Chapel in 85 I strongly advice you to return to orthodox theology rather than personal experience.
The Chapel enterprise followed a mentally ill paranoid man and his narcissistic wife down the path of error untill God destroyed the abomination they created together. CCBTC was filled with hungry lost souls looking for leadership in their lives who traded Spiritual liberty for legalism.
The Barnet trio have demonised the oneness doctrine for decades to come and defiled the truth of Salvation making it harder for lost souls to find the truth.
Feelings fluctuate and fade but the word of God endures forever. Forsake your vain folly by trying to embellish the “Connections” doctrine. You are doomed to failure and frustration in your endeavours.
Your fictional writings add nothing to the gospel of Christ and are iron mixed with clay. Dan 2:43. I exhort you to cast off your continuation of promoting false doctrine and concentrate on the commission of Acts 2:38 which contains the fufilled commands of the Lord Christ Jesus.
Dear Richard,
Thank you for your comment. As you have read, I am fully in favor of the Tabernacle Experience and the teaching of Spiritual Connections. While it is easy to demonize things you do not understand, it is much harder to see the good in revivals when they go sour. Many, who say they believe in Christ, are so legalistic that unless what God does, and more importantly, what people do with it, lines up with their doctrinal viewpoints, they throw the proverbial “baby out with the bath water.” Likewise, Don and Barbara had their shortcomings but tried hard to follow God. I used to take care of their disabled son and ate with them on Sundays. They were a normal family like everyone else, imperfect, yet honestly wanting to do what was right.
I remember a certain young man from England, a pastors son, who visited for a while.
Anyway, thanks for your perspective. I will leave this up to demonstrate that their are strong opinions on both sides of this topic.