Dear Brethren,
It came to me, like a flash of divine insight, that we don’t have to be intimidated about saying anything God shows us and here is why,
“Christians who wish to judge revelations given to us believe things that are just as impossible”
We all believe in stranger things
If I say that prophecy is “time travel” and some take exception to that, I say that they believe that people raise from the dead and walk on water. If some want to criticize what I say about Divine Love, do not they themselves want to be the “Bride of Christ?” So, it’s not a matter that they believe in reasonable things and we don’t, it’s simply that they think their supernatural beliefs are superior to ours.
The fact is that all Christians believe, by faith, in many stranger things that are not natural. We all simply take God’s word for it and believe what He says. Supernatural is our birthright as the sons and daughters of God. It is not like your idea of stranger things is better than my idea of the stranger things. What is at the core of people’s disagreement is if what other people believe is “the truth“.
We look through a glass darkly, therefore, do we really know the whole truth?
However, we “All” see through a glass darkly. That means that everything is indistinct and “no one person” has it all right. Besides, God justifies those who do His will, not just those who know doctrine. All that knowing a lot about God does is make you responsible to live it. Better to know a little and do that completely, than to know a lot and do very little of it.
When I write, I battle against a spirit of intimidation. This is one of the main spirits buffeting the people of God in this age. Some consider themselves to be the defenders of truth and want everyone to do everything that they think is right. However, in light of stranger things I will not be intimidated any longer. After all, we will all find out just how accurate we are when we see Christ face to face. Honestly, when the truth is finally revealed, we may all find that, compared to Christ’s reality, we didn’t understand very much at all.
Dear Connections,
In retrospect, it could not be more obvious what and who Jesus was. Yet, when Christ came and John declared Him to be the Messiah, not many people took notice. This just demonstrates that often, we grossly underestimate the power of “Strong Delusion”.
Legalists want us to provide chapter and verse that says exactly word for word what we talk about “proving” what we say. However, what God does in scripture is describe central truths in various and sundry ways. Just because Christ does not mention Strong Delusion in those exact words, do you really think the spirit of Antichrist was not blinding hearts and minds when the Jews yelled “Give us Barabbas?”
Bible scholars need to grow up into the Spirit and stop trying to interpret spiritual words by natural reasoning. What we accept as truth now days is a intellectual Christianity which is almost nothing like what God truly is. Even the Pentecostals have things so nailed down with natural minded thinking that they don’t know God except in a very narrow way. We are ripe for reformation, because we have once again lost our way through eating of the knowledge of good and evil.
Strong Delusion began in the Garden of Eden and works until this very day. This is what blinded Eve to the sin she was about to commit as she ate of the forbidden fruit. Strong delusion is a characteristic of Satan, after all, he believed he could ascend to the sides of the north and be as God.
Only the Author of the Rhema can make us understand the word which is derived from the Rhema. The darkness of this world is primarily a spiritual darkness of mind created by sin. God could not co-habit with rebellion and so departed from us in the Garden. Without God’s Spirit, we lost most of what we were and were left with only a fraction of our former selves. All the marvelous bells and whistles ceased functioning and we became little more than animals. Cave men and women are not where we began, it is simply where we ended up without God.
In the end, everyone who comes to God must live by revelation. Our natural minds are enmity with God and our natural man cannot know Him. The greater things of the Spirit are hidden from those who believe they “know” by their own intellect. If you believe that a Bible College degree equips you to instruct others about God, you are mistaken. Most theologians are blind leaders of the blind just as the Pharisees where towards their people in the first century. Truth is, our doctrine, like theirs, hardly aligns with God at all. Therefore, when God comes to us, we do not recognize Him.
Lastly, as I have said before, I am an explorer of the faith, not a defender of it. The word of God endures whether or not I defend it. I want to explore the areas that God has created within His heart and know the deep things of His Spirit. That can only be done if His Spirit fills me, leads me, guides me. Fear is the exact opposite of faith. Therefore, I will not fear and, by His grace, journey to the center of my Creator as far as He will allow me to go.