tabernacle vision

Write the Tabernacle Vision large

To begin with, I have been standing up on this cyber-scaffolding for about 12 years now carving the Tabernacle Vision into the mountain of God. Chiseling a bit here and a bit there, removing the slag of centuries of Christian Dogma. My chisel reveals the biblical truth of the next, and greatest, revival: The spiritual fulfillment of the Feast of Tabernacles.

Secondly, I write the Tabernacle Vision so large that you, who pass by (however fast), can plainly see it. People ask me “what can I do?” I reply, “take the Tabernacle Vision and run with it.” Share this hope for direct experience with God with the world. Moreover, whatever part of the Tabernacle Vision God quickens to your heart take it and speak His creative word of God others.  Help them, along with yourself, step into John chapter 17 and become one with God.

A little bit of the Tabernacle Vision goes a long way


Thirdly, what I write is very concentrated. I can’t help it, it is just how I receive it.  Use what makes sense to you by the Spirit and don’t feel badly if everything doesn’t make sense to you right away. Many of these truths I share are better felt than telt. It’s like trying to describe how a mango tastes to someone who has never eaten one. I can say many things but when you actually taste a mango the experience is a revelation.

Likewise, when I describe Divine love or Spiritual Connections, until you actually experience them, I cannot adequately convey the true impact of these spiritual experiences.

My essays are like spiritual Lembas bread. In the movie, “The fellowship of the ring” Elves give two of Frodo’s companions Elven bread for their journey. Just one bite sustains a man for many days.

By My Spirit Says the Lord

Likewise, the truths I chisel into this mountain are powerful beyond the natural realm. This is just a function of the Holy Spirit and not me. I don’t even remember what I write much of the time. Furthermore, do not confuse my writings with Gnostic knowledge just because they challenge your doctrine. You are free to search the scriptures and prove all things. Or, you can simply open your heart and mind to consider what the Holy Spirit says, receiving some wonderful revelation. Both are valid, so pick the path you are most comfortable with.

Paul writes,

“Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the spirit which is of God; that we might know the things that are freely given to us of God.”

1 Corinthians 2:12

And Jesus says,

And as ye go, preach, saying, The kingdom of heaven is at hand. Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out devils: freely ye have received, freely give.” 

Matthew 10:7,8

Then Paul exhorts,

How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher?

Romans 10:14

Let them see Jesus in your eyes

God calls people who receive the Tabernacle Vision to run with it, alerting others who have ears to hear. Tell people that there is more of God’s Spirit available. Let God manifest through your eyes as you tell them that God wants to be one with them and fill them with His love.

To summarize, this is the beginning of the third and final reformation. The Tabernacle Vision is borne not of a single man but rather of a sovereign move of the Spirit upon a multitude who hunger and thirst after Him.  Like listening to a cascading water fall so too the Tabernacle Vision is the voice of many waters.

How this works in real life

For example, one day I spoke with a youth leader in Africa.  Paul shared excitedly about what God was doing. He said, “God wants us to clean up our compounds (yards) to fight the spirit of poverty!” As Paul shared more it became apparent he was teaching things that I had taught in that area. Asking him who told him these things Paul replied “so and so, he is a mighty man of God!”  I recognized the name as one of the young men I had taught some time ago. The word that God had spoken through me had become disconnected from me.  I thought to myself, “this is as it should be.”

Likewise, the Tabernacles Vision is given out by ordinary people being led by the Holy Spirit individually. Tabernacle theology provides a jumping off point for individuals who are willing to “listen, hear, and obey on time.”

Re-post and share what makes sense to you

In conclusion, one of the easiest ways share the Tabernacle Vision is through re-posting these essays on social media sites. You, of course, have my permission share my writings as you please. The more people that hear the Tabernacle Vision through the internet the more the truth gets out there. Using social media to present these truths can have a disproportionately large effect especially if you are led by the spirit where and when to do so.

Finally, give to others what you are given.  Speak to others what the Holy Spirit speaks to you. Freely give to others what you freely receive and see God to bring the increase!

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