Tabernacles Central: Promoting Spiritual Union In The Body Of Christ
Tabernacles Central: A Place To Connect.
In the general sense, Tabernacles Central focuses on Spiritual Unions, i.e. helping the Body of Christ join together as God sees fit. Promoting the concept that God dwells in us essentially sets Emanuel, or “God with us”, free.
Demonstrating what Spiritual Unions are is a core part of our mission. Here at Tabernacles Central we believe in uniting with God through each other. Spirit led connections in Christ’s body affect us in very powerful and fullfilling ways.
A place to worship
Therefore, providing a place for people to connect with each other is the next step. Having laid most of the theology of Tabernacles down, now it is time to share with others how live it. Right now, because of misconceptions within the church, many believers hesitate to allow God to love others through them. Moreover, saints are fearful to receive love through other members of His body.
However, to the pure all things are pure. When you are Spirit lead and allow God to love through you, you don’t have to fear sinning. Jesus did not sin because He had no propensity to sin. Likewise, as we all invite that same Spirit to dwell in us, we have no propensity to sin either.
A place to love
The unity of the Spirit comes through a shared experience of God’s Divine Love. The Tabernacle experience is oneness with God. Spiritual connections within the Body of Christ knit us together, fulfilling Ephesians 4:12,13. God manifests in us through our love for one another. Once the true church is unified, not through doctrine, but by experience, we naturally do the work of His ministry. It is said that people don’t care what you have to say until they know that you care. What better way to show others love than for God to love them through us?
We are moving beyond the teaching of Paul and the apostles into the current word of God for our day . As we return to innocence God writes His scriptures upon our hearts. Therefore, we naturally do the actual intent of the Bible. Being living epistles, we do not have to be Bible scholars in order to live Christ like.
A place to find out new things about God
Most people don’t understand that the first century church was not perfected yet. Though the Apostles led the people of God very effectively, they never fully entered into the final feast, which is the spiritual fulfillment of the Feast of Tabernacles. Thus, when people try to emulate what the first Christians did, they end up being incomplete also. Not only that, but in our quest to emulate the book of Acts we become bound by its limitations.
However, in our day, God wants us to complete the journey to Tabernacles and become one with Him. Holding modern-day love feasts is part of bringing us into that perfection, because only as God manifests His nature through us can we be perfect. Tabernacles Central: “a place to connect”, provides the freedom and revelation necessary to finish this journey together.
A place to find yourself
Resources become available as people find their place in God. I deeply appreciate all the help and advice people are contributing to this effort. Truly, bringing something like this to fruition is not a one person job. It takes a connected body of believers to do the work of the ministry.
When you ask yourself “what does God want me to do?”, refelct upon what is already avaliable to you. Like Samson, what do you have in your hand? Whatever you have, plus God, equals more than enough. It can be advice, spare stuff you don’t need, time spent helping others, your prayers, or many other things. Everything we need will appear if we will simply “Listen, Hear, and Obey on Time”.
Many saints also have talents, known or hidden, that God can use for His kingdom. Simply step out and do what you can do, trusting God will do the rest. In reality, God has given us all we really need: each other.
A place to be one
As God brings us together in Him, through His Divine Love, we do the work of His ministry. Many hands, when given over to God’s Spirit, make short work. It is then that Christ’s yoke is truly easy and His burden light, because it is shared by so many. Things that looked daunting alone, become possible together. Oneness with God is the most powerful force in our universe. Tabernacles Central believes that with God in us, nothing is impossible.
Lieber Michael nur wer liebt ist offen für alles, vor allen Dingen auch empfänglich für Gottes Liebe und diese kann dann auch an andere weiter gegeben werden.
Dear Michael,
Only those who’s heart is open to everything in God and above all receptive to His love, can pass His love on to others. Amen.
God bless you,
Hi Rita!
Yes, you are so right! As we open to God we become open to others, sharing the love He gives us with everyone!
Thanks for sharing your thoughts!
God bless,
God has moved on from where he was. Going back would be like visiting a shrine that once had an apparition. You would be moving further away from God not nearer. Draw near to him and he will draw near to you.
God is closer than close, deeper than deep in you. Far closer than any other influences in your life. Be bold in the knowledge of who you are and who you walk with! Going backwards is not doing that.
What happened then was holy and blessed for then, not now. What happens now is holy and blessed for now. That was for then, this is for now. Just like the apostles and Paul were an example of what was then was for then. God just is not tied to one thing in one place ever. The moment man has tried to do that, they lost sight of him. He is so far away across the desert now, i would be surprised if he is even visible.
This also has me think about something i wrote a few weeks back…
When you become Spirit filled children of God, Ambassadors of Christ, YOU become a temple of the Holy Spirit to dwell.
Where the Spirit of the Lord is there is freedom, not only for us, but freedom for God to have movement here on earth. It is how God reaches out and touches us here.
Scripture states ‘we love because He loved us first’ (1John4:19). We love with the Love of God, not any other kind of love, but Divine Love. We emanate God’s Love and Peace through all we do unto others. Again scripture shows you ‘do unto others as you would have done to yourself’ (Luke6:31) I am going to apply it in the context here of: you Love others as you would be Loved yourself.
The hand you give someone to lift them up.
The hug you give someone to comfort them.
The holy kiss you give someone that they know they are touchable.
The smile you give someone so they know they are not invisible.
The coffee/meal you buy a stranger and eat with them so they feel worthy.
The shoulder you give someone who needs to cry and let out their pain.
The ear you give someone who needs to talk.
The words of encouragement someone needs that may prevent them doing something drastic.
Help them ‘taste and see’ that the Lord is indeed good, very real and relevant to them in their lives, that they are worthy and whom God wants, to know Him personally, intimately.
Where the Spirit of the Lord is there is Divine Love, Intimacy, Unity, Peace, Reconciliation, Light, Healing and Freedom.
Be blessed
Dear Esther,
Thank you so much for sharing with us. God in us is the most exciting news!
God bless you!
Dear Michael,
If you ever need anything please feel free to call on me. It may be that I can only point you in right direction, but anything I can do for ya’ll is a great blessing for me.
Dear Steven,
Thanks Brother! I appreciate all your help and advice on the sound aspect of the Tabernacle Experience. I have been going over my Roland XP-80, view tutorials etc. Also, I’ve been looking at Ableton live. I am thinking about getting the intro version to start learning it for use as digital music work station software. Seems a lot of people like it and it is a bit more user friendly.
Thanks for sharing and being part of what God is doing, it’s really exciting!
God bless,
Dear Connections,
If you are wondering where God speaks of intimacy in the scriptures, look no further than the Song of Solomon. This epic love story pictures the love relationship, courtship, and desire of God for His Bride.
When children see the movie, “Princess Bride” they usually go “ewwww” when Westly kisses Buttercup. Scenes such as Westly commenting,
“There are a shortage of perfect breasts in this world, it would be a pity to damage yours.”
usually go right over a child’s head. However, when you get older you start to pay more attention to such things.
Likewise, when we were children we thought as children, but as we become older we put away childish things. At some point, young people do wonder about love and movies like “The Princess Bride” begin to take on a whole new meaning.
Intimacy has always been in the scriptures, but until we grew up, we tended to miss it. Now is our time of love and it is right to think upon intimate things. It is time to let ourselves go, and dance before out King.
God bless,