training wheels

OK, you can do this!

We have been at this New Testament journey for about 2000 years. As a church, we have gone through terrible persecution, stumbled through the dark ages, and gradually climbed out of that darkness since the reformation.  Starting from the point of learning that Salvation is by faith, we relearned that baptism is by immersion, Tongues are the sign of being Spirit-filled, and God is one.  However, what we are now learning is that we are supposed to live by revelation and not by our natural reasoning. It’s time to take the training wheels off.

Great saints of God are not our examples because they quoted chapter and verse.  Men and women of faith did mighty things in God because they listened to what God said to them personally. They are examples of obedience to God’s voice in the face of insurmountable odds.

Walking in the Spirit

The fact of the matter is that when we walk in the Spirit, as Paul talks about, we do not sin.  Furthermore, as we are led by God’s Spirit, we naturally fulfill the scripture because the Spirit and the word agree.  Therefore, if we take the training wheels off and listen to God’s voice today and do what the Holy Spirit says, we naturally fulfill the scriptures.

Jesus did not live a sinless life by following the scripture and neither can you.  The son of God lived a sinless life by living by every word that proceeded out of His Father’s mouth.  Christ lived purely by revelation.  It was revelation whether God spoke it through vision, voice, or scripture.  Jesus walked perfectly before God because He walked in the Spirit.

God says one thing, we reason another

Some have become Bible idolaters.  Our idolatry is that we place the scriptures and our understanding of them above God. We, through our natural reasoning, do our best to understand a spiritual book, and then call it doctrine.  When God’s Spirit says differently than our doctrine, we have a tendency to hold on to what we know rather than obey the One who wrote the verses.  Doctrine does not equal God.

The bottom lines is that we frustrate the will of God through our insistence in going by our natural minds in spiritual matters. God says one thing, we reason another, and the work of God languishes.  Like Peter, God tells us “arise, kill, and eat” and we argue with Him.  Our doctrine shows us one thing and God says another.

We live through revelation

In this day and age, in view of the coming distress, we no longer have the luxury of arguing with the Holy Spirit.  In fact, we cannot afford to go by our natural minds at all.  Now is the day to lay in our supply of oil instead of being foolish virgins caught in the middle of the night without light.  Today is the day when we begin to live strictly by revelation and nothing else.

Natural minded leaders “teach” us to death.  Men and women who do not walk in the Spirit instill their fear of failure in us by telling us to listen to them rather than the Holy Spirit.  What this really means is that we are taught that we must check everything God does by our natural understanding.  If we cannot find it in our doctrine it is not permissible. Therefore, whatever we CANNOT UNDERSTAND, we REJECT.

Beyond Pentecost

We are entering a time where God is going beyond what we understand.  Our Father leads us into areas that the apostles never walked.  It is the day of the greater things that Christ spoke about. Our doctrine and our understanding of God’s word is not adequate for the task ahead of us, only revelation by His Spirit is.

It is not wisdom, prudence, or safety to place our understanding of the Bible above the voice of its Author, it is only fear.  The Holy Spirit trumps our natural understanding every time.  If we hold to what we know more than Who we know, we are lost in the knowledge of good which kills us just as much as knowing evil. Knowledge kills us because it separates us from trusting the revelation of our Father.  Paul says,

“Who also hath made us able ministers of the new testament; not of the letter, but of the spirit: for the letter killeth, but the spirit giveth life.”

2 Corinthians 3:6

As we walk in the Spirit we fulfill God’s word

The fact is, as we obey the voice of God we fulfill the scriptures He wrote.  Walking in His Spirit, we naturally do all the things that God writes about.  This is how we become living epistles. Therefore, doctrine becomes irrelevant because those who hear and obey God’s voice fulfill the scriptures without ever knowing all of them.

Abraham pleased God by his obedience to His voice through faith. When Abraham was about to sacrifice Isaac on the altar, there was no chapter and verse for that because there was no Bible.  Yet, who among us would say that Abraham did not do the will of God? Like Abraham, the just shall live by faith.

By faith, take the training wheels off

In conclusion, let us trust our Father.  Let us live by revelation rather than cling to our limited understanding.  Let go and let God be everything in our lives.  Amen.

Time To Let Go by Tenth Avenue North