Teaching Young Adults About Divine Mates

God Wants To Give Young Adults A Divine Mate
First of all, know that God wants you to find a Divine Mate and have children. Other than accepting Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior, finding your God-given Mate is the most important thing you will do. God created you to procreate and unless He specifically tells you otherwise, you should make that a priority in your life.
So, the good news is that YHWH is on your side when it comes to having sex. The urges you are feeling, causing you to want to find a mate are completely in the will of God.
Marriage in the Age of Tabernacles
Moreover, God wants you to mate young. Waiting until you are in your late twenties or early thirties is generally not the will of our Father. The urges you feel are created by God and His timing is perfect. Moreover, when you begin to have sexual urges is usually about the time that our Father wants you to find your Divine Mate.
Secular and religious societies are mistaken about the age young people should get together. In fact, many of our cultures are based around this notion that young people should have careers before they marry. In fact, some even delay finding a mate until their late twenties or early thirties because of this concern.
However, delaying marriage has all kinds of harmful effects. While most young people start feeling sensual urges in their mid to late teens, society generally frowns upon early marriage. In fact, many people assume that young people will “experiment” with sex. Though frowned upon, most people believe that sex is simply a biological urge that people indulge in. Nothing could be future from the truth.
Sex is sacred
Sex is sacred. A Divine Mate, unless they pass away before you do, will be the only person you ever have sex with. God desires that intercourse and all that goes with it, be His exclusive domain. As you mate with the man or woman of YHWH’s choice, He is there in your midst. Experimenting with other people is not the will of our Father.
Young people have a sacred responsibility to mate as God chooses, not as they think is best. Their unions bring forth children who will live for eternity. Your generations depend upon you making a wise decision with God. When young adults choose wisely, their children are blessed, making their generations prosper. If your choice isn’t God’s choice, you harm your own walk and may bring forth children out of His will. Thus, though God has amazing grace, a wrong choice of mate damages God’s plan.
God wants young adults to mate early
God isn’t interested in a “womb-man” having a career if it prevents her from bringing forth the children He desires. As smart and talented as a girl may be, her first and foremost role is to be a wife and mother. Being a Divine Mate to the man that God chooses is her highest calling. Though there are exceptions, this is YHWH’s will for most young women who truly desire to submit to Him.
YHWH creates paths that young adults are meant to follow, and these do not submit to our society. God doesn’t recognize woman power, and neither should you. Our Lord values submission and humility in both sexes. The things of this world are passing away, therefore to build up our treasures here is foolishness. To delay marriage because of earthly gain is not the word of God for your life.
In conclusion, God destines young adults for true love if they will let God lead them. Just like God brought Eve to Adam, it is God’s will to bring you His perfect choice. If we are not our own, how can we submit to Him unless we give Him this area too?
Marrying without knowing how to make money or raise a family has many harmful effects… hence the massive overpopulation, poverty, abuse, war, polluted oceans, poor management of the earth and relationships. More than focusing on whether one should marry young or older is the GREAT need for education on our sexual energy, not demonizing masturbation, teaching our youth how to have good self-care, love each other, care for the planet, etc etc etc. I don’t think God is super happy with the mess we have made on this planet. “My people perish for lack of wisdom”
Dear Jenean,
What do you mean about Sexual Energy?
Dear Michael,
Everyone has sexual energy that we must learn to cultivate with our Divine God given energy. This means having our energy aligned with our Divine connection to God. It means channeling this energy in a way that we are not driven soley by our sexual urges to procreate. It is also about understanding that our sexual energy is our creative energy. It is not only harnessed to give birth to our children, but to create new ideas, build businesses, raise our families, create music, art, technology, etc etc etc. We all have masculine and feminine energies within and as we learn to balance them in alignment with the Kingdom of God, we co-create amazing things on earth with Christ. I do not think any of us have arrived at this yet and we are all still learning. I do believe that Divine Unions will be very instrumental in the restoration and renewal of the earth. Learning how to be wise stewards of sexual energy is apart of that. I hope that helps to clarify where I am coming from!
Dear Jenean,
Christi has been talking about such things lately. She may reply to some of the things you are talking about.
The union between a man and woman and God is definitely much more than procreation. In fact, I believe that sexual union between God and mankind is the reason He created all things. Unfortunately, the Devil has demeaned and degraded this high and holy act down to a mere physical experience for most people. Once you find a Divine Mate and unite with them and God at the same time, He is very pleased with both of you and things tend to go very deep in the Spirit.
Well said,
Big hugs and lots of love,
Hi Jenean! Thanks for your great comments! I really identify with a lot of what you say, especially in this post above.
God has also been teaching me, and I have been sharing with Michael, about feminine and masculine energy and all that goes along with that, especially as we join together with those that God has called us to. I find it so interesting that in the spiritual world, especially in the New Age or Mindfulness movement, women are coming back to their identities as women, after having been taught for decades that we need to be masculine, and being taught to “harness” our masculine energy in order to survive. I think this puts us in an unbalanced position, and our true selves find it hard to be seen or be loved. I have experienced this quite a bit in my own life, and God has just been bringing me out of it in the last few years, more intensely the last year or so.
It starts with knowing how much Jesus, Himself, is passionately in love with us, then receiving that love, (which strengthens a man and softens a women, I believe) and then letting that flow out of our energy to those around us – whether they are in close proximity or not. This is especially beautiful as expressed with your God-given mate. Thanks for sharing!
Blessings and love to you. . .