In the age of Tabernacles, our focus will be on personal, rather than corporate relationships, with Christ. While the church now practices a kind of “top down” structure, when we unite by His Spirit, our unity will begin with our own union with Christ, then it will then expand to our spiritual connections, and finally coalesce into a perfected body of Christ.
The five-fold ministry will diminish as we all come to that mature man in Christ spoken of in the book of Ephesians, chapter 4. It will become less and less necessary for the guidance of clergy, because God Himself will shepherd us.
However, personal responsibility comes with spiritual freedom. The law, which used to be mere words on paper, now will be written on our hearts. No longer can we hide behind our pastor’s spirituality and assume that if we do what church leaders say, we are good with God.
The way forward
In the first century, the church was referred to as “The Way.” In that time, there was no Bible as we know it today. Most received that word of God by hearing and by revelation. Through fellowship, they knew the Holy Spirit, for He spoke to them individually.
Suddenly, the culture of heaven was present on earth. People began living by another set of values, the very ones that Jesus spoke about in the sermon on the mount. Through the Tabernacle Experience, we act differently due to the fact that we are now members of the Kingdom of Heaven. This is the fulfillment of how Christ taught us to pray.