the tabernacles experience

Make No Mistake About It: The Tabernacles Experience Is Not Your Momma’s Revival

God gives us the Old Testament and New Testament to form the foundation of our faith.  Our Father says, “I AM the Lord thy God, I change not.”  Therefore, the word that He speaks does not change either.  However, though the word of God does not change, our understanding of it often develops and expands over time.  Why is this so?  It is because we still look through a glass darkly and our understanding is imperfect.  As God reveals more of Himself our knowledge of who He is and what He thinks matures, becoming ever more complete.

We assume too much

Sometimes people say, “God’s word says it, I believe it, and that settles it.”  Unfortunately, because our understanding is imperfect we make incorrect assumptions, arriving at only an approximation of THE truth.  Thankfully, our Father gives us His Spirit of Truth, who desires to lead and guide us into all truth.  When we lack wisdom we only need ask the Comforter (HS) to see things God’s way.  Standing upon the word of God is good, but we must always remain open to His current revelation.

God still speaks today

the tabernacle experience

We are currently living in a “Present Testament.”  Just as holy men of God, in times past, spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost, so too holy men of God, in times present, speak as they are moved by His Holy Spirit.  This present day revelation of God is a “Current Word” that He speaks to His church.  As holy men of God speak what God says today, these current revelations build upon and expand our understanding of both Testaments.

We can’t love properly on our own

Traditionally, Christians are taught to love one everyone. Ministers encourage believers to practice agape (self sacrificial love) towards one another.  Hearing these scriptures, we all try to do them to the best of our ability, but we fall short of living this ideal.  Still, the desire to receive a true love that bears all things, hopes all things and believes all things remains.  Yearning for a love that never fails, we want to believe this type of love exists even if few ever experience it.  For most, the closest we ever come to tasting such love is during courtship or love for our children.  Outside our families, it is difficult to practice this type of unselfish, self-sacrificial love Christ commands us to have.

Here is a central truth about the Tabernacles Experience,

“True love, the type of love the Christ showed to others and commands us to have, is a spiritual experience.  We must be given this love, it not something we can produce ourselves.”

Truly, the only love is from above. Divine love is the love of God shed abroad in our hearts through the profound spiritual experience of Tabernacles. Just as there is a Salvation experience, just like there is the Pentecostal experience, so to there is a Tabernacle experience. The essence of the Tabernacle experience is to be filled with divine love from our Father. This restoration of the “first love of Eden” completes the work of salvation.  Born to become love we, through being filled with His Spirit, reveal God’s nature to the world, completing the work that Jesus began.

The Tabernacles Experience is love of the Spirit

We all have a deep need to experience the “love of the Spirit” from our Father. Receiving God’s helps us understand how to love others. While earthly love, at some point, fails, God’s love never does.  When the love of God fills us we see with His eyes and feel with His heart. Loving each other unconditionally through the Spirit is as easy as speaking in other tongues. Allowing divine love to flow through us is effortless, complete, and satisfying in ways that bring us back into harmony with our Father and those around us.

God’s love breaks every chain

Love is the only force strong enough to break down the barriers that keep us apart. Divine love is an experience we must ask for just like we asked to be saved or Spirit filled. It is a foretaste of the type of love that exists in the New Heavens and New Earth. This is the love that fills New Jerusalem in the New Creation.

Give God what you have and it will be more than enough

There is no lack of resources for any need within the Body of Christ, only a lack of love. We can only wear one set of clothes at a time, drive one vehicle, and eat so much.  Unfortunately, the poverty of the world teaches us to hoard our wealth to protect ourselves and those we care about from want. We learn through painful experience that, in general, we cannot depend on others to help in our time of need. We continually gather things to feel some sense of security. Thus, the resources God needs to care for and nourish His Body are not available for use as He sees fit.

Through yielding to divine love, we make bonds of affection towards each other that are closer than a brother.  These love bonds within the Body of Christ are so strong that trust is not longer an issue. God becomes our security and we share what we have as God leads. When our brother asks for our coat we gladly offer our shirt also. When a sister in Christ lacks food, we take we have and share. Having all things in common is something that flows from the “love of the Spirit”. Without Divine Love, communal living is impossible.

No one lacks anything amongst us

No one will ever hunger within our congregations because the Holy Spirit makes us sensitive to others needs. No matter what time of night it is, even if we are asleep with our children, we will gladly get up to give those we love bread No one will die prematurely because immediately discern when they need prayer. God flows through us in power because we open our hearts to one another. In fact, the love of God flowing through us, which is in fact God Himself, will meet any and all needs of His people without reserve, without reproach, and without concern for what others may think.

Divine Love is a gift from God

In order to receive the Tabernacle experience you must first realize it’s a gift God wants to give you.  Secondly, ask for it just like you asked to be saved.  Seek it just like you sought to be filled with the Holy Spirit.  Thirdly, by faith, when you feel the love of God flow yield to Him and do what the Holy Spirit directs you to do.  This can be as simple as saying a kind word or giving them a hug.  It can be as dramatic as calling someone up in the middle of the night to say a word of encouragement. I might even be a Holy Kiss if His Spirit directs. Remember, a Holy Kiss is God loving someone through you.

As the love of God flow through you it is important to allow Him to accomplish His will.  The more you allow God to flow in and through you, the more confidence you gain as you see the results of yielding to His love.

The Tabernacles Experience proceeds the unity of our faith

My friends, it is the love of the Spirit that will bring about the Unity of the faith. This is the love that builds us all up into the perfect man of Christ. Seek this love and ask God for it. Our Father desires to give us good gifts and His divine love is indeed one of the best gifts of all!

If Zedd and Alessia Cara’s “Stay” were a Christian song by Becka Shay