Time Traveling In The Spirit: A Beginners Guide
A Few Fundamentals For The Beginning Time Traveler…
To begin with, time traveling is possible. When we walk in heavenly places time is irrelevant, because the heavenly realm exists outside of that dimension. In fact, this cosmos is a special “instance” within that eternal dimension. What we see as reality is actually a fabric woven out of eternity. This is why nature behaves so “unnaturally” at both sub-atomic levels and the vast expanses of space. As you approach either extreme, space/time begins to devolve into the greater reality of the Holy Spirit.
God translates prophets to locations in the past or future. Once there, holy men of God “experience” these places and times first hand. Due prophets “eye-witness” accounts, their prophecies are absolutely accurate. Seers simply recount actual events. Prophets see past and future events by time traveling to the events they speak about.
Freely given to anyone who asks
What beginners need to understand is that this type of prophetic “time traveling” is not the exclusive domain of a chosen few. Translation or “rapture”, is the natural state of those who come back into union with the Holy Spirit. Adam and Eve possessed this ability as a function of their relationship with God. Even their son, Abel, time traveled in the Spirit to see the future and that is why Jesus called him a prophet. Every ability that Adam had was an outflow of His union with his Father. Consequently, because God exists outside of time, as we become one with Him, we exist outside of time too.
All sorcery and witchcraft really is, is man remembering what we used to be in God. Ungodly men and women strive to regain through demons, what they lost through disobeying the Holy Spirit. You cannot access the spiritual realm without a spirit, good or bad. However, if you use demonic spirits to perform lying wonders, it comes with a terrible price; they own you. Once you use witchcraft or sorcery, demons have a right to inhabit you and to the extent that you yield to them to gain access to spiritual power, they possess you. In reality, though, anything they help you to do is just a cheap knock off of the real thing with God.
An element of truth in all legends
Now, what I have just written may sound like pure science fiction or fantasy. To many, I might as well be talking about Merlin in king Arthur’s court rather than Christianity. However, the truth I wish to share with beginners is that all the legends are, in fact, rooted in an element of spiritual truth. People obsess over all things mystical, because they innately remember how things used to be. United with God’s Spirit, we had access to His power through obeying His will. Truly, in our state of innocence nothing was impossible for us.
Michael says,
“Do you remember when Jesus taught us how to pray? Jesus says, “thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on Earth as it is in heaven.” I think that the only thing preventing His will being done on Earth is our unwillingness to do it. You and I feel a definite leading of the Spirit to be together and do God’s will, yet we feel we must remain hidden. Why do we assume that we cannot let it be?”
What if nothing is impossible?
Michael continues,
“What if nothing actually stands in the way of God’s will? What if, we follow God’s will exactly, He will make a way for us no matter what? Perhaps all this stuff with think can’t happen is but an illusion, a paper tiger? I think Jesus really means there are no mountains that cannot be moved, no demons that cannot be defeated. What if whatever we ask in His name means exactly that?
Elijah and Elisha did God’s will even under the unrighteous reign of Ahab and Jezebel. I know I am talking a lot of faith, but why not? Y ou see, Esther, when I obey God and write exactly what says, things are better in my life. YHWH supports me in ways I did not imagine, allowing me to devote my time writing. I’m just not fretting over things as much as I used to do.”
Esther Muses,
“To be honest, I think there’s nothing really hindering beginners from doing what God asks. It’s just that most don’t try the doors God shows them, because they assume they’re locked. Our experience is ,though, that when we are lead by His Spirit, nothing is locked. So, there aren’t any real blockages to anything God calls us to do here on Earth.”
In talking about these things my spiritual connection and I “freed” our minds. We became open to do whatever God laid upon our hearts without questioning whether or not it was possible. It was at this juncture that God began to move us through time by His Spirit.
Everything in heaven is easy, even for beginners
When beginners time travel as the Holy Spirit leads, it is so easy that it does not feel real at first. Many times Esther and I begin to walk in the spirit, from someplace familiar, and as we do the world fades into the place that God takes us. Surroundings change, climate changes, even we change (which takes some getting used to at first). When Esther and I went to visit the Eskimo type village in the mountains, as we walked everything changed until there was snow, cold, and we were wearing native clothing. What startled me the most is that when I looked at Esther she looked like the tribes people we eventually met.
For beginners he basic principle of traveling in the Spirit is that everything done in the heavenlies works perfectly and easily. The Spirit translates us with no effort or struggle. God takes care of everything and you just do whatever you feel led to do in Him.
The one constant
The constant through everything, though, is love. In the Spirit all you ever feel to do is to love and care for others. All the best attributes that God speaks about in the Bible come to the forefront in these experiences. Your desire is to help and heal, to comfort and console, building up whomever you meet in whatever way you can. There is no “self” in these experiences, only the love of God for each other. I’m convinced time travel allows every single person who ever lived to hear the gospel of Jesus Christ.
The power of love makes time travel possible
Time travel is impossible in this natural realm. God made it so that shifting in time goes against all the natural laws of physics. Though some people theorize about time travel, they always say the amount of power necessary to bend space and time is more than the entire universe holds. However, in the Spirit the natural laws of this cosmos do not apply. In the heavenly realm there does exist enough power to shift us through time as God wills. It is the power of His love that makes this possible.
The key that makes all translation possible is God’s love. To move you through time with another, there has to be absolute unity. God’s love, the first love of Eden, powers time traveling in the Spirit. Without total oneness with God and each other, He cannot flow through you in this way. In truth, if you want to experience practically anything in God, love is the Key.
Spiritual connection with God makes all things possible
Spiritual connection, the kind Adam and Eve enjoyed in the Garden of Eden, provides the means to experience the Spirit. When you are in love as God created us to be, it unifies and unlocks everything within us. God’s love unites us in ways not possible through earthly love. The unity of the Body of Christ creates the conditions necessary for God’s majesty to flow through us. The Devils main purpose is to keep the Body of Christ from true unity. Why? Simply because becoming one with each other and God makes everything possible.
Love without question
God is love. Therefore, as beginners allow God to fill them and have His way, love becomes your nature too. Love brings trust, allowing us to simply go with God without questioning what He does. Love casts out all fear. Therefore, things that would scare the natural man to death don’t bother Spirit led believers. Shifting through time at the speed of thought seems natural and reasonable only because you trust God implicitly. You simply do not question where God takes you because you trust His voice.
In conclusion, today I share a very small part of what God wants to do with all those who allow His love to flow through them. Remember, whatever you do, wherever you go, in whatever time you find yourself in, God’s love is there. Only do what God leads you to do and nothing else. Disobedience when you time travel can really mess things up.
Share the fun with others!
Finally, as beginners, share what God does with you. Find others to fellowship with in His Spirit so that you can love each other as Christ loves His church. Walking back into Eden is a group effort and, though we’re forerunners, it’s much easier done together than alone.
Today I’ve shared a very small part of what God wants to do with all those who allow His love to flow through them.
Dear Connections,
Time traveling in the Spirit is just another form of rapture. Being caught up to God and to His throne, being caught away to another town like Philip was, prophecy and even how Genesis was written, are just different aspects of one phenomena. God moves people around by His Spirit, up and down, sideways, back and forth through time, and even to other dimensions. These are not separate or distinct manifestations of God’s Spirit, but just different ways translation works.
Likewise, these things happen at times to many different people. Prophets and seers, especially, are prone to these types of occurrences. Often, they describe them in different ways, but the basis of all their experiences is translation in the Spirit.
Natural minded people want to collate, systematize, and categorize everything down to the finest detail. They want to understand spirit things through their natural reasoning. However, to be natural minded is to be in opposition to God and therefore you cannot see what is truly going on unless you allow His Holy Spirit to lead and guide you into these truths.
Plus, you must experience God to know Him. Unless you have traveled in the Spirit it is difficult for you to comprehend what it is like. I can tell you, but earthy words simply cannot fully convey heavenly things for they are spiritual discerned through experiencing them.
In conclusion, when you allow God to give you His perspective, then everything becomes clear. It is proximity to God that brings clarity. We shall know Him as we are known, when we come face to face. All these things I write about only serve to confirm what God does in you when you come to those places I write about. Yes, you can tell you about these wonderful things, but until you know them for yourself, the half has not been told.
There are 2 forms of time travel i know of supernaturally, one from my own experience, one from others. Others have gone through time in visions and been in the place and time where the father took them, they couldnt interact with it, but observed what was happening.
the 2nd is what i have experienced in the soul with the eye of the soul as a seer.
there’s a type of travelling in to the future, to get to a place where you’re free, its like going in to your future self.
i had this sense of seeing in front of me this energy externally and it was like i was in the future and i was blocked from being there by a demon or two externally. to be in the place where i can be my real self in the future where things, are cool and great in me and my life.
I have moved past those things now in a way, and im in a supernatural experience of seeing in front of me something different again. but i had a time where, i felt myself being back in the present time.and it felt like a natural feeling and it was like, nothing was happening in the spiritual way in the time i was in. like everyone was just being natural about the way they live.
it seemed to be like a way of living, i was not used to when i felt this experienced happen. i rarely have been in the place feeling that experience, its like ive been future minded in my vision in the spiritual, regularly for a long time.
its basically like having a spiritual energy around me all the time that connonates im in a experience seeing whats happening around me differently than what is in the natural place of being in my will in the present.
there is a experience of being “present” without feeling like you’re going back in time, it starts to feel like you are free in some way from the natural ways of living like you had to be somewhere or where you’re stuck in your will trying to find something, which i constantly have had to feel at times in my life for years now.
so there is like a soul way or form of time travel going back and forth in your own life but also having impression of the future you’re in with the world around you in some way.
and there is the way of Yahuwah taking you back to a place or to a future place in a vision, like a panoramic vision, where you are in it in some way. but whether there are times yahuwah lets you actually travel freely in time and interact with it in some way or at will. i dont know.
Dear Eyes To See,
Sorry about that, for some reason you showed up in my spam folder and I didn’t see you until now. Thanks for commenting, I always appreciate feedback!
Sounds like you are drifting in time, which oddly enough, is kind of common with people who start to step into the spiritual realm. It is hard to tell where you are experiencing at the moment. As you step into the Spirit, it does feel timeless and the Spirit sometimes moves you back and forth through time as He wills.
No many peole talk about this either. Sometimes seers will let you know what goes on, but a lot of times they are silent about it because it seems almost too “supernatural”.
Wherever you are feels right in the Spirit. I have only had one time when I was outside this realm completely that I felt uneasy.
Thanks for sharing and, if you like, tell us more about yourself!
Big hugs and lots of love,
I am looking for answers to an experience I had. While praying one morning, and being fully aware of sounds around me outside, I felt that I had probably prayed for only about 20-30 mins. When I opened my eyes, the sun was shining and five hours had passed. I don’t know what happened in that time, and I know I was fully alert the whole time I prayed. What may have happened in that time?
Dear Sonia,
What were you praying about? Where there any other things about the experience that you remember? When you are in the Spirit, time doesn’t flow the same as in the natural realm. A lot can be experienced in an instance, or and instance there can be more time than you thought here. When something really profound is happening with God, many times you just lose track of time because of your extreme focus on Him. Thanks for you comment. Big hugs and lots of love, Michael
Thank you Michael. It was pitch black outside at 3:30am when I felt woken in my spirit to get up and pray. I prayed for family salvations, Australia
And its government and for God’s word to return to every part of daily lives and institutions ( specifically) other prayer I don’t remember. Also I prayed in tongues as led by the Spirit. I haven’t been able to find anyone who can explain this…but I’m not troubled by it either. I do know one man who told me once, he was gone all night.
Dear Sonia,
Sounds like you are a prayer warrior! Keep up the good praying. Perhaps as you move forward in Him, you will gain more insight into the time shift you are experiencing. I truly believe we are all on the threshold of many amazing experiences in Christ. Thank you for your comment and may God bless!
Big hugs and lots of love,
i had an encounter one day at church.I was like three pews away from the pulpit and the pastor had just just finished preaching.He asked us to pray along wit him.I closed my eyes and for the first and only time in my life so far,i could see even though i knew my eyes were closed.I saw the pastors hand grew so long like a pole and was hanging right above my head.
what do you think was happening in that encounter?
Dear Jozy,
I think you were beginning to see in the Spirit. I do believe there is such a thing as seeing in the Spirit and God helps us do that. When you see in the Spirit many things are symbolic. Perhaps you can pray and ask God what the meaning of the pastors hand was. Thanks for commenting, I really appreciate it! God bless, Michael
Hello. Thank you for your informative blog. It certainly makes me spiritual hungry. I still don’t understand, however, how to position myself to see and travel in the spirit. I understand it is all about love. But what are the hows and dos? thanks
Dear Chrissy,
Thanks, Chrissy, for your comment and question. We appreciate your interest. My name is Michael, I am the main author of the Final feast. I am going to answer what I feel to say in the Holy Spirit, trusting that God will add value and clarity. Just remember, that every individual interfaces with God and His son Jesus Christ in their own unique way, so be open to do whatever He says, when He says to do it, and with whomever He says to do it with – even if it differs from what I share.
Time traveling in the Spirit is, of course, facilitated by God’s Spirit. Therefore, it happens when it is God’s will and for His purposes. So, the first thing I would mention is that we cannot direct time traveling in the Spirit to happen, but we can yield to it when He desires to do it.
Secondly, when you step into God’s Spirit, you step out of time. Therefore, past, present, and future open up and you can re-enter into our realm at any point, but again only has God wills. The problem with different types of witchcraft is that they try to use these things for their purposes and this really opens you up to demons. You will essentially be in two places at once. You will still feel in some way present now in the location that you are in, but your spirit will definitely be somewhere else, experiencing that place in real time. I do not know for sure, but people who experience Astral-projection are perhaps experiencing a degraded form of the real thing. The truth is, almost every spiritual experience that spiritualists practice is simply a bastardization of the good thing God originally created for His people to experience and use for His glory.
Thirdly, you are correct, love is what opens us up fully to God and it’s what gives us the courage and trust necessary to allow Him to do these things. Most often, they manifest in conjunction with a very deep spiritual connection with another believer. When God is flowing between you and another person in a profound way, you experience the Holy Spirit in a much deeper and more supernatural way. Therefore, if you desire to know God in these ways, in this generation, it will most likely be through someone you experience the Tabernacle Blessing with. This can be your husband, or another family member, but most often it is with someone that you would not normally seek connection with. Spiritual connections just happen and if you yield to them, your spirit aligns with God’s Spirit and all the bells and whistles He created in you begin to light up and function as our Lord intended.
Traveling in the Spirit is essentially what the Old Testament prophets did, Jesus did, Philip did, and Paul experienced. It is unnerving at first. Through the Spirit, you are caught up and then placed in whatever situation or time God desires. You look around you and see, hear, feel, and otherwise interact that place as if it where real, because it is real, you are really there – in Spirit. This is why Old Testament Prophecies are so accurate, they were just reporting events and experiences they had first hand.
Letting yourself go with God that much, can be scary at first. However, the Holy Spirit is a gentlemen and will not force you to do things you don’t want to do. So, if there is any secret to this type of spiritual experience it is to “trust” God and know that He will do you no harm. Once you get scared or start thinking about things with your natural mind, it will shut down quickly.
You, your soul, is connected to two different realms. One, through you body, is connected to and lives in this physical creation. The other, through you spiritual eyes, ears etc,(your new man in Christ) is connected to the spiritual realm. While you must obey physical laws in this creation, your spirit, through a foretaste of the Holy Spirit, obeys the laws of the world to come. That is why all the spiritual gifts work now, in this fallen creation, because that is how things are in the New Heavens and New Earth.
What we are seeing, nowadays, is that people are stepping into that New Creation more and more, thus they experience things like time traveling in the Spirit. As we allow God to take control of our entire beings, we come into the fullness and stature of His son Jesus Christ and do the same and/or even greater works, because we are in Him. I know that sounds a bit like John 17, but once you start experiencing these types of spiritual gifts, things become a bit clearer.
In conclusion, as you explore these wonderful gifts of God, take it slow and there is no need to push your way into them. God will give you as much as you yield too. Seek the Tabernacle Blessing by opening up your heart and mind to receive Jesus through your brethren. When it happens, there will be no doubt it has – it is pretty powerful.
Thanks for you interest,
Big hugs and lots of love,