Christians have all the time in the world.
I am going to try an experiment today, I am going to tell you about time traveling in the Spirit. By and large, most people never relate the truth of what the Holy Spirit does for fear of being judged by others or misunderstood. Thus, what our Father is truly doing remains hidden, sequestered away by people who are sure that others “can’t handle the truth”.
As I said before, these days I am writing to those who are experiencing spiritual connections or are open to doing so. I have dropped plenty of bread crumbs along the trail that leads to Spiritual Connections for those who wish to find their way. In my spirit, I feel it is time to talk plainly to those whom God is bringing into Tabernacles so that they realize they are not alone. Hence, if you do not understand what I write yet don’t be dismayed. All those who continue on the path to becoming one with God will eventually come to experience these things too.
Time traveling in the Spirit
Lately, I have been experiencing “Time Traveling” in the Spirit. That is to say, God transports my spiritual connection and I to different places and different times in the past or future. We have been to Eden and experienced what it was like to walk on the banks of its rivers. We have seen our home in the New Heavens and New Earth, watching the sun set together. Assisted and comforted a young woman in the 1500’s that was being hunted down by an angry mob. Witnessed to a family somewhere in the Muslim world long ago. Prayed for the dying brother of an aboriginal chieftain in the far north. God healed him, giving us opportunity to preach the good news. In all these experiences, Christ has remained central and constant. We are ambassadors of the gospel of Jesus Christ wherever we go, in whatever we do, in whatever time.
Just because some misuse what God created…
The problem that many have with what I have just said, is that it appears to be too close to what spiritualists do. Mystics and sorcerers, witches and warlocks come to mind when someone claims such things. Oddly enough, people who believe in translation, balk at spiritual time traveling. Well meaning, but fearful people warn of deception. Others say, “this is too advanced for the children” and want to cover the ears of those they believe are too tender in the Lord to hear such things.
In my opinion, many believers act like fearful children who do not know or trust their God sufficiently. We are afraid of the spiritual realm which, to us, seems unfamiliar and scary. Consequently, believers want to protect themselves and others from all sorts of perceived evil. In effect, to many, there is a demon under every bed. Unfortunately, evil in many people’s lives is defined as anything they have not experienced or cannot understand. Even if something looks like God, smells like God, and acts like God, if it can’t be easily understood through reason, it cannot be of God.
Do you believe that, with God, all things are possible?
So too with this notion of time traveling in the Spirit. Even though we witness, preach and teach the gospel to people who may have never had an opportunity to hear it any way else, it simply cannot be of God. Rather than accept what God does by faith because we know His voice, many run back to the tree of the knowledge of good and evil to see if these things be true. Thus, because one cannot not know the things of God through their natural minds, what God plainly does cannot possibly happen.
However, let us go to the scriptures for a moment and see if these things are true. God says,
“So Moses the servant of the Lord died there in the land of Moab, according to the word of the Lord.”
Deuteronomy 34:5
Jude says,
“Yet Michael the archangel, when contending with the devil he disputed about the body of Moses, durst not bring against him a railing accusation, but said, The Lord rebuke thee.”
Jude 9
Yet we read,
“And after six days Jesus taketh with him Peter, and James, and John, and leadeth them up into an high mountain apart by themselves: and he was transfigured before them. And his raiment became shining, exceeding white as snow; so as no fuller on earth can white them. And there appeared unto them Elias with Moses: and they were talking with Jesus.”
Mark 9:2-4
So, I ask you, “how did Moses appear to Jesus if he was dead?” Perhaps, God resurrected Moses after he died when Michael contested with Lucifer for his body. Or, perhaps Moses spoke to Jesus by time traveling forward in the Spirit while he was yet alive in the wilderness of Sin. Either which way, something supernatural had to happen for the Law giver to appear and speak with Jesus on the mount of transfiguration.
How can you limit a limitless God?
The point of what I just said is to say that everything we “think” God can’t and won’t do is not as cut and dried as people assume. Peter was raptured sideways after speaking about salvation with the Ethiopian eunuch. Paul traveled to the third heaven. John the apostle talked with a fellow prophet within His vision at the end of time. Jesus literally materialized any place He wished and did so to the apostles and many others after His resurrection. Ezekiel was transported thousands of years into the future and measured the millennial temple and walked in the waters that flow from it.
Time is irrelevant in the Spirit
In the Spirit time and distance are largely irrelevant. As depicted in the book of Ezekiel, like the Cherubim, we travel at the speed of thought as God leads us. “Time is no more”, for in eternity nothing ever begins or ends, it always was, is and will be. What we imagine as time traveling in this creation is, in fact, just the way things are in the world to come. God intended to populate this universe through translation and spread the seed of mankind among the stars of heaven. Unfortunately, through sin, God brought out universe to the brink of destruction. YHWH sealed up the scroll with seven seals, putting mankind’s destiny on hold. However, when God creates a New Heavens and New Earth our destiny will once again include the furthest reaches of the new universe.
Do not fear the things of God’s Spirit
People fear the things of the Spirit because they do not know their Father. Seeing someone who doesn’t honor God having spiritual experiences, we assume the experience itself is evil. Was Moses evil when his staff became a serpant and ate the serpent-staffs of Janis and Jambrees? No, God demonstrated that His true power was greater than the false power Egypt’s magicians displayed.
Likewise, New Age practitioners simply perverted what God makes available to His people. Astral-projection is just people doing what God created without acknowledging Him. Witchcraft uses demons to affect things in the spiritual and natural world. Christians exercise spiritual power it is through angels or the Spirit of God himself.
Why worldly mystics get it wrong
All these eastern religions are simply men and women pushing into the spiritual realm by brute force. They meditate for years, doing a fraction of what Christians can do when connected to the Holy Spirit. Eastern mystics, through demons, barge into places forbidden to natural men. Once there, because they have no godly frame of reference, make all kinds of ridiculous assumptions. This is the genesis of many false religions.
The great expanse before us
In conclusion, spiritual time traveling is part of what God is “really” doing. People, fearing ridicule, hide this type of testimony. However, we must share what God is doing so that He receives the glory.
Finally, nothing I experience or do in the Spirit is possible in the natural. I have no greater ability or deeper knowledge than any other human being. All that happens is that I say yes when others may say no. I also trust my Father’s voice and have confidence in Him. If I do err, YHWH will lovingly correct me, steering me back to the right way.
Hi Mike,
Thx for sharing your walk with God! It is great to hear all that He is doing!
By the depth of your relationship with God, I think I’m still drinking milk.
I have an off the subject question for you. When a mans ears ring, what do you believe is happening? I m almost certain that it has to do with God and the spiritual realm.
Dear Chad,
Nice to hear from you brother. Thanks for saying hi. Many times we have physical manifestations when the Holy Spirit is doing some kind of work or a gift is working in our lives. For instance, the word of knowledge can make you feel quite uncomfortable. The gift of healing can drain you until you can hardly stand up. Our bodies are simply not accustomed to haveing the power of God flow through us.
I would ask God to reveal what is going on during those times of ringing. Note how you are feeling in your spirit at those moments. Since it is your ears ask God if He is trying to say something to you and allow him to say wherever He desires. It is a still small voice and not a shout. Quite yourself and listen carefully. Try not to dismiss anything at first…you can always sort through things later.
Keep my updated if you like. I would be interested to see how things turn out.
God bless,
Superb! I have been sharing these out of box truths with others. Pretty sure some think I have been on the mountain too much Lol. I learned long ago to not worry about others response to truth. Like you said, some are ready and others not. I would much rather be thought of as half crazy because I shared then miss the opportunity to plant a seed. Many have planted seeds in me and I now see them growing. Thank you so much for sharing. This actually makes a lot of sense and I look forward to Father using me in this way.
Dear Beth,
This is all very exciting for sure! I felt God goading me to share this but was unsure how it would be recieved. I am very encouraged that God is leading other’s into the supernatural this way. Who would have thunk! God is pretty wonderful!
Thank you for sharing this information, Michael. Recently I received ‘a word’ that God was preparing me for time travel after I relayed to our small group, an unusual experience in my body. I was frightened at first, until I heard this word. And with your post, I am even more encouraged that this is God’s plan for me. “… be it unto me according to thy word.”
Dear NY,
I am so happy that sharing our experience has encouraged you also. God knows what He is doing! It feels good to be where the pillar and fire and smoke is because the presence of God is so strong. Keep up the faith and go for it in Him. I am very blessed by what you shared.
Big hugs in the Spirit,
Thank you for sharing this boldly, first time I shared I lost a long time friend she thought I was under new age influence but thank you for coming out. I have had several of these experiences on a regular occurrence but did not know how to put it out there. Keep it up
Hi John,
I am glad that you found encouragement. I believe that God is doing a new thing in His people. I remember, when I was in the deep bush of Africa and we used to get up early in the morning and have tea. I used to share about God at those times. One day, I asked “what did God do with you last night or what did He show you? As I went round the mud hut (there were about 14 people) to my surprize each one of them either had a dream to share or something God had laid upon their heart to do that day. This brought home to me that God is doing things with His people all the time. However, when we do not share with each other these wonderful experiences and insights remain hidden. If you like, I encourage you to share what God is doing with you so that myself and others can be blessed too!