true prophets

“As true prophets, we have to try,

defeat is only inevitable if we do nothing.”

The Christian Church possess vast amounts of inertia.  Just like Newton’s first law of motion, the direction of the church will not change unless an external force is applied to it.  This is why God sets apart true prophets.  Unless God sends someone from outside the “status quo” the direction of His people will not alter.

Many believers are lulled into the more comfortable notion that they can remain in a particular denomination and change it from within.  However, because they are carried forward by the same spiritual momentum as everyone else, they ultimately do little good.

Outside of the normative church

This is why true prophets are often outside the normative church.  In order to be of any use to God they cannot work from within.  Those God sends to reform are those He first sets apart.  John the Baptist is a prime example of this type of godly separation.  It was necessary for him to be in the wilderness so that He could hear God.  Here is a truth,

“In order to be a solution you cannot be part of the problem.”

God separates true prophets for a time, bringing them into places of spiritual solitude to fashion them into agents of change.  Church leadership does not understand such callings, because to them  being part of  the group,  is the sum total of their world.  Clergy,  blinded by their need to preserve what they have, perpetuate the status quo.  Therefore, even if a true prophets thunders  “it is not of God!“, they resist His Spirit at all costs.

True prophets, we have to try

However large the monolith of the church might seem, if God calls you to be a true prophet of change, you have to try.  Your ability to change that which seems immovable rests not in your own talents, but rather in the still small voice of your Father speaking from within you.  One word spoken by a true prophet, at the right time, to the right person, in the right way, is more powerful than ten thousand  sermons.

In conclusion, I encourage true prophets use the rod God gives you.  Whichever staff you have, simply lift it up and God will honor His word and change will surely come.

Read the “Current Word of God”

Suggested Book:  “The Elijah Task” by John Sandford

Days of Elijah by Paul Wilbur