It never ceases to amaze me how many believers despise sex as somehow base and carnal. There seems to be a disconnect between believing we are the Bride of Christ and assuming that our relationship with God is non-sexual. Holiness, to most, is the complete absence of physical touch and sexual intercourse. However, the truth is that holiness is purity of heart, not absence of intimacy. In fact, consummation with your God-given mate is required to be completely joined to God in the way He originally intended.
The union of God and man
To be fully one with God we must join with each other. That is to say, in order to fulfill His first commandment to go forth, be fruitful, and multiple, we must become one with the mate of God’s choosing to bring forth after His kind. During consummation we mate with each other and God, thus fulfilling His greatest commandment to conceive eternal souls bound together with His Spirit. At the time of conception God joins with us and brings forth a spirit that will never die. This is only possible with God for only He is eternal. When a woman exclaims “Oh my God” during orgasm, she worships her creator, giving thanks to Him for His eternal seed. This is the union of God and man.
The very basis and reason for marriage is physical union.
God says,
“And he answered and said unto them, Have ye not read, that he which made them at the beginning made them male and female, And said, For this cause shall a man leave father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife: and they twain shall be one flesh? Wherefore they are no more twain, but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder.”
Matthew 19:4-6
Therefore, the very basis and reason for marriage to God is also a physical/spiritual union.
After God’s kind
The “one flesh” spoken about in these verses refer to children. When a man fills a woman with his seed she conceives in love, cherishing and fashioning a child. The woman gives birth and then suckles the baby until such time as the child grows and becomes a physical representation of them both. We all comment on how a child has features and different characteristics of both parents. Likewise, the union of God and man produces offspring that share traits and characteristics of God and man. When you see Christ you see His Father.
The point of the virgin birth of Christ is that no “Man” knew marry, not that she did not have sex. Of course marry had intercourse with God because their union produced a baby. The sign of a intact hymen does not mean that the mother of Jesus did not have pleasure during their union. In fact, Mary rejoiced at her union with God Almighty.
Mary rejoiced,
“My soul doth magnify the Lord, And my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Saviour. For he hath regarded the low estate of his handmaiden: for, behold, from henceforth all generations shall call me blessed. For he that is mighty hath done to me great things; and holy is his name. And his mercy is on them that fear him from generation to generation. He hath shewed strength with his arm; he hath scattered the proud in the imagination of their hearts. He hath put down the mighty from their seats, and exalted them of low degree. He hath filled the hungry with good things; and the rich he hath sent empty away. He hath helped his servant Israel, in remembrance of his mercy; As he spake to our fathers, to Abraham, and to his seed for ever.
Luke 1:46-55
The power of the Holy Spirit
Moreover, it is the power of the Holy Spirit that overshadowed Mary for the angel says,
“And the angel answered and said unto her, The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, and the power of the Highest shall overshadow thee: therefore also that holy thing which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God.”
Luke 1:35
In impregnating Mary God demonstrated, in the most intimate way possible, His desire to unite and procreate with Mankind. As it was to be in the beginning, God showed us in the last days through the virgin birth of Christ. The manner of birth of the pattern son is just as important as being God manifest in the flesh.
Union with God and man is the point of this creation and the reason that God made us in the first place. We were never meant to be separated from God in and way, shape, or form. What the Devil sought to accomplish through tempting Eve was to break that holy union and prevent God from having children. Christ, in the final analysis, restored the union between God and man so that his Father’s original purpose could move forward. Jesus saved his Father’s wife.
We shall know Him, for we shall be like Him
The Bride of Christ is the female version of God. We are a help “meet” for Him. We are predestined to be God’s mate and that is what every godly woman in the Bible typifies or portrays. From Sarah to Esther to Ruth, these women are types and shadows of the greater bride to come, the wife of God. Every woman desires to conceive. The drive to bring forth children, even at the cost of great pain, is present in every woman because she is made that way. In the beginning, before sin, there was no pain in child-birth, only joy. So it will be in the end when we are glorified and joined to our heavenly Bride Groom. As we mate in eternity we will bring forth children, without pain, after our kind forever.
Purity and sex are one in the same. Innocence and sensuality go hand in hand. God is procreation. This idea that holiness is lack of physical touch is antichrist. In the restoration of Eden, i.e. the New Heavens and New Earth, everything is sensual, everything is procreation, all is intimate. In that day God will proclaim,
“And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good….”
Genesis 1:31
Thy kingdom come
In conclusion, as the Bride of Christ we allow God to enter us with joy. We crave His Spirit. Joining with our Heavenly Lover is the consummation of the ages. Relationships in the world to come are at the behest of the Holy Spirit. From friendship to intercourse all happens as His Spirit leads. There can be no fornication nor adultery where the Spirit is. God’s heavenly design is for us to be one with and in Him. As God’s wife, we happily and joyfully bring forth Christ for our Husband throughout eternity.
Discussion (3) ¬
Dear Connections,
I remarked to my wife, “just as the world government is already in place, the Bride of Christ is already here, however, both are just in pieces right now.” What I mean by that is both these events are so large that unless God shows you the parts and how they fit together, you just can’t see them yet. Neither of these entities have manifested themselves fully to the world.
There is a kind of “fog of war” going on in the minds and hearts of most Christians. We are so “in it” that we are just moving forward without really realizing what is going on. I remember a time when even being spirit filled was a huge mystery to me. My Baptist church leaders told me to stay away from such things, but I could not obey their fear. I simply had to have all of God.
What I do, by His Spirit, is simply put pieces, which already exist, together. You must have God’s perspective to do this, and that can only be given by His Spirit. Without revelation, we are blind as everyone else. In fact, if you read what I write without the light of God, practically nothing I say will make any sense to you.
Many, when they happen upon a core truth, think that is all there is of God. Baptist do this with the spiritual fulfillment of Passover. Pentecostals do this with the spiritual fulfillment of Pentecost. There will be a temptation to do this with the spiritual fulfillment of Tabernacles too. However, Tabernacles is only a temporary dwelling place in this world in preparation for the 8th and last great day.
The point of everything that is going on right now is the restoration of all things. This takes place in the New Heavens and New Earth. Everything of this present world will pass away and basically be forgotten because it is no longer relevant. Even Tabernacles, as wonderful as it is about to be, will fade in our minds and hearts as we become New Jerusalem.
While the world is entering into a time of Strong Delusion, God’s elect are entering into a time of Strong Revelation. As “out there” as what I write may appear to some, you haven’t seen anything yet. Strong Revelation is the word made flesh…in us. If you read what Jesus said carefully, and really pay attention to His words, we are nowhere near where the Son of God was in His Father. Most of us have not even approached where the Apostles where with God in certain respects. The Rhema of God is infinite and we have barely begun to know God for who and what He truly is. I just thank God that He is love.
In conclusion, we are living in the midst of the Antichrist government though it is not yet fully formed. Most people will feel like the mark of the Beast comes suddenly, however, it has been being built and formed for many years right under our noses. Likewise, the Man-child, who the scriptures say is “born in a day” has been gestating within the church for millennia, it has just been hidden from those who do not have eyes to see.
Essentially, I am just a person who plants sign posts along the way, pointing out spiritual truths worthy of your attention. Many times, people who go down the road of God feel alone. As believers leave the main stream and venture out into the desert with their Lord, they can feel isolated. However, you are not alone out here. Many men and women of God have come this way and you are on the right path.
God bless,
Dear Connections,
Jesus said,
“Even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him; for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you.”
John 14:17
There is a notion, prevalent in Christianity, that flesh is evil and spirit is good. Therefore, whatever is good is not of the flesh and whatever is evil is of the flesh. However, I would like to point out that the Spirit of Truth, which is the Holy Spirit, which is the Spirit of God who is Holy, dwells in our flesh. That is to say that, God, if you are Spirit filled and speak in other tongues, resides in your body right now at this very moment.
In times past, God indwelt the burning bush, the pillar of fire and smoke, and in the last days He indwells His Son Jesus Christ. Therefore, as the Body of Christ and through the in filling of His Holy Spirit, God now indwells us bodily. Therefore, though we are flesh and blood, we house the Lord of Creation. God says,
“Thus saith the Lord, The heaven is my throne, and the earth is my footstool: where is the house that ye build unto me? and where is the place of my rest? For all those things hath mine hand made, and all those things have been, saith the Lord: but to this man will I look, even to him that is poor and of a contrite spirit, and trembleth at my word.”
Isaiah 66:1,2
Essentially, what people do these days is call that which God has cleansed common. However, we have been cleansed and we are, by virtue of Christ’s shed blood, clean. God does not dwell in an unclean temple and we, as the temple of God, are not unclean any longer either.
This notion of physical intimacy is inherently sinful is purely natural minded thinking. Some, who use their bodies to commit sin, pollute their temples. However, when our temples are used for godly purposes, NO MATTER WHAT THOSE PURPOSES ARE, our actions are clean.
A kiss can be holy or it can be unclean depending on what the motives in the heart of the person is. A holy kiss stems out of pure love of the Spirit, while an unholy kiss stems out of lust and selfish desire. With each, the method is the same. Likewise, motive defines any other form of physical intimacy. If you’re led by the Holy Spirit to love each other with Divine Love there can be no sin in your actions.
What I have just said is the basis of all physical expression in the coming move of the Spirit. In the spiritual restoration of the Feast of Tabernacles there will be a lot of Divine Love shown between members of the Body of Christ. The expressions of Divine Love will take many and varied forms, most of which violate our strict, puritanical viewpoints. Many judge what God does because the Devil sets us up to view almost all forms of physical intimacy as sinful. However, modern day Pharisees judge what God does by their natural minds and therefore they risk missing the time of their visitation.
The fact of the matter is that many within the Body of Believers are the walking wounded. Most of us have deep seated hurts from our past, some being of our own making and some inflicted upon us. These places are hidden from everyone because they are so painful and sometimes even shameful. Often we cannot imagine showing them to anyone. The move of physical intimacy is simply an outward manifestation of a spiritual intimacy given by God in order to allow us to trust each other implicitly. When God connections us to each other we automatically trust them with out body, soul, and spirit. We naturally open up and show our connection areas that We would never, ever show anyone else.
Due to absolute trust, that often manifests in physical intimacy to various degrees, God is able to heal those secret areas, replacing them with His love. This type of spiritual surgery is transformative and liberates people from bondage. It is and will be a central tenant of the Tabernacle experience.
One time, when God connected me to a certain person in Divine Love, we prayed for deliverance. During that time, the Spirit directed me to lay hand on her intimately. At that time, I did not do so because it felt like she may view it as inappropriate. Instead, I suggest she lay hands on herself as we prayed.
For the next two weeks, I felt convicted about disobeying the voice of God. I tried to forget it and put it out of my mind. Eventually, the spirit of conviction became so heavy upon me I had to confess my fault to her. Rather than feeling strange about what I said, she said, “I felt that too”.
Once again, God was right and my natural minded thinking missed the mark. Whatever God does through our bodies is by definition holy for He is holy. When God indwells our flesh, our flesh is holy. Anything we do, if Led by God’s Spirit, is holy too.
In conclusion, our culture is diametrically opposed to all things Godly. One of the most opposite areas of this world is their view of intimacy in all its forms. As we progress back to the Garden of Eden and regain our innocence before God, we find ourselves on the opposite of most everything we have ever been told is holy and pure. It is at this point we see the split in the church develop, with those who accept Divine Love parting ways from those who do not. However, those who despise God’s love will necessary accept the false love of the Antichrist and His false prophet.
He who has ears to hear, let them hear