Episode 1: Caught Up In The Spirit To The Temple Of Heaven

Temple Visitation Introduction
God writes,
“And the temple of God was opened in heaven, and there was seen in his temple the ark of his testament: and there were lightnings, and voices, and thunderings, and an earthquake, and great hail.”
Revelation 11:19
On Earth, solid objects cast shadows. Likewise, in the spiritual realm, heavenly objects cast shadows into this creation. The temple in the wilderness, Solomon’s temple, and Ezekiel’s temples are all shadows of the greater temple in heaven.
Caught up into heavenly places (2 Corinthians 12:2)
Paul says,
“I knew a man in Christ above fourteen years ago, (whether in the body, I cannot tell; or whether out of the body, I cannot tell: God knoweth;) such an one caught up to the third heaven.”
Throughout biblical history, God gave many heavenly revelations to His servants. Recently, in a similar manner, Michael and Esther, though physically half way around the world, connected through technology sharing a profound spiritual experience. How would Paul describe this modern-day technology it is hard to know, but He might not find it as strange as we may think. Keep in mind Paul’s personal history of being stoned and raised from the dead, and being caught up into the third heaven.
Write the vision (Habakkuk 2:2)
Michael and Esther are spiritual connections, bound together by the Divine Love of their Savior, Jesus Christ. After a discussion concerning the boundlessness of His Spirit: how He can heal and deliver; love and comfort; and how God is not constrained by the thoughts or rules of man; they decided this was the day for their great experiment. Asking the Holy Spirit to lead and guide and show them whatever He pleased with no constraints or questions, they stepped out. This sounds like the opening prayer of any church service around the world on Sunday morning, but they were unprepared for the answer that came.
Caught up into realms above (Revelation 1:10)
(Michael Narrates throughout the following account)
To begin with, we were both in Spirit, in the clouds, in another place. Esther stood beside me, but her form was different, almost transparent. We were still separate people but merged when we touched. It felt like we were more the essence of ourselves than anything else. However, the only thing solid about us was what defined us as individuals.
Michael, looking to Esther said, “So where are we, what do you see?” She said, “I see lights.” After a moment Michael observed, “I see clouds and a horizon.” “I don’t feel we are on the ground though, and you don’t look the same either.” Esther, looking around, remarked, “There are lights floating and bustling around us, one seems to be observing us in an inquisitive way.”
The Father of lights (James 1:17)
Esther, I urged, “reach out to it, see how it reacts.” Esther, “Seems odd, we are like “us” but not in human form and these lights, these shapes seem similar.” Looking at the lights Michael mused, “I wonder why they are so indistinct?”
One of the lights took hold of Esther’s hand and Michael said, “come here, a bit closer to me. let it take hold of you.”
(At that time, Michael started listening to, Walk With Me by Kim Walker)
When the spiritual being took hold of Esther she said, “I felt something physically shoot down through me and my stomach almost like it would have lifted me up if I didn’t have a body.” Michael said, “it affected your spirit, must be angelic.” Esther wrote, “It is heavenly and all these lights must be inhabitants here, they seem gentle and friendly” Continuing, Esther said, “this may sound odd, but they seem like those aliens on the movie “cocoon” I agreed, “yes, they do not seem very solid, perhaps we just can’t see that well in the spirit yet.”
A different kind of sight (2 Kings 6:17)
Seeing in the Spirit is like peripheral vision but in a spiritual sense. For me, anyway, I see with my spiritual eyes which this other indistinct body has, but even then, it is difficult to get accustomed to. Spiritual sight resembles being in two places at once. The physical fades as the spiritual realm becomes more present than earthly reality.
Talking with Esther again, I noted, “I am trying to look at you. It is you but not you, it is like the essence of you.” Continuing, “I wonder if we can move from here, I would like to go down there” Esther, “I think the spirit light wants us to go with it.” Michael, “Let’s go, I’m curious.” “It is like a picture changing, I feel the atmosphere changing,” Esther said as they began moving in the Spirit.
The temple of heaven (Revelation 11:19)
Sensing movement we seemed to speed upwards. We had no idea where we were going either. Before us, like huge wings, a doorway in heaven swung wide as we both entered through. Looking, steps seemed to materialize and become solid. Though difficult to see at first, what caught my eye was all the greenery that materialized around us.
“Father, show us the way,” Michael said quietly.
It seemed like we were in the temple of heaven. The shocking thing about it (oddly enough) was that there was so much vegetation. On Earth, recreations of the different temples of Israel always seemed bare and austere. However, lush greenery seemed to be the norm everywhere.
A light unto my path (Psalm 119:105)
Once the temple steps appeared, our vision darkened as everything became more concrete around us. It was as if our vision became less as things became more distinct. My comment was, “this out of body stuff seems weird and familiar at the same time. Esther, I want to touch you but I can’t really. However, I feel very close to you. Let’s go and see where this guide is leading us.”
Esther said, “I am hearing the words,
It is nothing but our fear and uncertainty that creates the darkness. We already hold the lantern. We have a light within us brighter than any light, to light the way.”
Praying in the Spirit (Ephesians 6:18)
Esther said, just then, that her breathing and stomach started going crazy on earth. Shortly before she mentioned that, I felt to reach out and touch Esther in the spirit. When I did, my hand seemed to melt right into her. I held her womb, then her heart, then her brain. As her body reacted I said, “Allow the Spirit to take you, I was just touching you now.” Esther exclaimed, “The lights are flashing like crazy now.”
(At that moment Esther was listening to, His Banner Over Me by Jeremy Riddle)
Looking around I felt like we stood on the porch of the temple of heaven. White columns, very tall, rose majestically before us on either side. The greenery of the place still impressed me as I wondered aloud if the lights, the indistinct beings we saw were, in fact, Seraphim. Also, the whole place vibrated in a low, constant way, with power.
Entering into the Holy of Holies (Revelation 11:19)
Esther said,
“Yes, gosh yes, I see that, I see another doorway, columns either side, into a room….it is just huge bright light…however there is a sharper smaller round light in the center even brighter than this bright light.”
“I think we should go in.” I replied. “Wow, everything here is like, better than real.”
Esther said,
“This is mental, but I don’t want to think …my left hand is shaking, is that the one you’re holding?”
I gasped,
“Wow, I think this is the holy of holies of the temple in heaven. The reality of what each of the earthly temples pictured.”
Esther said,
“I was listening to “take me in” by Kutless before we began to talk today.”
I commented, “I am pretty sure these are Seraphim. Everything vibrates, like the temple is alive with power.”
(Esther listening to, Take Me In (To The Holy of Holies by Kutless)
Esther said,
“I am moving like in a vibration or motion”
I said in a hushed voice,
“Don’t worry what your natural body does.” Then I said, ” I want to bow. I can’t hardly look at the fire enfolding itself. The four cherubim, the wheels full of eyes, they’re huge!”
“And the rainbow!” I said breathlessly.
“It’s OK” Esther said seemingly calm.
I said, “Father we come before You by the blood of your son, Jesus. We are here by Your grace.”
The four Living Creatures (Ezekiel 1:4-28)
Looking around I said,
“This place is huge! I did not know it was so big! The fire of creation enfolding itself. I know the creatures have four faces but it feels like they are just one face with four sides. No wonder God is high and lifted up. It is because He sits on top of these beings. Their wings are down right now but I can see hands underneath.”
Esther said calmly,
“The earth will know when those wings raise up.”
In wonderment I said,
“This whole temple radiates life and pulses.”
“Yeah, like being in a heart” Esther whispered
“I know that God sits on top but I can’t see Him”
“It is ok, be still” Esther suggested.
“Ow, my head hurts all of a sudden,” I said.
“Restoration,” Esther said quietly.
“This is majestic, we are in the throne room of God” I reflected.
(Esther listened to Hosanna by Hillsong)
My head feels funny (2 Chronicles 5:14)
I said to Esther, “My head feels funny, a bit dizzy.”
Esther mused, “restoration, acclimatizing. Feels like, I don’t know… almost like I’m in a trance, or state of just being, peaceful but beyond peace and love…like just being in this atmosphere alone, the vicinity of God’s glow and essence, is doing this.”
“Grace is warm, who knew?” I said.
“I have pain in my head now, forehead behind my eyes,” Esther said.
I continued,
“Me too, like my head is held in the spirit somehow. I just held your womb, then your heart, then your brain. I just felt to do it back then. Laid hands on you in the Spirit, so to speak.
I can feel the Spirit here in the natural as well as in the Spirit.
I want to touch one of the wheels. I hope it is ok. I feel I want to anyway.”
Wheels within wheels (Ezekiel 1:16-21)
I went over and laid my hands on one of the wheels. It was cool to the touch. They consisted of material that looked bluish. The wheels are massive, at least a story tall. By revelation, I realized at that moment, that these wheels within wheels, giant gyroscopes so to speak, not only steadied the chariot of God but also the whole universe. They are rock steady, therefore everything in the cosmos is set and steady too. Keeps everything on track. These are why the sun comes up in the morning each day like clockwork. They regulate everything. Time, matter, space, all exist in unchangeable order because of these wheels.
The wings of the cherubim are full of eyes too. They carry God throughout the whole Earth and Heavens. There is nothing unseen. I saw their feet, hooves like brass or something. They can go anywhere!
Wings of wisdom (Ezekiel 10:12)
“I want to touch one of their wings,” I said. “but I don’t think I will, I don’t want to disturb them.” “Why?” Esther answered, “Are you being told not to?” “No, it is not that,” I replied, ” I don’t know if I want to disturb these things. Don’t know what they will do. Right now they aren’t looking at us”
Esther continued,
“You touched a wheel already. We were invited in, we only went where invited and beckoned.”
“OK, I will touch one feather lightly.” As I moved closer, “looks like a feather, but doesn’t feel like made of feather stuff.”
Esther complete my thought,
“They are soft and firm at same time. like nothing I’ve felt before. I don’t think it exists on Earth.”
(In the spirit, though we were distinct people, there seemed to be no separation between us. Kind of like when your mind thinks a thought and your body moves the way you want, there is no sense of you being different from your body. That is what being one in the Spirit feels like with another person.)
The light of creation, a fire enfolding itself (Ezekiel 1:4)
“The four living creatures hold up the throne of God without effort. They contain the fire of creation. Like they are the pillars of creation. Amazing, I can’t look at it, it is so bright. They hold the power of God. This is what will melt the elements of this universe with a fervent heat! One day, when God is done with this creation they will release this light of creation and everything will burn up in an instant. ” I say as revelation floods my consciousness.
Esther refrains,
“The earth will know when the wings lift up and this creation will be no more.”
(Esther continues to listen to Revelation Song by Kim Walker)
“We are almost like a ghost spirit here” Esther commented, “Yes”, I said, “it is like I could sit right inside of you if I wanted to.”
“Wait,” Esther said in a low voice, “He knows we are here…I feel something is approaching.”
“Wow, what do I do?,” I exclaim!
“You’re panicking, slow down, be calm,” Esther says soothingly.
“I am just going to lay with my face to the ground,” I say.
(The lights around us are still indistinct and Esther comments that she thinks they aren’t meant to take shape. I say my head is beginning to hurt again. I am dizzy and my forehead burns.)
Facedown I speak
“Father, why are we here? How can I serve you, what truth do you want to show us?”
God speaks (Ezekiel 39:8)
God says,
“I have brought you here to say, “that I am the Lord thy God. Creator of Heaven and Earth. My power is infinite, My sight is clear. I have sent you to speak to my people.”
“But Father, they do not hear.”
God continues,
“They will hear My son. For I will open their eyes and give them ears to hear.”
“What about Esther? Why are we here together?”
Our Father says,
“She is part of you my son. I have joined you together for My purposes and for My people.”
My power is complete. You have seen the light of creation between My cherubim. There is nothing I cannot do or accomplish.”
I say, still face down,
“Ok Father, whatever you want we will do. Thank you for bringing us here. Thank you for everything. You are worthy.”
God says,
“Write what I say.”
Esther says in a whisper,
“He is reaching out to touch you, to bless you, to fill you with an impartation of His wisdom.
I mumble under my breath,
“Have mercy Father, I am a man of unclean lips. There is no good thing in me.”
Esther comments,
“Pray… as I am in Him, He is in me, and we are one with God divine. I only ask a willing heart.”
Still face down I continue to whisper,
“You alone are worthy Father. I will do as you ask. I am happy to do your will.”
Esther continues,
“Were the people in the Bible perfect that God gave tasks?”
Oneness (John 17:22)
Esther emotes, “I feel so mixed with God right now, like no outline as to who is who. Oneness. I in He as He is in me, totally get that now.”
I respond,
“There are no barriers. I think this is about all I can handle unless God wants to do something else. Feel like I am going to explode in the Spirit. The power of this place and His presence is getting to me.”
Esther magnifies our Lord when she says,
“OK, if you want to go, God is good. Thank You for bringing us here Father, drawing us here, leading us here…You’re beautiful, beyond all things. Your face beyond all beauties. Your grace has abounded and our love for You is beyond measure.”
Getting to my knees I say,
“Yes Father, Thank you. I will do as You have said. You are all that you have said and much more. Praise your name, Jesus. Thank you, thank you.”
Thus ended this experience of being in the Holy of Holies in the temple of heaven.
Dear all,
When God does something unusual in our lives, I believe that we should allow His glory to be revealed to others. In truth, cutting edge revelations and experiences is where God works strongest. In these wonderful moments, as our Father unveils Himself to us, we come to understand, through experience, more of Him.
In my life, I am allowing God to help me accurately reflect what He does so that others may be encouraged. There is a tendency to think, “People we never understand.” However, what my Father has made me realize is that He has prepared a people to Hear His word. The mere fact that God is speaking these things through me means that He has already prepared hearts and minds to receive them.
What people want most is simply to be near God. Everyone wants personal one on one time with their Creator. In my writings I have done a lot of foundation work. Moreover, I have gone to some lengths to explain the wherefore and whys of the Tabernacle Experience. While foundation work is necessary building the actual structure is where much of the fun begins.
With God’s help, I am beginning to build upon the Tabernacle foundation. My recent essays about spiritual connections, holy intimacy and consummation, and the spiritual experience of the temple of heaven, are the result.
Our Bridegroom has a lot in store for us!
God bless,
Wow – that’s a beautiful experience – thanks for sharing it Michael and Esther!
It struck me because I have had several experiences similar – though definitely not as deep in spiritual places – like I am far on the outskirts of where you guys probably were. And though my connection and I have not discussed the experiences, I KNOW he was there with me. We didn’t communicate with verbal words, but so much of what I felt was exactly as you described:
“To begin with, we were both in Spirit, in the clouds, in another place. . . . . We were still separate people but merged when we touched”
(but for me the merging came from and went to the center of each of our chests)
“. . . . It felt like we were more the essence of ourselves than anything else. However, the only thing solid about us was what defined us as individuals.”
And this explanation says it perfectly:
“(In the spirit, though we were distinct people, there seemed to be no separation between us. Kind of like when your mind thinks a thought and your body moves the way you want, there is no sense of you being different from your body. That is what being one in the Spirit feels like with another person.)”
And. . .
“I am trying to look at you. It is you but not you, it is like the essence of you.”
Also, at times, I also felt the same things you mentioned in my head:
“My head feels funny, a bit dizzy”
(this happens almost every time we go that “deep”) and
“I have pain in my head now, forehead behind my eyes”
– that’s EXACTLY where my head hurt on one occasion that was so deep I had to retract. . . .
AND – I get that same sensation in my head, but not really painful, frequently when I sense my connection and he is “focused” on me or God. . .God has told me this feeling signifies that He is speaking to us simultaneously and I am to pray that we would listen and hear. . .
And His words to you:
“I have joined you together for My purposes”
are WORD FOR WORD what He has told me over and over and over for the last 5 years.
Such beautiful confirmation! – and Michael, your transparency and humility before God is such a blessing – glad Esther is with you to keep you encouraged and up 🙂
Question for you two:
Do you believe that if you weren’t able to communicate verbally, you would still know that you were in the Spirit together – that it would happen at the same time and you each would know it?
That was actually the question I was searching for an answer for when I “stumbled” upon your website.
My connection and I are in a season where we have decided (by God’s direction) to submit ourselves to an authority who wants us to have only “monitored” conversations with each other. God has assured me that this is for a season, and we will soon have freedom to have free and open conversations about the connection. But currently, since others are “listening” and don’t “get our connection” our conversations are limited to me telling him when I am feeling what he is feeling, and confirming that with him every few days. This keeps him aware that the connection is strong and alive (like its ever gonna die!), but we aren’t very open about things like our love for each other or “spiritual experiences” with each other right now. But I am convinced he feels them, I just can’t really get confirmation from him right now. . .
So I’m wondering – Have you been able to experience these things without communicating at the time and then later confirm that you both experienced them at the same time? (hope that question makes sense to you)
Thanks for taking the time to answer – you guys are an inspiration, and I have been pointing to your connection as I ask God for something like that for mine 🙂
Hi CL,
Lovely comment!
We know when each other is feeling a certain thing, or sometimes a word of knowledge for each other. I think though, the way you describe your connection is ever deeper in some areas than we have gone, perhaps because of your limited contact. Most of our connecting happens when we are communicating. However, like today, Esther spoke to me precisely at the time when I was under demonic attack to encourage me. She said she felt to get in touch with me at that particular moment.
Another thing that happens quite frequently is that we have the same thoughts. Like today, I wrote something on a particular forum which I didn’t tell her and then she shared the same revelation, almost word for word, that I just wrote. So, more than a knowing or talking with Esther, it is a synchronization that is going on, even over great distances. Almost like we are one person with one spirit sharing the same thoughts, emotions, and desires.
I am experimenting more and more with saying things just as they are. I think the final feast has been a springboard for this type of Spirit-led vulnerability in that I could write exactly what God says. However, now I am feeling to start doing that in the natural world. Thus, instead of going through all the usual steps when I talk to someone, if my spirit wants to say it, I say it.
Literally, from almost the very beginning, Esther and I knew each other in the Spirit, however, in our natural minds we wanted to be so proper and treat the holy love God put between us with the utmost respect. What I now know is that we both felt exactly the same about each other from the very beginning, and if we would have had faith, we could have connected much sooner. Hindsight, even in the Spirit, is 20/20 and I doubt if we would have been able to handle this much intensity of love without the in-between steps and deliverances taken along the way.
There are many administrations of the gift of Divine Love, but one Spirit. I think that you are experiencing some very wonderful and deep things with your connection. You love him so deeply, by and with the blessing of God, your own spirit is merging with Him. You are essential become one to such an extent that you hear him and he hears you. You even feel him as if it were your own body, which, oddly enough, it kind of the case. And, I think you are forerunners of the unity of the Spirt in the bonds of love within the Body of Christ.
This blurs the lines of intimacy a bit too much for many. They have been taught all their lives that certain barriers between people exist, mostly for their protection. Yet, when we experience God’s Divine Love for one another, a peace settles upon us as we easily flow into each other as God desires. The truth is we can’t help it and frankly neither do we want to help it.
The question then becomes, do any lines exist any longer in the Spirit? I say that there is only one line and that is the boundary that the Holy Spirit sets in each individual situation at the time He sets it. Therefore, what is allowable for you may not be allowable to for me and vice versa. However, what we do know is that no matter what God has us do or not do, the core of it will be agape love.
Big hugs,
Dear CL,
One more thing. I think that if we are kept from one another in any way when we are really connected, we will meet in the Spirit and be together there. I am talking on this earth as it is in heaven.
Yes. Wow. Wow.
So encouraging. . .I am reading and rereading this. . .
I can relate to what you said about you and Esther knowing each other in the Spirit first – my connection and I had that as well – even stronger for him than me at first (his discernment gift is MUCH stronger than mine, and he “got this” between us before I did – even though neither of us had ANY CLUE what was happening).
If we had been totally honest about how we felt and what we KNEW was happening in the Spirit. . . but like you, we didn’t speak of the deep things much, because we wanted to and still want to be sure we are “treating the holy love God put between us with the utmost respect.” – and it was difficult enough with all the spiritual attack and oppression as it was. . .
Some of your words above (again!) are verbatim repeats of what God has spoken to me – ‘I can hear him and he can hear me’ and “forerunners” in the Unity of the Spirit He wants to work throughout His body; He also often uses the word “Pioneers”. . .and that describes it perfectly. We have been walking through a wilderness – God’s Spirit leading, . .and He has been so gracious to let me find this “oasis” in your website – to sit down and rest and be SOO encouraged and over and over and over confirming and reiterating things to me. . .He is so faithful and so good. . .
Your last paragraph, too, as well as what you shared in the longer portion above, is such an encouragement of something God has been trying to let me grab hold of by faith.
I fought and fought the breakdown of communication between me and my connection for a long time, even after God told me that He wanted me to submit to it, because He wanted my connection and I to communicate through the Spirit. In fact, I asked my connection when the “blockages” to communication started, “Do you feel like we’re supposed to be able to communicate through the Spirit?” And he, very matter-of-factly, said, “Yes, I do.” God has been trying to teach me that that is what He is accomplishing, but without getting much feedback from my connection about it, I have to compare the experiences with those in the past that we WERE able to communicate about and confirm them that way.
But now the “connections in the Spirit” are getting so much deeper and richer and its like I can hear his soul. . and God shows me things deep in his soul – regarding his feelings and where he is at in his walk with God. . .but it’s newer and deeper than it was when we were able able to talk about things, so I have nothing to compare them to for confirmation. But I believe what you said in that last paragraph – we are meeting in the Spirit.
Because, as I reflect on the process of this “limited communication” we have had – God has actually led it, not people. He just had to use people to “enforce” it, because I was not as yielded as I should have been. “We needed to communicate” was all I knew – and God was saying “Yes! Let me show you the deepest way to do that!”
And I do thank you for speaking what you hear from Him. Your and Esther’s conversation above with God actually made me kind of sad – for you guys and for Christ. . .sharing things like you do is too rare in the kingdom. And if you hadn’t done it here, God could not have used you guys and your experiences and your words to confirm and encourage me. . .
Thank you. Very much.
Much blessings. . .
Dear CL,
Thank you for sharing your experience with us and so many others. I am reminded of the scripture which states “in the mouth of two or three witness let every word be established”. What I appreciate about your testimony is that it is bearing witness to what God is doing through spiritual connections in the Body of Christ. By the word of our testimony others can have greater confidence in their own experiences of holy intimacy.
Our testimonies also demonstrate that there is a central experience which God is bringing to His people. While it is a vast and largely uncharted land and our experiences of it vary according to the part we have explored, the overall report we give is that it is a land flowing with milk and honey. The mere fact that our experiences are so similar is so many ways, testifies that we have been to basically the same places in the Spirit. I think it is incredibly valuable to share these things with the Body of Christ.
Spiritual connections within the Body of Christ is a way forward in these last days. You and your connection are basically being throttled by those around you, forcing you to learn to communicate in the Spirit. I think it is interesting that the challenges you face are not stopping your spiritual connection, but only making it deeper and stronger. How kewl is that?
What we are experiencing is a foretaste of the world to come. We are acting now as we do in the New Heavens and New Earth. In that place we know as we are known and that applies not only to God but to each other. Moreover, we travel by translation, never really separate or apart from our Divine Mate. We discern the Lord’s body just like it is our own, therefore no one is every alone or unloved, but divinely embraces and covered by God’s love. The Intimacy which flows between us is the First Love of Eden restored. Leaving the knowledge of good and evil, we operate in the Spirit once again. In view of what God is doing between us and our connections, the phrase “fitly joined together” takes on a whole new dimension both in and out of the Spirit.
So many are concerned about the manifestation of Divine Love rather than the basis for it. Physical affection, such as a divine hug, kiss, or more, is only done as the Spirit leads. God simple does not sin and those who are lead of His Spirit don’t sin either. As you testified, when you hug your connection deep healings occur simply because the Shekinah glory manifests into you as your spirits touch each other. This type of behavior does not need to be regulated but rather encourage and celebrated. It is incredibly special to be joined one to another in God and it is in fact the very reason for creation.
Jesus was always the son of God, but for 30 years the Lamb walked among us relatively unknown. However, there care a time when God brought Him forth and declared “This is My beloved son in whom I am well pleased”. I feel that this time has come for spiritual connections to step up and stand out too. It is time that we set our light on a hill for all to see, shining the revelation of God’s love to the world. Though some may object to what God is doing, we cannot stay in Egypt because some refuse to acknowledge God is calling us to leave it.
I commend you for shining your light through your testimony here at the final feast. Every revival, no matter how far reaching, begins with a few courageous acts of faith. Sharing your experiences is really such an act of faith and, if I dare say it, is tantamount to nailing our own 95 theses to the public forum. We don’t know what will happen yet, but with God all things are possible and I believe something wonderful has begun.
Big hugs and lots of love,
Thank you, Michael, that is very well said….
I don’t have all the revelations God has given you about the “Tabernacles Blessing” – I don’t have a whole lot of revelation about the purposes of my own connection, either (I think that may be because my connection is supposed to lead it, and he’s coming out of a difficult place with it now)… but it has always seemed to me kind of odd that God has started this spiritual connections thing with me as the experience first, and then is growing understanding as time goes on….
But I am realizing that my mind and heart are often resistant to obedience and keep me from opening up fully to what God leads (like you talk about in your essay from Feb 16).
I do know, though, that in the manifestation of my spiritual connection, the ways God has proved to us and those around us that He has indeed connected us has been the experience itself; with the primary confirmation point being that we can feel each other’s feelings. I thought for a long time that this aspect of it (feeling each other’s feelings) was the point of it – the focus of it – primarily for intercession. But I am now learning that this part of the connection, while definitely a POWERFUL tool for effective intercession, is really just EVIDENCE that God has and is doing something between my connection and me.
This “evidence” (being able to feel each other’s feelings) has been tested by those around us, sometimes in an attempt to even “prove us wrong. And when it isn’t proven wrong, sometimes it has even been attributed to the enemy. One person, when questioning me about it asked me who was Lord of it – thinking that if I couldn’t say “ Jesus is Lord” about it, that would prove that it was from the devil. I loudly and strongly confirmed, “JESUS IS LORD OF THIS!! He always has been and always will be! HE did it! We weren’t looking for it – He did it for His purposes!”
And even on the days when I have not been “spiritually minded”, and I don’t speak of it and try not to even think of the connection, (which I am never successful at 😉 ) – even on those days, the constant, 24/7 awareness of my connection’s presence and his feelings is God’s faithful reminder to me that He has done it, and it is very real and always continues. God is so good and so faithful!
I agree with what you are saying about testifying. God reminded me yesterday morning that that is one of the ways listed in Revelation that believers overcame the enemy (Revelation 12:11). After you invited me to continue to share my connection experiences here, God also strongly prompted me to do the same. And while I can’t say that I still understand or “agree with” all your essays here, I am learning a lot about following the Spirit outside my boxes – which are not HIS boxes, like I thought they were.
And I have felt something “open up” spiritually over my entire life and especially in my connection since I have been sharing about my experiences. I have wanted to, for soooo long, share with people who got it and understood it – and also experienced it – so that in and of itself is freeing and delightful and helps me organize my thoughts about it, and like I have said countless times here, CONFIRMS so much to me!
But beyond that, I have seen the spiritual power of testifying and agreeing with you guys about what God has done. With me not being able to verbally communicate much with my connection about it right now, that vital piece has been missing in my life for awhile. I believe more than ever that testifying and agreeing defeats the enemy – and I have sensed that over my life in many ways (*sigh of relief*).
These thoughts about testifying came back to me yesterday afternoon when I saw your note to me about your website snafu that took out all the posts from the last month (thank you so much for that, btw!) – INTERESTING, because over the last month was all my testifying and my dialogue with you about what God had done and was doing. I felt in my spirit it was an attack, and prayed against it. In fact, God woke me up a couple of times in the night last night to pray for protection for you and Esther and your website and your ministry. And I was so happy this morning to see everything was fixed….God is faithful! I think yesterday demonstrates what you and I both know and have experienced: There is something about spiritual connections that terrifies the enemy and He fights against them bitterly.
But greater is He that is in us!! – and even moreso as we join spirit to spirit with our God-given connections. I am grateful for a place we can hold each other up and keep each other “covered” and do whatever it is God wants to do with these divine loves in these last days……(though at this point I really have NO clue what that is! 🙂 )
Praying God richly blesses you, protects you, and gives you deep, real understanding of Truth….
Dear CL,
As always, we really appreciate your comments and insights. What a treat to have you share these things. This is amazing!
It is very interesting that you have stepped out and shared some of these things with close friends and perhaps family. What’s more, when God confirms these things to those around you, sometimes they even call it of Beelzebub!
There is real spiritual power in these types of Divine relationship between believers. Unity brings submission and submission brings God’s kingdom. I think we are headed for a replay of what Jesus went through in the first century as he walked in the spirit in the midst of a very natural minded people.
Like Christ, we just don’t conform to what others considered proper. Connections seem tailor made to offend many who are steeped in religion. However, some like Nicodemus, honestly want to understand how these things can be.
The truth is, we are at war with a fallen Seraph. Lucifer is really beyond what we can imagine and her fury knows no bounds. She hates Divine Mates from the very beginning and wants torture and murder any she finds. Thought that may seem exaggerated, it is not even close to what she really is.
Therefore, if we dare to realize what we are and do what God wants us to do, the attack we face can be really withering. It if were legal to burn us at the stake for being spiritually connected, many would. The demons that are in believers are frightful and we don’t often see them until they meet Divine Mates.
I believe that God wants the whole Body of Christ to be connected spiritually. These spiritual unions have many different administrations to them. However, within this spectrum there are Divine Mates and they are really quite special, literally being manifestations of the seraphim of God’s throne. Therefore, those who are called and paired by God have very specific functions within Christ’s body.
Big blessings,
Thanks for that! Good insight into the spiritual attacks that come against spiritual connections! And power is the one thing that seems to be associated with these connections/mates that terrifies the enemy and causes the onslaught. . .praying we will be protected and strengthened to do the “very specific functions” we are called to and designed for. . .