welcome to elysia

Elysia in our Hearts

The concept of Elysia is not a new one. People have desired to build communities for thousands of years that reflect God’s true love. However, very few if any of these communities have achieved anything close to unity and sustainability. Most, in fact have fallen into ruin and disrepute.

What we have come to understand at Elysia, the flaw in man trying to live Godly, is in partaking of the knowledge of good to do it. Man’s very reason is the fly in the ointment and the doom to all those who try to perfect themselves by their flesh.

The truth is, any truly Spirit led community, must be joined together by the Holy Spirit. God must call the people together and sustain it by listening to His voice. Man is not capable of living holy, only God is capable of living holy through them.

Welcome to Elysia

Thus, in Elysia, we live as we are moved by the Holy Spirit. We listen to God’s voice individually and that is where our unity stems from. There is one God, who has one voice, therefore when we all listen, we hear the same message. Unity stems from who we know, not what we believe.

Our aim is not be build community per se, but rather to become a functioning part of the Body of Christ. When we become one in Him, we become one with each other. Unity is what allows God to flow unhindered and change the world around us.

We invite you to read about the Elysia Project and find out what God is doing among us. Let the Holy Spirit speak to your heart and spirit. If the Spirit says, “come,” then…welcome to Elysia!

Big hugs and lots of love,


The Power Of Your Love by Geoff Bullock