It’s A Revelation
Revelation is the key to everything. I can’t seem to get off of how God meant us to live only through revelation. I keep coming back to this topic because I feel in my spirit that without the illumination of God we are truly blind leaders of the blind.
Who are you in Christ? Do you truly know? What are you to become? What is your purpose here on earth? Why did God create you and give you an immortal soul? These fundamental questions affect all of us. Moreover, I believe the answers to these questions are far more profound than most people realize.
God’s wife
To put it plainly, God created mankind to become His wife. What happened in the Garden of Eden is a picture of a love story played out upon the canvas of creation. Just as Adam realized that, unlike the animals, he had no mate suitable for him, God looked upon all that He had created and found no mate suitable for Him either. As God created Eve to be a helpmate for Adam, God created mankind to be His Queen. This is the mystery of the church and this is the destiny of the Bride of Christ.
However, just as Adam’s wife sinned and ate of the forbidden fruit, mankind partook of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. As Adam’s wife was worthy of death so too God’s bride is also worthy of death.
We have the opportunity to live forever
Adam, in love with Eve, knowingly ate of the forbidden fruit hoping that God would spare them both. Jesus, the last Adam, became sin for all of us, trusting that God would not allow him to see corruption. Through Adam’s sin all men died, but through Christ sacrifice all men have the opportunity to live forever.
Jesus Christ is “God with us”. As Christ speaks, God speaks. When Christ touches you, God touches you. Jesus is the exact representation of our heavenly Father.
God with us
Now we, as the body of Christ, are “God with us” in the earth. Though many of us are not there yet, there will come a day that when we speak it is God speaking. There will come a time that when we touch someone it will be as if God touches them. God heals all through who come to us physically and spiritually. As the manifested sons of God and Christ, Christ walks the earth once again and we become YHWH saves.
So who are you? You are God manifest in the flesh to the degree that you yield to His Spirit. You are part of the last Adam, a life-giving spirit. This is your destiny.
Glory to God!!! I know who I am
Dear Betty,
Run with it and let God be seen in you.