
It’s All About The Cheese

There is a book by the name of “Who Moved My Cheese” by Dr. Spencer Johnson, which is a parable about the human resistance to change even in the face of persistent ineffectiveness of their actions.  This book uses the example of how rats can find a piece of cheese even in a complex maze.  The book further states that time after time rats will go to the exact place where they found the cheese previously.  However, if the cheese is no longer where it was,  after a few times, the rats will look elsewhere. This small book is an object lesson of how people also need to consider changing their methods if what they are doing time and time again fails to produce the desired results.  Here is a truth,

“What most concerns a rat it is not where the cheese was but where the cheese is”

For the rodent the object is cheese and it will modify its behavior to obtain the object of its desire if circumstances alter the location of the food.  Likewise, for a Christian believer, the object of their desire is God.  Like the noble rat, if we look in the same place time and time again yet we do not find God,  we need to look elsewhere.  Here is another truth,

“For the Christian, it is not where God was that is most important, but  where God is”

God, like the cheese, may not always be in the same place.  Even though your belief system may say that God must be where you last found Him, if he is not, you must find out where He is. 

Doctrine is not God

Doctrine, or principles derived from the Bible, are simply a road map to God.  As our relationship grows our understanding of Him changes.  Paul says,

When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things. For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known.”

1 Corinthians 13:11,12

As a child, we believe that baby brother comes from momma’s tummy.  As we mature we find out that there is a lot more to the miracle of birth than we once thought.  With time and perspective, concepts of God that were once beyond us are now easy to understand.

To be where God is, you must go where He is at

Just as God led His people in the Wilderness of Sin, God Leads His people today.  Our life with God is a journey and we must move when He moves and stay when He stays.  If we fall behind, we can lose sight of where our Father is.  Some people who camp at a certain place, fail to notice when God moves and, knowing God was once there, stay put even though God is absent.

During the 1800s, people used to find salvation through weeks and sometimes months of intense prayer and soul-searching.  Yet at the turn of the 19th century, people could find the same salvation experience without much effort.  However, now God was not in the salvation experience in such power, but rather had moved on to the Baptism of the Holy Spirit.  

Those who continued to seek God at the salvation experience found that there was less and less power there.  Conversely, those who moved on to the Holy Spirit Baptism experience found more and more of God’s presence.  Today, God has left the Pentecostal Baptism experience and is waiting for us at the Tabernacle experience.   The Tabernacles experience is oneness with God. Here is a truth,

“The cheese used to be at the salvation experience but it moved.

The cheese used to be at the Holy Spirit baptism experience but it moved.

The Tabernacle experience is where the cheese is now.” 

Who moved my cheese?  God did.

The problem with dogma is that it never realizes, nor admits when the cheese is gone.  Dogma demands that the cheese must be in exactly the same place even when it’s missing.  Moreover, when people are hungry for more of God and they want to go searching elsewhere, dogma prevents them.  Eventually, all you get with dogma is spiritual starvation.  Nowadays, a great deal of the church is merely a shell of what used to be there, containing no cheese at all. 

In conclusion, if the cheese you are looking for is not where it once was, then you should consider looking for it somewhere else.

Who Moved My Cheese