Do You Feel Tired?
The reason many ministers burn out, or become exhausted while they are performing the ministry, is because they do not trust the Holy Spirit to run their churches. I am not trying to be harsh with you but rather help you to see the light at the end of the tunnel.
God has given us a Comforter to lead and guide us into all truth. However, many ministers fear to allow that comforter to lead and guide their flock. Therefore, they preach and teach precepts and principles seeking to keep their flock safe. Unfortunately, this has the effect of making their flock dependent upon them for everything because they naturally seek out the law-giver any time they have a question, concern, or problem. Thus, all the weight of their people comes upon their shoulders.
It’s because your doing too much
Ministers, because they have the heart of God for their people, willingly shoulder this added responsibility often to their detriment. It simply wears them out and is even dangerous for their health. Also, being the de facto one that the whole congregation seeks out makes them the “go to” person instead of God. This causes the sheep to be weak and to not know their Father’s voice because they are so busy listening to and seeking out yours.
The solution to this problem is to do your best to teach your people to hear God’s voice for themselves. Like John the Baptist, preach yourself out of a job. As you mature your people and lead them into relying upon the Holy Spirit instead of you they will grow up and not need you to over commit to them anymore. This will have the effect of making God the center of their lives and not you. If you do this then the burden that you carry will truly be as the scriptures say,
It’s time to enter into God’s rest
“Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls.”
Matthew 11:28,29