God says,
“My sacrifice, O God, is a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart you, God, will not despise.”
Psalms 51:17
I want to share about what I am learning about humility. It seems that God believes that there is no end to the lessons I need to learn about this topic. Of course, He’s right, but it is long and tough road.
First, I have learned that being “right” is highly over rated. At least it has been in my life. Often times, when I win the war, I lose the battle. Those who want to be right-er around me, crumble and feel so badly when I prove my point, my empty victory feels terrible. If I humble myself and let others be “right,” many times the battle is over before it begins.
There is always a hurting person inside
Another lesson in humility for me is the realization that I can look beyond how those around me are acting and see the hurting person inside. Just as if you saw a stranger trip and take a fall, you rush to their aid. Whether or not they are responsible for their fall is beside the point at that moment, all that matters is helping them. Sometimes (well most of the time with me) when someone falls emotionally , it is time to help them up.
When people have strong opinions around you, ones that they are seemingly willing to sacrifice anything to hold on to – let them. The old saying of “a man convinced against his will is of the same opinion still, ” rings loud and clear during arguments. Preserve relationship when you know that there is little possibility of making your point. Live to make it another day.
We need each other
Right now, the devil goes about like a roaring lion seeing whom she may devour. This is true for whole families as well as for individuals. In the sunset of this age, we are facing some of the most momentous events in history and we need each other intact. Soon, persecution and need will make every relationship we have in our Lord precious. Every person who names Jesus as their savior, and even many that don’t, will be our only means of survival. If we allow the enemy of our souls to separate us, we all fail.
Love this! So important – and so humbling of you to share the ways God is teaching you, even the uncomfortable ones! God bless you for all you do. . .