God says,

“And the Lord answered me, and said, Write the vision, and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it.”

Habakkuk 2:2

It is important to write the vision.  Spiritual movements reveal themselves through an underpinning theology, a foundation upon which everything is built.  Most of the time, this foundation is some restored understanding such as “the just shall live by faith”.   Embracing revelation ignites a new generation to push back the darkness by reason of their light.

God says,

“And God said, Let there be light: and there was light”

Genesis 1:3

Therefore, here is a truth,

“In order to create we must first articulate.”

In other words, a vision must first be spoken before it can be realized.  Thus, apostles and prophets speak those things that are in the mind of God.  We must also dare to speak the mind of Christ so that those who hear it may catch our heavenly vision.

A Body of Christ united through divine love

I speak such a vision to you, a vision of a united body of Christ. A body of believers functioning knit together by Divine Love.  It is a vision that I could never accomplish in a thousand life times, but which could be realized in a few months through God’s people working together as one.

Articulate the vision

Apostolic leaders articulate the Tabernacle vision so that it is understood by those reading it.  Seers assist  brethren to understand the true import of the final feast.  The Holy Spirit reveals His will to us as we write it.

There are many in the generation who are seeking a vision.  People ask themselves “Is this all there is?” or “Isn’t there anything more?”   God’s sheep wander a parched spiritual landscape, absolutely believing there must be water somewhere.   These modern-day Abrahams believe that, if they persist long enough, they will find the rivers of living water Jesus spoke about.

We must be willing to change our position

If God is not present where you are,  change your position.  If God’s presence is lacking,  go to where He is.  Our Father has moved on from the feast of Pentecost and now broods over the Feast of Tabernacles.  YHWH desires to emphasize the final feast in order to move His people towards perfection. I write large so that those with spiritual eyes may see the vision and run with it.

For the work of the ministry

In conclusion, it is the body of Christ that must do the work of the ministry.  The work of God needs many members to accomplish His will.  The vision is simply too large for any one person to do it.  Ask yourself , “what part can I play is this heavenly vision?”

Actions speak louder than words

If we know the vision, but do nothing, then all this is mere talk.  I encourage you to pick up whatever part God impresses upon your heart to play and do it.  Speak it, if nothing else, so that others may hear and run with it.  It is a collective effort of the Body of Christ that will bring about the Tabernacle Experience.  Let us be faithful to do our parts so that Christ might walk this Earth in us once again.

Seasons Change by Michael Ketterer