All scripture given by inspiration of God, that is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, first comes through experience. Moreover, holy men of God spoke as they were moved by the Holy Ghost.
In order for doctrine to be valid, it must be based on an encounter with God. Furthermore, until you have those experiences, teaching about them does little good except to indicate they are possible for those who seek them.
Our Bible is not a substitute for experience. Scripture is what comes after having experience. Therefore, without the experience, teaching is of limited value. In fact, the more you teach people about God, who they have not met Him, the more harm you do.
The only time this is not true, is in sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ and baptisms. Through preaching that these are available and are the will of God, those who seek them do receive salvation and blessings. Beyond those things, everything else can be taught by the Holy Spirit through direct interaction with Him.