Help With Editing And Proof Reading
There is a lot to Final Feast and our editors and proof readers do a fabulous job of making it look good! We are giving a shout out to Steven, Rachael, and Christi for helping proof read individual essays.
We appreciate everyone who read our writings. Did you find an error while reading the final feast? Report it to us and we will correct it! We re-read these essays from time to time and notice different things that need fixing. However, we still miss things. If you find an error (s) and would like to share them with us it will be very much appreciated. Thank you in advance!
If you are good at editing English grammar, punctuation, and/ or would like to proof read our articles, please contact us. We want to give our readers the best experience possible. To do so we must communicate our message of “Listen, Hear, and Obey on Time” clearly and concisely.
Would you like to translate the final feast?

Also, if you would like to help translate these essays into your native language that would help others a lot. Many could benefit from hearing these Tabernacle messages in their own language. If you are reading the final feast chances are others from your country are too. Simply translating some of these writings could spark a revival! If you are a native speaker and have the necessary skills to translate English into your language please contact us.
Here at the Tabernacles movement, our plan is to become a central resource for those who desire to understand Divine Love. When this tidal wave of Divine Love hits, many people will be looking for answers. To that end we are digging deep and laying a firm foundation which others can learn from and disseminate. Editing takes time and is a job for many hands. I encourage you to step out and take up your part in this Spirit led effort to restore the final feast.
God bless,
Michael King
Dear Connections,
I just wanted to give a “shout out” to Steven who is helping to proof read essays on The Final Feast website. It takes a lot of time and attention to catch all the little word errors and punctuation mistakes, but wow, does he have an eye for detail!
We deeply appreciate your efforts Steven and it is really making a difference in the quality of the experience for those who visit.
Hugs and God bless!
Dear Michael,
It’s always a pleasure,
Love in Christ Jesus,
Great shout out! Admin support very much a blessing!
God bless you as you walk with Him.