God is good
We’ve all heard the saying, “God is good all the time.” Sometimes, we say it without much thought, just acknowledging His nature, but the fact is that turn of phrase is a profound statement and, in fact, a revelation.
God says,
“ God saw all that he had made, and it was very good. And there was evening, and there was morning—the sixth day.”
Genesis 1:31 (NIV)
The truth is, what our creator made was very good, better than we can even imagine in our day and age. Mankind began from a place of privilege and honor, having been made in His image and likeness. The earth was pristine, and all God’s creatures lived in harmony.
Furthermore, the original intent of God was for His children to be connected to Him and each other in a way that we can hardly fathom. His Spirit was to be united with our spirits, which then ruled our souls and bodies. When we looked at each other, we literally saw God looking back. We had access to, and yielded to, His mind and lived in complete harmony without care or worry about tomorrow for we were the children of God. This is where we began and this is where we will end up, by the grace of God and through the sacrifice of His Son, Jesus Christ.
When it is dark, you need light
Strong revelation is simply the light of God shining upon our minds so that we understand what He already knows. It is seeing things as they truly are, in high relief, so that we are not confused. Contrary to what the world demands we believe, we did not evolve into what we are now, we devolved downward into our present state. Perfection was our birthright, but through sin, we drifted away from Eden and sank down into a morass of natural-minded confusion. Gradually, we became little more than shadows of our former glory, forgot who we were, and began to subsist in caves, becoming merely intelligent animals, devoid of the divine nature we once possessed.
What I have just written is truth, and you know it, feel it, and sense it. This is because we do remember. Somewhere deep inside all of us is the innate knowledge of what we were, and an ember of that greatness still burns in us. This is why we all like green grass, flowing streams, and waterfalls, have a mania for gates (even if they have no purpose), and possess a desire to fly to the stars, even though we know there is nothing out there. We remember what we were made to be, and we long to become it again.
Getting inspiration the wrong way
In the creative arts – music, art, media, or anything else that requires inspiration – we find a lot of sexual sin. It is a cliche that rock stars are promiscuous, directors have casting couches, artists have lovely muses. Why is this? Is it just power and lust, or is there some deeper reason that leads people into all manner of perversion?
The fact is, that though there is a large amount of lust going on in these situations, these artists use these fleeting connections to access inspiration so that they can operate on the level that is needed to produce truly great art. Great music, for example, is often inspired by an artist’s experience with love, good or bad. They write their songs on a level that is beyond what normal people can do, simply because they have experienced and touched upon what we were all originally meant to experience.
The same happens with people who use drugs. They become addicted, yes, but on their journey to hell they experience and touch upon heaven. Those fleeting glimpses of what can be hook them into the destructive spiral of addiction.
There is another, better, way
God’s original intention was to give everyone all these things, minus the negative consequences. He designed us to love each other as His Spirit leads so that our need for love is fulfilled without harming ourselves or others. The high that people experience on drugs was originally given to us through union with His Spirit, without any negative side effects. The beauty and creativity that produces amazing music and art was to be inspired by His presence flowing through another to us.
We did not begin as apes, we descended from perfect humans who manifested God. Therefore, we are being restored to our former glory through yielding to His Spirit. The point of everything that is going on is to become one with God again, allowing Him to rule and reign in our lives. Jesus Christ paid the price for our sins so that we could access His Father once again without fear or condemnation. What we call reformation is the process of being restored back to our former glory of the Garden of Eden.
The world around us is simply wrong. They are deceived and bound in darkness. Their understanding is opaque to the extent that they think darkness is light and light is darkness. They are asleep in the lap of the wicked one and, if they are not saved, will experience the punishment reserved for Satan and the demons.
Don’t be distracted
Most of life, as we now know it, is a distraction. We are constantly diverted from our Father’s business, and His kingdom isn’t being built in the way He desires. Let each one of us to decide to listen to His voice so that we can begin to flow together as one in Him. Barring the rapture, which I am hoping for, each one of us has a limited amount of time to live on this earth. What we do here, as God leads us, has eternal consequences for each one of us and others. It is as we obey God that we lay up heavenly treasures which last. Let’s do all that God speaks to us daily, whether or not it makes sense to our natural minds, so that we may be counted as the children of God.