We Have Come to the End of Our Age
We live at the end of the church age. That is, we are at the endpoint of what started on the Day of Pentecost about 2000 years ago. At that time, as the Holy Spirit filled 120 believers in the upper room in Jerusalem, God chose to indwell His people again—something he had not done en masse since the Garden of Eden.
After Jesus rose from the dead, our Father began to fulfill, in a spiritual sense, all three natural feasts of the Old Testament. The Feast of Passover was fulfilled in Salvation. The Feast of Pentecost was fulfilled in the infilling of the Spirit, as evidenced by speaking with other tongues. Lastly, the Feast of Tabernacles began to be fulfilled during love feasts.
However, at the time that the Tabernacle blessing was beginning to be revealed in God’s people, Satan moved against the first believers in terrible persecution. Rome hunted and killed those of the Christian faith, driving most of them underground into the catacombs. Though all of the spiritual fulfillments of these three feasts began in the time of the early church, none of them reached their ultimate fulfillment.
This has all been one, long reformation
During Martin Luther’s time, Salvation was restored to the church. At Stone’s Folly and later at Azuza Street, Pentecost was restored to the church through Holy Spirit baptism. Shortly, through a worldwide move of Divine Love, Tabernacles is about to be fully realized within the Body of Christ.
The reason that fleshly sin is coming on so strongly in the world now is that the devil wants to preempt and muddy the waters of the Tabernacle Blessing. By presenting a counterfeit that has many of the same outward signs that people will experience in the Tabernacle Blessing, Satan desires to cause people to flee from the very thing they so desperately need. This is part of the antichrist spirit that is working in our world during this age in order to deceive, if possible, the very elect.
Just as the Jewish leaders were steeped in legalism at Christ’s first coming, so, too, the church leaders of our generation are blind leaders of the blind. The problems Christ’s coming caused for the Pharisees, etc, were not due to Jesus but were due to their blind allegiance to dogma created by natural-minded men, that ultimately became their god. Thus, when our Father showed up in Jesus, they did not know Him.
The natural-minded church will be destroyed
No church, in its present state, will survive the coming move of Tabernacles. The ecclesiastics are so mired in legalism and false dogma, that when Jesus comes to His own, in the guise of individuals of the Body of Christ, they will reject Him. I have experienced this firsthand over and over until I just quit trying to be part of any organized church. The truth is, though leaders like what Jesus does, they do not like who Jesus is.
In truth, God has been bringing forth the Tabernacle Blessing from the very beginning of the church. We have historical records as early as 167 AD in Ethiopia. The last known occurrence I am aware of was in Community Chapel and Bible Training Center during the 1980s, in Burien, Washington, USA. Quite possibly, a similar move of Tabernacles was beginning at IHOPKC, but their ministry imploded before divine love was fully allowed to manifest.
Know the pattern
The pattern is this: Believers desire to press into God and experience His fullness. They study their bibles, pray, believe, and do all that they can do to invite Jesus (YHWH saves) into their hearts and lives. They preach and teach holiness and right living. They are excited by the soon coming of their Lord and focus on loving Him through song and worship. Then, at some point, God does show up and the Kingdom of Heaven begins to manifest through those on earth and it is RADICALLY DIFFERENT than anyone ever expected– even in their wildest dreams.
I see this clearly now. Forty years ago I didn’t. The Final Feast is my testimony of divine love shared with you so that when these things come to pass, you might take heart and comfort that you are on the right track. Many will come to you and press you sorely. They will tell you that you are deceived and full of sin. Yet, in your heart, you will know beyond a shadow of a doubt that the living waters that Jesus spoke about at the Feast of Tabernacles are flowing through you to a thirsty world.
The wild branch must be taken out of the way
We are about to be taken out of the way. When He who lets is taken up, we who are filled with His Holy Spirit are taken up with Him. After that, the world faces an enraged dragon in the persons of the antichrist and the false prophet that will seek to destroy every remnant of the hurch. Manyc will give their lives for the testimony of Jesus Christ during those days, but God will be with them and show Himself strong through them.
Pastors, teachers, evangelists, false prophets, and false apostles hear me when I say these words:
Just as God was not interested in preserving the Temple at Jerusalem when they rejected Jesus Christ, our Father will not be interested in preserving your church when you reject Jesus Christ in us.