This Week On God’s Love Club!

Episode 130: Do You Believe God?
Sometimes it seems easy to believe God – what He asks us to do, or what He says about us. But sometimes it is difficult. When we realize that it is our faith that pleases Him most, believing God becomes so important to our walk with Him. Listen as we discuss the idea of believing God – and the exciting ways our lives could change if we do!
Episode 129: Learning To Walk In God
Before our own babies learn to walk, we don’t force them to stay sitting down just because we know they will fall when they try to walk. So why do we hold ourselves – and others – back from learning to walk in God, being led by His Spirit, just because it is possible we might fail? Listen as we talk about the incredible love and grace that is waiting for us as we allow ourselves to learn to walk into the amazing adventures God has for us – even if we’re not perfect.
Episode 128: Simplify Your Life In Christ
Our lives are very often busy and complicated. When we add to that our seemingly constant attempt to live a righteous life in our own strength, life gets very complicated, indeed. But Jesus said His yoke was easy and His burden light – and that is how our lives should be, too. How do we simplify the Christian life? Listen as we discuss the peaceful, easy walk God has called us to. . .
Episode 127: What If They Don’t Follow God?
There is no greater joy than walking hand in hand with another as you both do the will of the Father. God created us to need each other and to be connected to others in His body. But what if those you are walking with decide to walk away? What happens when they decide to NOT follow God? Though this is heartbreaking, there is hope!
Episode 126: Luffing In God
‘Luffing’ is a sailing term that describes what happens to a vessel that is turned in such a way that the airflow changes over the sails and they begin to flap and flutter. Sometimes, when the wind of the Holy Spirit moves upon our hearts and lives we, too, go through a “luffing” period. But this is a good sign! Listen as we encourage you to hang on for the ride – because it only gets better!
Episode 125: What God Has Joined Together
Jesus gave instructions that when God has joined something together, man should not tear it apart. This applies to all of our relationships, but the key focus is what GOD has joined together. Listen as we discuss the importance of the sacred unions that God puts together. . . .
Episode 124: His Name Is Jesus
In a time when there are a lot of spiritual ideas coming at us from all directions, it is easy to think that there is a detached god, or source, or the universe as a whole, trying to guide us or show us truth. But that God is actually very personal. He knows you and loves you, and He goes by the name “Jesus”. Listen as we talk about the interesting influence modern spirituality has on our beliefs, and why it is so important to know His Name.
Episode 123: In All Your Ways Acknowledge Him
Proverbs 3:5-6 gives us the blueprint for our lives: Trust God with all our hearts, don’t lean on our own understanding, and acknowledge Him in all our ways. And the promise to us is that He will then direct our paths. How vital is this type of living for the times we are in? And what does it mean to “acknowledge Him”? Listen as we discuss this key concept. . .
Episode 122: The Door Is Open
Sometimes we live in a prison of our own making – one created by our minds or experiences that cause us to not expect more than what we are now. But what if the door to our self-made prison is actually unlocked? What if God has already opened the door for us to walk into the blessings and satisfaction available with Him? In this podcast we share the good news that God has opened the door to all things for us – and it is wide open!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
We are on a holiday break this week,
but we will be back with weekly podcasts next week!
Have a very blessed holiday season, and best wishes for a God-blessed 2022!

Michael and Christi
Episode 121: Simple Obedience
Obedience: That often sounds like a harsh word to some of us. But obeying God, who is not a harsh taskmaster, results in such blessing for the child of God, that there is nothing negative or harsh that we should expect at all! It’s all very simple. . .listen as we talk about how we can walk in simple obedience to God. . . .
Episode 120: A Nation Born In A Day
When God decides to move, He often appears to move quickly in our eyes – although His plans are never rushed. And in this current era, He is eager to grant us access to a foretaste of our inheritance: The fulfillment of all the ways He wants to connect to us and bless us. Listen as we discuss both the practical and spiritual aspects of a nation “being born in a day”. . .
Episode 119: Committed Independence
In this era, God is bringing a foretaste of the New Heavens and New Earth to His people. And part of this foretaste is God showing us a higher love in our partnerships, marriages, and friendships. How could this look? Listen as we discuss the Christ-like concept of “committed independence”. . .
Episode 118: :How Did Jesus Get So Much Done?
Jesus seemed to always have enough time; time to sit and speak with those who no one else wanted to talk to, time to eat, time to preach sermons to thousands, and even time for naps. How did He get everything done in a day that He seemed to do? Is His “secret” available to us? Listen as we discuss the beautiful way that Jesus got so much done – and how we can, too.
Episode 117: The Favor Of The King
Being in the favor of an earthly king gives us benefits, provision, and protection – at least as long as we stay in his kingdom. But what is being in the favor of the King of the Universe like? Is this possible for us? And how would life work for us if we increasingly lived in that place. Listen as we talk about the life lived in the Favor of the King. . . .
Episode 116: Enlarging The Tent Of Tabernacles
God is about many things on the earth today. One of the most beautiful works of our current age is the Tabernacle Experience – a foretaste of the New Heavens and New Earth that gives us a glimpse of what it means to experience the dwelling place of God with man. Listen as we talk about the amazing way God is enlarging the tent of Tabernacles today.
Episode 115: God’s River of Revelation
How important is the flow of God’s Spirit speaking to us personally? Is the revelation and insight He desires to give us for our own personal lives something that we should be pursuing? Or is this optional for us as believers? Listen as we discuss the powerful river of revelation that God is flowing to His people – and why He does it. . .
Episode 114: A Higher Love (remastered)
The Bible tells us that perfect love casts out fear. How can we live in that kind of love to the point that the uncertainty of the world no longer makes us afraid? Listen as we discuss the beautiful concept of a higher love – and how we can live in it. . .
Episode 113: All We Lack Is Connection
Sometimes it seems like we don’t have all we need to live the successful life in God He desires for us. Too often there seems to be not enough money or time or opportunities – or even love. But listen as we discuss the wonderful truth that all we truly lack in our lives is connection – with God and with the right people at the right time and in the right place. . . .
Episode 112: How God blesses Us
God’s blessings are abundant! And the many different ways He blesses us often go unseen. It’s not always earthly blessings that He showers on us to make us happy, but there are deeper and more rewarding blessings awaiting us too, when we align with His will. Listen as we discuss how God delights in blessing us!
Episode 111: Breathe God In, Breathe God Out
Sometimes we make our relationship with God such a hard work. However, Jesus said that His yoke is easy and His burden is light. How can loving and living for God be that easy? The truth is it can and it will be – listen as we discuss and show you how living for our Lord is actually as natural as breathing God in and breathing God out.
Episode 110: The Starlings Of God
Viewing little birds called starlings as they fly together in a flock is a beautiful thing. Though they are small, individual birds, together they move as one, in a fluid, synchronous motion that appears as one organism. This is a good analogy for how the body of Christ is moving on this earth in this season. Listen as we talk about the beautiful calling to be the starlings of God.
Episode 109: God Wills Us To Love For His Good Pleasure
God has given us free will; it’s one of his greatest blessings. However, too often we use that freedom to choose what we desire, not what He desires for us. Does it matter if we make wrong choices? Especially in who we love and mate with? Does God take any pleasure in us loving as He desires? Listen as we talk about loving as God wills. . .
Episode 108: Seriously
Seriously means to do or perceive something in a solemn and considered manner; not lightly or superficially. And seriously is how we need to see not only God, but the things He asks of us. God’s will for our lives, while being our free choice, is something that is very serious to Him, and should be taken seriously by us. Listen as we discuss what it means to take God seriously.
Episode 107: The Kingdom Of God Is Within You
Jesus taught us to not look “here or there” for the Kingdom of God, because once we accept Him as our Lord and Savior, the Kingdom of God is within us. How does this understanding affect our view of ourselves and our responsibility to His Kingdom? Listen as we discuss the exciting revelation that the kingdom of God is within you. . .
Episode 106: Be Flexible In God
Sometimes we are so set in our ways it is difficult for God to get a hold of us and redirect us. Our own desires, our limited understanding and, oftentimes, fear keep us stuck and prohibit us from really being usable to God. Being flexible means being able to be easily modified to respond to a change in circumstances or ideas. Listen as we discuss why flexibility is so vital in our relationship with God. . .
Episode 105: Wonderful Things
So much bad news is circulating in our world today. But God and His calling on our lives is full of wonderful things! Be encouraged as we discuss wonderful things we can expect with God, such as hope, love, connection, freedom, and more!
Episode 104: You Can Trust The Holy Spirit
God is good. Or so we have been told. But do we really believe that fully? Enough that we would give up everything to follow Him, because we know His plans for us will bring us the fullness of life we desire? Following the leading of the Holy Spirit is hard sometimes, especially when He leads us into things unknown. . .but listen as we discuss why it is not only okay – but why you should – trust the Holy Spirit.
Episode 103: More Will Be Given
We can’t out-give God. And when we are faithful with what He has given us – in every way – He promises to give us more. Sometimes we take upon ourselves a lot of work that we think we are doing for God, when He has not really given us that task. But when we listen closely and do what He has given us to do, it is an easy yoke, and He piles on even more responsibilities – and blessings! Listen as we talk about the mighty ways that He gives us more!
Episode 102: God’s Great Dance Floor
It is for freedom that Christ set us free. Freedom from sin, as well as freedom from the things that keep us from being fully ourselves. When we step into the fullness of all God has created us for, we also step into the freedom to give all of ourselves – even our bodies – to God; and dancing in freedom is one of the things that can result! Listen as we talk about the beautiful freedom that God wants to lead us into. . .
Click here to listen to God’s Great Dance Floor
Episode 101: Where Two Or Three Are Gathered
Jesus told us that where two or three of us are gathered in His name, there He is in the midst. What does this dynamic look like in the way we fellowship with other believers? What can we expect of Jesus when He says He is right there with us, when we gather in His name? Listen as we discuss the exciting dynamic of gathering with the people Jesus leads us to. . .
Imagine that this song is sung to God in another person. This song is Tabernacles.
Episode 100: The Great Realignment – Episode 100!
During the time of Solomon’s temple, God was present there. But when it was time for God to come in the form of His Son, Jesus Christ, He left the temple and dwelt in Jesus. People who wanted to follow God then needed to realign their lives and beliefs to meet Him where He was: In Jesus. Now, God lives on this earth by His Spirit, and His Spirit indwells His people. What things may God ask us to realign in order to walk with Him in the fullness of all He is doing on this earth today? Listen as we discuss the Great Realignment.
Episode 99: Spiritual Culture Shock
When a person moves from one culture to another that is drastically different from what they know, they often experience a phenomenon known as “culture shock”. Can we have the same type of experience spiritually? Is the Kingdom of God and the preparation for the new heavens and new earth so different from our earthly mindset and the ideas we have always held, that we could experience that same phenomenon? Listen as we discuss the concept of “spiritual culture shock”.
Episode 98: A Land Flowing With Milk And Honey
Only two of the twelve spies of Israel came back with a positive report about the promised land that God had told them they were to inherit. Just like them, we are called to grab hold of all God has promised us – especially in this move of God’s Divine Love that is coming upon the earth – and have faith that the things He has for us are better than we can imagine. Listen as we press in to have faith to receive a land flowing with milk and honey.
Episode 97: Don’t Give Up On Love
Love hurts. Or so we’ve been told, or we have experienced. But love is not meant to hurt, but to heal. The trouble with love is that we usually experience a human form of love – not God’s love. What would happen if we learned to love and be loved as God desires? Listen as we encourage you with many reasons to not give up on love. . .
Episode 96: Understanding God’s Sovereignty
Most Christians say they believe in God’s sovereignty: defined as “supreme power or authority”. But when God moves differently than the way we expect Him to, do we truly revere Him as our sovereign? What does it mean that God has supreme power and authority – in our lives and in the world? Listen as we discuss the dilemma we often run into when trying to understand God’s sovereignty. . . .
Episode 95: Lean Not On Your Own Understanding
**Note: We will be on vacation this coming week, so we are posting this podcast early. Be blessed! Christi.

Proverbs chapter 3 instructs us to not lean on our own understanding, but to trust in God with all our hearts. Jesus taught this truth also, in many ways, while He was on earth. However, we struggle to believe God over our earthly “mind-based” existence. Our Father desires that we not require understanding of all that He does, but rather just trust and obey – even if we DON’T understand Him. Listen as we discuss how powerful your life lived in this dynamic faith can be. . . .
Episode 94: A Successful Day In God’s Love
The goal for today is a successful day in God’s love! Worrying about the future or fretting over the past doesn’t gain us what we need to gain today. And the way we make this day successful is by living every moment – moment by moment – in God’s presence and His love. Listen as we discuss how to have a beautiful and successful day today. . .
Episode 93: More Good News!
Bad news and more bad news seems to permeate our world today. We know that gospel means “The Good News” – and the fullness of what God is calling His people into is even greater news! Listen as we sow seeds of hope, talking about what God wants us to know: There’s more good news!
Episode 92: Jesus With Skin On
Often, when we believe God is leading us, speaking to us, or loving us, our natural minds can convince us that what we are perceiving is “not real.”. But what if a person, who is sent to us by God, confirms to us, with words or actions, what God is communicating to us? God’s love is a wonderful gift, and God’s love through one of His children is the amplification we need to truly grasp who He is and how much He cares. Listen as we discuss the importance of becoming people who represent Jesus – with skin on.
Episode 91: Because You Have A Different Spirit
Ever feel like you don’t fit in? Feel like the ways God is leading you tend to “go against the grain”? You are in good company! Most of God’s faithful people throughout history have felt the same. And one of these, Caleb, who was one of only two spies who believed the Israelites could take the promised land – as God had said – was described by God as a man who “has a different spirit”. Listen as we discuss what it means to be like Caleb: To be different because you have a different spirit.
Episode 90: God Teaches Our Hands To Love
In Psalm 144, David praises God for teaching his hands to war. This was an important time in Israeli history, and this training was necessary. In the current end times we are now living, what God is teaching us to do is love; not just love with our minds and hearts, but love with our hands, our fingers, our eyes, and all of us. Listen as we discuss the important training we need to receive from God in these time: Teaching our hands to love.
Episode 89: As It Is In Heaven
Jesus asked us to pray for God’s will to be done on earth as it is in heaven. This implies that God wants this world to look and feel increasingly more and more like the world to come. What would our perspective of this world be if we looked at it through the eyes of someone who recognizes what the beauty of the New Heavens and New Earth look like? This, indeed, is our hope: To know what we are to expect, and, as God’s ambassadors, to manifest on earth an example of life as it is in heaven.
Episode 88: Called To Love In Jesus Name
What the world needs now is love, sweet love, right? But how can we love in a way that actually impacts each of our little corners of the world? Human love can only go so far, but there is a love that Jesus had that we are called to be ambassadors of. Listen as we discuss what it really means to love in Jesus’ name.
Episode 87: Sarah Called Him Lord
Sarah was a woman who is revered in the Bible as someone others should emulate. What did she mean when she called Abraham “lord”? What bearing, if any, does this have on us in this time? Listen as we discuss the amazing revelation of Sarah calling her husband “lord.”
Episode 86: The Fullness of Christ
Scripture tells us that we are destined to be transformed into the fullness and stature of Christ. But what does that look like? Do we just get better at “being good”? Or is there more to the concept of walking in the fullness of Christ than we have understood? Listen as we discuss this amazing revelation of walking in the highest calling we can. . .
Episode 85: The War Against Divine Love
The Bible tells us that our battles are not against flesh and blood, but against spiritual darkness. And the greatest attack of spiritual darkness seems to be against the Love of God, flowing through His people. Are you called to be with a group or a person who you know God has connected you to, yet you feel there is a battle against your unity? Listen as we discuss the very real war against divine love.
Episode 84: The Former Things
There are many reasons why God instructs us to forget the former things. Sometimes its because difficult things have happened to us, and they are not what God intended. Sometimes its because we have made mistakes that we have a hard time forgiving ourselves for, and sometimes its because we have had incorrect perceptions of God that need to be let go of. Listen as we discuss the powerful freedom of forgetting the former things.
Episode 83: God’s Domain
In Him we live and move and have our being, according to the Bible. That “being” is what Jesus prayed for in the book of John: that we would be one, and He would be in us and God would be in Him. Together, as a symbiotic unit, we walk with God in His domain, moving as He moves, and going where He goes. Listen as we discuss this “radical” idea of how to live in God’s domain.
Episode 82: An Hour In God’s Love
Fear is at the core of so many of our struggles: Anxiety, depression, discouragement, jealousy. . .And there are many ways the world offers to relieve us of our fears. But the true remedy for fear is God’s love, because He IS love, and He says that perfect love casts out fear. Listen as we discuss the beauty of spending even one hour in God’s perfect love, and the benefits that result from it.
Episode 81: An Hour In God’s Presence
Often, as believers, we seek God in other people’s writings and in sitting under others’ teachings. But the way Jesus found God was to meet with Him one on one and be drawn into His presence. When He taught others, it was out of His personal experience with His Father, and He spoke profound truths that could not be taught Him by any man. As Jesus’ followers, who have His Spirit living in us, this is the way we learn the most about God, too: By sitting in His presence. Listen as we talk about what one hour in God’s presence can mean to us.
Episode 80: The Breath Of God
Sometimes God feels so far away – like we need a spaceship to the stars in order to reach Him and His kingdom. But Jesus taught us that when we receive Him and His Spirit, the kingdom of God is within us: As close as our very breath. God longs for us to know Him in that close, intimate way, and the fact that the very breath of God is within us is a powerful truth, the understanding of which can change our lives.
Episode 79: There’s No Place God Would Rather Be
A beautiful temple built just for Him, a church service full of worshiping saints, a lovely, serene forest of animals and plants that honor Him: Where would God most like to be? Listen as we discuss what may be a surprising discovery of just where the heart and Spirit of God desire to dwell the most.
Episode 78: Four Keys To A Firm Foundation In God
If a house is to stand firm, especially through difficulties, it needs to have a firm foundation. The same is true in our Christian faith and walk with God. What do we need to stand on in order to be sure we have a firm foundation as we walk with God through this life? Listen as we discuss the foundation of His Spirit and the four legs of faith we can rest on to hold us up – even in trying times.
Episode 77: The Gifts Of The Holy Spirit
The New Testament talks about the gifts of the Holy Spirit that God imparts to believers. Where do these gifts originate? What is their purpose? And is it important that we partake of them? Listen as we discuss exciting new revelation about the earnest of our inheritance that God has blessed us with. . .
Episode 76: Physical Expression Of Divine Love
We are the Body of Christ, the same Christ that touched the lepers to make them whole, rather than healing them from afar like so many people would have expected him to, and in the way He did heal many others. Are physical expressions of love necessary? Are they important to God? Listen as we discuss the beautiful truth about how God wants to love His people. . .
Episode 75: Sowing The Seeds Of Love
Sometimes the task of loving others as God desires seems overwhelming. What is our part, and how can we love the way He does? But since His yoke is easy and His burden is light, it follows that obeying Him in being vessels of His love would be that way, too. Listen as we discuss the beautiful task of sowing seeds of love.
Episode 74: How To Connect With God
Knowing ABOUT God is good. But knowing GOD is how we are designed to live. It isn’t enough to study about Him, we need to connect with Him in order to have the amazing, positive impact of His life merged with ours. But how do we do that? Is there a “secret formula” or some steps we need to go through to be able to connect with God in a very real way? It’s not as hard as you think. . .listen as we discuss how to connect to God.
Episode 73: God’s Divine Love Is This World’s Answer
What a crazy world we live in. What is the answer to the crises we face all over the earth? The answer to the world’s problems is not a political ruling or social activation activities – the hope and change we all seek is found in a spiritual experience of divine love, as it fills each of us and flows out of us to those around us. Listen as we discuss the beautiful gift God desperately desires to pour out on you and the whole world. . . .
Episode 72: God Lives Outside The Box
A God that is beyond our comprehension is intimidating to most of us. Consequently, the tendency is for us to create a “box” to put Him in that makes us feel comfortable, based on our understanding of how we think He moves. But God’s thoughts are above our thoughts, and His ways are above our ways, so is it possible for us to contain Him – even in our minds? Listen as we discuss the idea that God lives outside the box. . .
Episode 71: The Other Side of Obedience
What is it that makes it such a challenge for us to obey God sometimes? Is it not trusting Him? Wondering where obedience will lead us? Being unwilling to give up our own desires? It’s actually an amazing and fulfilling destination! Listen as we discuss the beautiful land that is available to us – but only when we cross over to the other side of obedience.
Episode 70: That Which Every Joint Supplies
Just like a human body can’t function very well if all its joints are not in working order, so, too, is the body of Christ. We can’t live very comfortably without our knee joint, nor can a knee survive on its own, so why do we feel that as members of Christ’s body, we are any different? What is our value to the whole picture Christ is painting in our world today, and how can we live to our fullest? Listen as we discuss this powerful truth: The Body of Christ is held together by all of us.
Episode 69: God Blesses What He Authors
What is our assurance that following God in what He leads us to will be worth it? Because He blesses what He authors! All that God plans for us and our lives will lead to blessing – even if there is a season of suffering involved. Watching for and expecting God’s blessings in our lives is one of the many ways we can rest in the peace and comfort He wants for us. His plans are always best. Listen as we discuss why. . .
Episode 68: Be The Object Of God’s Love
Everyone needs to feel loved. We all love to be the object of someone’s affection. But where do we draw that love and affection from in an imperfect world of imperfect love? Listen as we discuss how and why to be an object of God’s love in a world that is full of fear.
Episode 67: You’re My Kind of Church
God wants us to not forsake assembling together: The purpose of church is to gather with Him and other believers. But what kind of church is the best? Where can we find the place where we can really connect with God and His people? Listen as we discuss the amazing revelation of what kind of church is best. . . .
Episode 66: Why Direct Experience With God Is Important
God has made a way for us to come directly to Him and experience Him personally. Does this matter? Is it important to have a direct experience with Him, or can we just hear Him through other people? In these uncertain times, experiencing God directly is more important than ever . .. listen as we discuss why.
Episode 65: Let God Do What He Wants
In a world that seems full of chaos at times, the temptation to want to control our own lives is very high. But are we the best judges of how the things that affect us need to be handled? Are we equipped to make the best choices in a world where so much of what is happening goes beyond our understanding? In this podcast, we discuss the importance of God doing what He wants in our lives. . .and how to let Him do just that.
Episode 64: Breaking the Cycle of Bad Relationships
So many of us get stuck in repeating mistakes of the past. Often we leave a bad relationship just to fall into another one that ends up just like the one we left. Does it have to be this way? Is there a way out of this destructive and painful loop? Listen as we discuss the beauty of God’s plans for relationships and how He can guide us out of this cycle.
Episode 63: Living Beyond Reason
We are trained to make decisions about our lives by the logic of our natural reasoning. The “gut feelings” we rely on as children are not what we rely on when we “mature”. It seems there comes a point, even in our Christian lives, where reason and logic become the dominant forces. But is this how God intends us to live? Is the path to the higher life in Christ one of reason – or beyond it? Listen as we discuss the beautiful things that are within our reach when we live beyond reason. . .
Episode 62: Love One Another
The book of Romans tells us that when we love one another we fulfill all of the law. Jesus spoke similarly. It’s not just a recommendation, but it’s the way we are called to live. What kind of love is God calling us to? What does it look like and, more importantly, how can we possibly love people the way God wants us to – especially when some people seem so unlovable? In this podcast we discuss the kind of love we are called to share and the beautiful way God has created us to receive it and share it.
Episode 61: Dare To Be Different
To be “holy” is to be “called out” – we are meant to be different. But being different can mean a lot of things, including losing the favor of those around us, or pursuing things that are not standard. But does God want us to settle for being “standard” – a part of the generally accepted model? In what ways is God asking us to be different? Listen as we discuss the daring topic of being asked to be different.
Episode 60: What Is Your Calling?
Sometimes it seems hard to know exactly what God is calling us to. Is there a “ministry title” attached to what He is asking of me? Am I in His will in the choices I am making? Most of us what to be sure we are walking in all He has for us, but how easy is it to know what our calling is? Listen as we discuss the beautiful ways God makes it clear what He is calling us to.
Episode 59: You Don’t Have To be Perfect
It’s hard to serve a perfect God. We know He wants us to be “righteous”, but there is realistically no way we can do that on our own. And most of us feel we are too imperfect to even approach God. But how perfect do we need to be in order to to come to God? What level of goodness is He expecting us to achieve before we come to Him for salvation and help? Listen as we discuss the beautiful reality that, in order to come to God, He says we don’t have to be perfect.
Episode 58: When God Comes To Your Temple
Jesus performed a carefully planned cleansing of the Jewish Temple when He was on earth. It belonged to His Father and had become misaligned from its original intent. The Bible says we are now the Temple of God, and when we become misaligned from our Father’s will for us, will Jesus cleanse our temple, too? If so, what does that look or feel like? Is it something we can welcome into our spiritual journey? Listen as we discuss this life-changing concept. . .
Episode 57: Finish The Race Well
It’s easy to become weary in well doing when we are serving God. But that’s not His intention, nor is it necessary. God encourages us to finish the race with just as much vigor as when we started – but how do we do that? Listen as we share some secrets as to how we can finish the race well and not become weary!
Episode 56: For The Joy Set Before Us
All of us endure trials; some seasons of life are just plain difficult. How do we live through such times? What should our focus be as we await God’s deliverance – which WILL come? Listen as we discuss the beautiful promise and wonderful tool of doing what Jesus did as He faced the cross: Keeping our eyes on the joy set before us.
Episode 55: A Call To Be Prophets Of Love
A prophet is often someone who heralds a move of God or speaks God’s Word on His behalf. What is God’s most powerful Word to this generation? And who are those who are called to herald it on His behalf? Listen as we discuss the importance of the call to be a prophet of love, and how you may be able to answer this call yourself.
Episode 54: How To Receive A Hundredfold Blessing God’s Way
There are some things Jesus promised that, if sacrificed for Him, He would repay 100-fold. This is not just a one to one payback, but a 100-fold return in this life and the life to come. What does that repayment look like? How do we receive it? And is the return He promises worth what He may ask us to sacrifice? Listen as we discuss this beautiful promise of Jesus to us when we give Him our all.
Episode 53: Living By Revelation
Jesus said man was to live by every word that proceeded from the mouth of God. What is this revelation that God speaks to us, and how are we to live in the light of that revelation? Is this different than the way Christians typically walk with God? Listen as we discuss the ways we can experience the joys of living in the the revelation of God.
Episode 52: Efficiencies of the Holy Spirit
Wouldn’t it be great if we could know the future? If we could be in the best possible position for anything that comes our way? If we could focus on only what we knew we were supposed to be doing, trusting that someone will be taking care of everything else? How efficiently this world and our lives would operate if someone who had a 360-degree view of our lives and everything that affects us could direct us accordingly. This is exactly the efficiency of the Holy Spirit. Listen as we talk about this exciting aspect available in the believer’s life..
Episode 51: How God Speaks To Us
We all want to hear from God; the idea of the Creator of the universe speaking directly to us to encourage and guide us is something we are created to desire, because it was God’s idea first. And Jesus said His sheep will hear His voice. But how does God speak? What does His voice sound like? Is there more than one way we can hear from Him? Listen as we discuss the amazing adventure of discovering how God speaks to us.
Episode 50: Abundant Love For Christians
It seems we most often resonate on one end or the other of the concepts of abundance and scarcity. Scarcity or lack comes from a place of fear, whereas abundance comes from a place of love. When we experience oneness with God, there is always plenty of time, resources, energy, and especially love. Listen as we discuss what we can expect when living in the Divine Love of an Abundant God.
Episode 49: God Wants To Hug You
How does God feel about you? Sometimes we think He sits “up in the sky” with a stick in hand, ready to smack us when we mess up. Does He want to bring bad things upon us? Is He frustrated and angry about how much we sin? Or is His heart to draw us near to Him in compassion and grace? Listen as we discuss the beautiful truth that God wants to hug you. . .
Episode 48: Epic Christianity!
Most of us want to do and be something that makes an impact in our world. But sometimes it seems the Christian life is boring. Is that how God intends it to be? Or is there more than we imagine waiting for us as we step into the fullness of all we are called to do? Listen as we discuss the exciting idea of Epic Christianity.
Episode 47: A Safe Place To Love
Love can be scary. So many things keep us from getting close enough to people to allow them to love us or for us to love them. But what if there is a place of love that makes it easy to be vulnerable and open while knowing we will be protected and safe from harm? Listen as we discuss the safe place we can love.
Episode 46: Automatic Blessings
So often we seek after ways to earn God’s favor and blessings. But is there a way we can live – a place we can go – to receive God’s blessings automatically? Listen as we discuss this exciting idea. . .
Episode 45: Perfect Love
What makes love perfect? Is it never allowing our own imperfect love to mix with God’s? And how can a perfect love be received by those us who feel so unworthy because of our own imperfections? Listen as we discuss the beautiful truth of the perfect love available to us – and to others through us.
Episode 44: Hide Yourself In God’s Love
Description: In this uncertain time we live in, so few places really feel safe. But the one place that God promises casts out our fear is His perfect love. Listen as we discuss how to hide ourselves in the safety of God’s amazing love.
Episode 43: Why Not Ask God First?
Description: We often go through life consulting God on major issues, but taking the little things of our lives into our own hands. Do we allow room for God to interrupt or rewrite our daily to-do list? Do we earnestly desire to know what His will is in every detail of our lives? Do we think He even cares enough to give our lives that much attention? Listen as we answer these questions and more. . .
A Episode 42: A Better Way To Minister
Description: So many pastors and church leaders are suffering from stress and burnout. Too many people are going without personal ministry in the Body of Christ and in the world. Is there a better way to reach people? A better way to share the love of God? Listen as we discuss an idea of a better way to minister. . .
Episode 41: Higher Ground
Description: There is a place God wants to bring us up to – a place where we can see things from His perspective. It’s a place of resting in and viewing everyone and everything around us from His love. Listen as we discuss the amazing life that is available to us from this higher ground.
Episode 40: Who Is Your Real Family?
Description: Sometimes following God brings us in opposition to those we care about; our church family or biological family may not understand the work He is doing in and through us. Jesus experienced the same thing as He obeyed His Father’s voice. Knowing that God desires us to connect with people and that He cares about our relationships with others, who is the family He has chosen for us? Listen as we share insight and experience about this challenging topic. . .
Episode 39: Four Vital Aspects of the Tabernacle Blessing
Description: What is the Tabernacle Blessing? Why is it important to me? In this discussion, we highlight four vital aspects of this move of God and encourage you to not miss what God is doing! This can be such a blessing – to you!
Episode 38: A Baptism Of Love
Description: Most who have experienced salvation through Christ know the change in themselves after that experience. Likewise, most who have experienced an infilling of the Holy Spirit also have sensed a closer, more powerful walk since that time. But a third, just as vital experience is coming upon the church. It has been prophesied about through many, and it is a demonstration of God’s incredible love for us. Listen as we discuss the incredible baptism of love.
Episode 37: A Higher Love
Description: The Bible tells us that perfect love casts out fear. But we also know there are many types of love. What kind of love is it that can drive away the fear and darkness of so many of our lives right now? What is that perfect love? Listen as we discuss the beautiful concept of a higher love. . .
Episode 36: The Connected Church
Description: If we are the body of Christ, we are all connected to one another in some way. But what does Christ’s body look like now, and is that the way God intends it to look? Listen as we discuss the idea of being a connected church and what it should look like.
Episode 35: Being Christ Like In The Time Of Covid-19
Description: Everywhere we turn right now, there are those who are telling us how to best protect ourselves and others during this pandemic crisis. Listen as we offer advice on following the Holy Spirit, resisting the attacks of the enemy, and the abounding opportunities to be Christlike in this global crisis.
Episode 34: What Does A Functioning Body Of Christ Look Like?
Description: As believers, we are the Body of Christ. But how does that body function? What makes it different from the world and what makes it usable by God in today’s world? Listen as we discuss what the functioning Body of Christ should look like.
Episode 33: How God Really Wants To Love US
Description: God loves us. We hear that often. But how does He want to show that love to us? Are we free to receive His love in whatever way He chooses to demonstrate it to us? Listen as we discuss this idea and attempt to explain how God wants to love us.
Episode 32: The Last Eve
Description: We read in God’s Word that Adam brought sin into the world, and Jesus, as the “last Adam” set things right again. But Eve was an integral part of Adam and what he was called to do. So if Jesus is the last Adam, is it important to have a “last Eve”? If so, who might she be? Listen as we discuss this interesting concept. . . .
Episode 31:Lose Your Lunch!
Description: One day, a young boy shared his lunch with a visiting teacher. In that moment, he risked losing it and walking away hungry. But the person he had given his lunch to was sovereign over the universe, and He multiplied the boy’s lunch to feed over 5000 people – including the boy – with food left over! That same sovereign God can do the same with absolutely everything we give Him – we just need to be able to take that risk. Listen as we discuss the important concept of “losing your lunch”.
Episode 30: How To Overcome Sin
Description: Feeling like you’re stuck in cycles of sin that you just can’t overcome? You’re not alone, so don’t be discouraged! In this episode, we talk about how God views sin, and share the exciting provisions He has made to help us get past the areas that seem to constantly trip us up.
Episode 29: Confirmed
Description: At the times God speaks to you and encourages you to move in a direction that is uncharted territory, it’s easy to be trepidatious about moving forward, especially when you feel alone in what God is calling you to. If you’re in that boat today, listen as we provide some encouragement to you so that you may know that what you are hearing from God can be confirmed.
Episode 28: How To Get Close To God
Description: Are you feeling distant from God? Or more distant than you used to? Are you finding it hard to pray or clearly discern His voice? Listen as we discuss some possible reasons why you may be feeling far from Him, and what you can do to get close to God.
Episode 27: God’s Economy
Description: Once a young boy brought a lunch with him to hear a Rabbi speak. When the large crowds following this teacher needed food, the boy offered his own lunch to help feed people – even though he had brought it for only himself. What happened through his giving was a miracle – over 5000 people were fed, with the equivalent of 10 lunches left over – for him and others. This is God’s economy! Listen as we discuss the beautiful and often not recognized principles that God employs to meet our needs when we operate in His love.
Episode 26: It’s All About Your Belly
Description: Ever get a “gut feeling” about something? Ever follow that gut feeling instead of your natural minded thoughts and realized it was God speaking to you? That’s because your spirit, that connects with God’s spirit, resides in your belly. Listen as we discuss this important piece of information that can help us clearly discern when the Spirit of God may be communicating with us.
Episode 25: Divine Divorce For Christians, Part III – Unless The Lord Builds The House
Description: We all spend time building things in our lives that God doesn’t. And He says that when we do, whatever we are building is in vain – worth nothing. Can this apply to a marriage that He didn’t intend as well? Listen as we talk about the important of building only the things in our lives that God wants built.
Episode 24: The Original Morality
Description: The idea of morality is as warped as the rest of the world since the fall in the Garden. Is life meant to be a constant struggle to be the morally good people we think we should be, or is there a better way to line up with the perfection God wants for us – and what does that perfection look like? Listen as we discuss these questions and more and gain a clearer understanding of God’s original morality.
Episode 23: 2020 Vision
Description: This new year of 2020 is a perfect time to set our sights on things above and ask God to help give us clarity of vision! What He sees is not what we see, but gaining His perspective is the key to seeing clearly. Listen as we discuss how to gain clear vision – His vision – for this new year.
Episode 22: Why You Are Loved
Description: Feeling unlovable? We all do at times. Circumstances and people throughout our lifetimes can often make us feel like we are only worthy of love if we DO something or ARE something. This idea often affects our view of God’s love for us, too. But the truth is, you are passionately and unconditionally loved – just because you are YOU. Listen as we discuss why. . .
Episode 21: What Is Sound Doctrine?
Description: So many ideas in the spiritual world. . .and so many of us are so sure that what we believe is THE truth. But how do we know what is “sound” doctrine, when so many people end up on the opposite sides of an opinion – even while standing firmly on the Word of God? Listen as we discuss the pitfalls of doctrine, and the way we can be sure that we are in line with the work of His Spirit.
Episode 20: God Uncensored
Description: Can we hear God clearly, without censoring Him by our own expectations of what we think He would say? If we could, what would He speak into our lives and through us into the lives of others? Listen as we discuss the value of hearing God uncensored.
Episode 19: Encouraging Those Who Are Spirit Led
Description: One of the most difficult things to deal with is knowing you are being led by God’s Spirit and getting resistance from other people. Is that to be expected or not? Listen as we discuss how following the leading of the Spirit sometimes causes difficulty and how to be encouraged to be obedient in the face of opposition.
Episode 18: How To Find Your Divine Mate
Description: Everyone needs to be loved. And most of us long for that special someone to fill the voids in or lives and complete us. Does God have someone like that in store for you? And if so, how can you be sure to find him or her? Listen as we discuss the concept of divine mates and how we may be able to find them.
Episode 17: Stop Looking At The Rafters
Description: Where can God be found? Though seeking Him in nature or in a prayer closet is good, there’s a better place to find Him, and its not looking up into the rafters of a church building! Listen as we discuss where God has chosen to dwell in this season and how we can find Him in the greatest measure.
Episode 16: The Importance Of Being Led By The Holy Spirit
Description: Can our natural minds get in the way of where God may be leading? Listen as we discuss how, in our troubled times and uncertain future, it is more important than ever that we learn to be led by the Spirit of God.
Episode 15: Divine Divorce for Christians part 2
Description: God is sovereign. But is He always sovereign over our marriages, too? Listen as we continue our discussion about divine divorce, citing Sarah and Hagar’s story as one picture of God’s heart in this issue.
Episode 14: The Power Of Kindness
Description: It’s hard to be kind when we are treated poorly, and so often we equate being kind with being weak. It’s hard to see the merit of responding to someone in that way when they don’t seem to deserve it. But listen as we discuss how to walk in a Godly type of kindness that is not weak, but truly very powerful.
Episode 13: Why Does My Life Suck? (and what you can do about it)
Description: Sometimes life just sucks. We’ve all been there. And when it does, that should tell us something. Listen as we share about the importance of finding the root of our trials and turning our lives into an experience of joy and peace.
Episode 12: Why Missoula, Montana Needs Spiritual Connections
Description: Is spiritually connecting to one another important? What makes it something we need to not only take seriously, but something we need to pursue? Listen as we answer these questions and discuss the amazing calling to connect with each other.
Episode 11: The Coming Move Of God In Missoula, Montana
Description: God is moving. And the work of His hand so often looks different than what we expect. But when we follow the leading of His Spirit, He can work through us to create a picture of what He wants to accomplish. Listen as we testify of a personal experience of God working in such a way.
Episode 10: Unconditional Love
Description: We all long to be loved unconditionally. Is that kind of love really obtainable? God loves us with a love that knows no bounds, and He can cause that love to flow through us to each other. Listen as we discuss living in and expressing to others the unconditional love of God.
Episode 9: Divine Divorce For Christians Part 1
Description: God hates divorce. But is it ever His will that people separate from the one they are married to? Listen as we discuss this controversial issue and whether or not God would ever lead a person to divorce his or her spouse.
Episode 8: What Are Spiritual Connections?
Description: God’s love connects us to one another through His Spirit as He leads. But what do these connections look like? Listen and discover the exciting truth God wants us to know about loving Him by connecting with each other!
Episode 7: How Do You Know You Are Hearing God’s Voice?
Description: So many voices out there. . . which one is God’s? Is He really speaking to me? And can I know for sure it is Him? Listen as we talk about the reality of hearing His voice and how to know whether or not it is Him.
Episode 6: What Is The Tabernacle Blessing?
Description: Passover, Pentecost, and Tabernacles: The three feasts the Jews were required to celebrate in Jerusalem each year. Passover and Pentecost have had their spiritual fulfillment in the history of the church, and we are now stepping into the spiritual fulfillment of Tabernacles. What is it? Why is it so amazing? And what does it have to do with you? Listen as we talk about this incredible blessing from God.
Episode 5: First Contact
Description: What happens when we encounter people who have a different world view than we do? Like aliens we meet for the first time, sometimes our prejudged opinions keep us separated from those God wants to connect us to. Listen as we discuss the way of love to employ when we meet those who differ from us.
God’s Love Club is a podcast about the Tabernacle Experience. The Tabernacle Experience, which we call the Tabernacle Blessing, is a follow on to Salvation and Spirit Baptism. In fact, it is the third experience that God wants to give Christians to aid them in becoming like His son, Jesus Christ.
The unity of the Body of Christ comes through the Tabernacle Experience. Coming to know one God is what helps us to all see eye to eye. Since we all experience the Holy Spirit as He truly is, our individual understandings tend toward consensus. Thus, there is no need for denominations, doctrine, or systematic theologies.
When you listen to God’s Love Club, take what makes sense to you and use it for your benefit. It is not necessary to agree with everything in order to realize some good out of what we say. Remember, your walk with God is ultimately between you and Him. Take what seems profitable and don’t worry about the rest.
God bless,
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