Hold on to your hats, this is going to be a wild ride

The coming move of God, which is the spiritual fulfillment of the Feast of Tabernacles at the end of the church age, is unlike anything that has gone before it. It is the third step in the restoration of the sons of God back to their pre-fallen, spiritual state in the Garden of Eden.

The reason that I speak about intimacy as it relates to this revival, is that many people have been preconditioned by the church to suspect, if not outright fear, intimacy. Fear of physical contact between the opposite sexes is rampant among Christians, and this fear is setting them up to reject the very God they are praying will come to them.

Are you a member of the cult of purity?

There is a cult of “purity” that exists within most denominations. In this cult, people are taught to believe that spirit is good, but flesh is bad. Thus, to worship God they need to do so “in the spirit.” Conversely, to avoid sin, especially sexual sin, they need to avoid interaction with the opposite sex. For many, keeping away from intimacy in any form, except with your wife, is a “better safe than sorry” policy.

For many, reading this, they might think, “Well, of course, that is the best way to remain pure before God.” It makes sense to the natural-minded person, kind of like avoiding Samaria altogether, because sinners live there. “Plus, did not Paul say, ‘It is good for a man not to touch a woman?’ After all, I don’t want to sin.”

If you believe this, you are a card-carrying member of the cult of purity. People who believe this way define themselves by what they don’t do, by what they abstain from. To them, simply avoiding the possibility of sinning through not being around or touching each other, keeps them pure – at least on the outside.

However, Jesus said,

But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart.”

Matthew 5:28 (KJV)

Many people, both men and women, entertain unholy thoughts while outwardly looking pure. What if, on the other hand, a man or woman could remain pure in heart and action even while being in close proximity to one another? How could this be, and what would it look like? Furthermore, how would others judge if they were pure?

Some background first

In the cult of purity, people are sure those of the opposite sex cannot and will not be pure if allowed to interact freely. They must be policed by clergy and other Christians who scrutinize and judge whether or not they are acting dangerously. However, this mindset among Christians is a setup, a clever trap that has been laid out by the devil because she fears the uniting of the Body of Christ with God. For if the Body of Christ becomes one with Christ and each other, Satan’s kingdom is over.

The coming move of God’s Spirit is the culmination of the reformation started by Jesus as He gave up the Ghost on the cross of Calvary. The veil was rent and we regained, through His shed blood, access to God without fear of condemnation or death. Jesus did this so that some might be saved from the judgment to come.

The first-century church, which became over time predominantly Gentile, was never meant to be predominantly Gentile. We are grafted into the natural olive tree (God) only for a time and season. However, after our time is done (which is very soon), Israel will again be grafted back into their place for we will have been taken out (rapture). Thus, we are a placeholder for Israel while they wander in the wilderness of this world, kicked from pillar to post, for their rejection of Jesus Christ.

You are living in the church age

What happens to us, in this church age, spiritually mirrors what happened to Israel in the past. Salvation = the Feast of Passover. Spirit Baptism = the Feast of Pentecost. Oneness with God = the Feast of Tabernacles. The church has experienced the spiritual fulfillment of the first two feasts and now is about to experience the fulfillment of the last, and final feast – the Feast of Tabernacles.

Just as experiencing salvation meant breaking with Jewish tradition, and being filled with the Holy Spirit meant breaking with the accepted doctrine of that day, so, too, accepting and experiencing oneness with God and His Body will radically depart from what is acceptable doctrine now. This is as sure as day follows night. It is also inevitable that the established church will seek to cast out those who embrace the demonstration of God’s love in this Final Feast.

Therefore, I am speaking these truths to you, who are beginning to experience divine intimacy, so that when you are persecuted for His name’s sake, you may find some comfort in the storm and make sense of what you are experiencing.

Spirit-led intimacy is God’s will within the Body of Christ

Intimacy, whether a hug, a kiss, or being naked with one another in bed is not wrong if led by the Holy Spirit. After all, Adam and Eve were naked and unashamed in the garden. Moreover, if God leads, no one else should judge you as sinning. If they do that, then they are judging God himself. As radical as this sounds, it is absolutely true, for if we will not allow God to lead us in all things, we are unfaithful and unprofitable servants of the Most High.

“But, but…what if people sin?” The answer to this is, “Then they sin.” However, you do not sin, because you are not judging them nor God. In reality, people are sinning all the time, even you. It is just that most are schooled enough in legalism to appear like they are pure to the natural eye. People hide their sin, but inwardly are condemned and live in shame. While believers may assume that keeping others from appearing to sin is enough, what is really needed is for people not to want to sin in the first place.

Let God express Himself through you

In Tabernacles, as God lives through us, the propensity to sin is replaced by His nature, which does not want to sin at all. Therefore, we do not have to live according to a myriad of rules designed to keep us from sin, because we yield to God within us.

This allows our Lord to move through us freely and in ways that actually help others. Right now, there is a war against Godly intimacy. The devil is seeking to replace all Spirit-led intimacy with base, degrading pornography, as if that is what humans were meant to do. This could not be further from the truth. God in us wants to love and minister to each one of us through another member of the Body of Christ, only to the degree in the manner necessary at the time the person needs it.

Sometimes this is simply looking in another’s eyes and listening intently with God’s love to what they are saying. At another time this might be hugging or holding them because they need to feel their inherent worth. At other times, to demonstrate God’s love as led by His Spirit is a holy kiss. Sometimes, as God leads, a man and woman may unite in body, soul, and spirit, committing to one another for life in order to function as a unit in God’s kingdom and bring forth His children, both natural and spiritual. The point is, there is no one outward form that is pure, but simply an inward leading to express God’s will and love however our Father desires. Touching someone in love and even doing so intimately as you are both led by God’s Spirit is the definition of purity.

The natural-minded man does not understand the things of God

To a natural man or woman, who is not experiencing the moving of God’s Spirit in Tabernacles, what I have just written seems like a recipe for disaster. If people can do whatever they feel led to do, especially in the areas of intimate contact between sexes, the whole church may devolve into one big orgy. Admit it, some of you are thinking exactly that.

The truth is, that just like the first century Christians had all things in common due to the presence of the Holy Spirit, people who experience God’s Divine love do not sin, because Christ in them does not want to sin. Until you experience the power of this third and final feast, you cannot imagine how strong an aversion you will have to doing anything but what God desires to do.

At this point, God is beginning to move upon men and women (who represent the Bridegroom and Bride) to love each other and move as one in the Spirit. It is happening all the time. People are supernaturally drawn to each other, trust each other implicitly, and desire to be close, but then their natural minds kick in and they reject what God doing. I am here to encourage you to trust God and do exactly what He is leading you to do. It does not matter the circumstance, it only matters if God is leading you to do it.

Do not shame God or this move of His Spirit

Having said that, let me say this clearly – Do not violate the laws of your country and say it was the Spirit. In this coming move of God, there will be a mixture of people and motives. Those who are led of the Spirit are free, but some may use this freedom for their own selfish desires. Therefore, do not cross the line into illegal actions – it only brings shame on what God is doing.

Remember, just because someone says they are led by the Spirit, if you do not agree with them and feel led by the Holy Spirit too, you are under no obligation to do anything. This is the safety you have when dealing with other people in this move of God.

Reject the cult of purity and embrace God fully in your brother or sister

In conclusion, reject the cult of outward purity that exists within the church. Seek, rather, inward purity borne of an intimate relationship with the Holy Spirit. Do only that which God leads you to do and don’t worry about what it looks like to others, as long as it is the Holy Spirit within you doing it through you.


Halo – cover by Jada Facer

This is a song about God in us loving each other through each other.