Auschwitz: Why Suffering Comes Upon Those Who Do Not Hear My Voice

Hear My Voice
I have been talking about listening to My voice through my servants for many years. All of the greatest men and women in My Kingdom knew My voice and followed My leading. In fact, those who performed the mightiest works of My Spirit did so through simply doing what I commanded them to do at the time I spoke it.
Recently, a person brought up the point of, “well, if God leads and guides us in all things, what about Auschwitz?” “Why didn’t God spare those people from all that pain and agony?”
The sins of your fathers
People often times suffer, not because it is My will, but because of the consequences of generations of sin. Man’s error leads to a place where evil occurs and there is no one to deliver. Also, you would be surprised how many times I have warned people to flee. I say go, but they did not obey My voice and suffered needlessly. I warn far ahead of calamity and people tend to look at their present circumstances rather than what I see in the future. Many have a misconception that if I talk they will recognize My voice and do what I say, however, this is not often the case. Most, whom I talk to, dismiss what I say believing in their own wisdom rather than mine.
A wise man foresees the evil and hides himself
There are two ways that I deliver my people. The first is that I keep them from the hour of tribulation. That is, I move them away from the coming storm if they will listen to my voice. I did this with My son when I led Joseph and Mary to sojourn in Egypt for a time. The second way that I deliver my people is that I keep them in the midst of tribulation. I set My seal upon them and they, against all odds, survive while others perish. Much of the time my people will not heed my voice and so I give them grace to endure the judgement that I send upon others. Remember, if their had been 10 righteous in Sodom I would have spared all for their sake.
I will do nothing except I tell my prophets
When I am about to judge a nation I also warm my people through my seers. I also give signs that point to what I am about to do so that the people, if they hear my voice, can change their ways. Nineveh is a prime example of My mercy for even when I had determine to destroy that city, because they heard my voice through my prophet Jonah, I spared them. When a person or nation truly humbles themselves it is My pleasure to forgive.
When my cup of wrath for a people or nation is full it may seem like sudden destruction comes upon them but that is not the case. I Am a patient and merciful Lord who delights in repentance so that I may save. My people lived in Egypt for 400 years while the cup of the Canaanite nations filled and not until it was full did I drive them out before the Children of Israel.
I am slow to wrath and great in mercy
My people, because they listen to their own minds, often do not understand my long suffering and slowness to wrath. Without my Holy Spirit illuminating their understanding they do not understand why I give such a long time for people to chose between doing what is right in their own eyes and My will. I am long suffering simply because, after men are cut from the loom of this life, their fates are set. When people die, those who chose to follow Me receive everlasting life and those who chose to follow Satan receive everlasting death. Natural minded men and women lack the ability to comprehend eternity but I dwell in that place and I understand what forever is, therefore, I am slow to anger and give grace and time to chose life.
Free will gives you the ability to choose evil
Many see the horrors that Satan brings upon my creation and look to me as if I am cause of this pain. At the very least many believe that I should somehow prevent such evil. The truth is that I gave you free will to choose what was right in my sight and you, through your ancestors until this very day, chose to leave your first estate and choose to do evil in My sight. Mankind, as a race, kept choosing to follow your own imaginations and were, frankly, easy prey for fallen Lucifer. Eventually, even though I bore long with you, the end of all flesh came before Me. I saw that your thoughts were continuously evil and you had turned my creation into something that I regretted.
There is always a remnant
I Am God, though, and I always accomplish what I determine to do. For My names sake, I saved 8 souls and told them to again go forth, be fruitful, and multiply. Cleaning the earth of sin, I began again to bring forth my will upon this world as it is in heaven.
What took place in Germany was a foreshadowing of the man of sin, the Antichrist, who is to come. I did not wish for any of those tragic events to take place, but men, driven by their own lusts over many generations, brought those atrocities upon themselves.
The great tribulation
In the coming tribulation there will be those who are kept “out” of that time of sorrows. There will also be those who I keep “in” those times of sorrows. It is My will that all be kept out of harms way. However, as in times past, few will heed My voice. Scarcely any will be ready or willing to take My way of escape when it presents itself. Though great upheavals seem terrible, many have come to know Me in such dire circumstances. Often, I turn calamity around for an occasion to save desperate souls forever.
The Judge of the whole earth will do right
It was never My will that any suffer in Auschwitz. Auschwitz was the result of the sins of many generations of those who chose to do evil in My sight. When I warn people of the consequences of their error, but the do not hear My voice, they must face what they purchase with the wages of their sin. The souls of all men stand before Me at the last judgement. I will open the books. When I read the record, no one will say that they did not have the opportunity to accept My salvation. All will confess that I tried to warn, save, and deliver.
Forgive them for they know not what they do
When My people cried, “crucify him!” and caused My son to be hung upon a tree, it cut my heart so deeply. In My wrath, I might have destroyed the entire world had not My only begotten son asked Me to spare you. Jesus said, “forgive them, for they know not what they do.” As My son died upon the cross I hid My face until it was finished. Since that time, I cut off most of Israel and they are not My people. I have given the children of Israel over to Satan to sift as wheat. When they killed My son they rejected Me. When you see the Jewish nation persecuted you witness a people whom I have rejected. I do not hear the sons of Jacob when they call upon My name.
My people will be grafted back into the natural olive tree
Soon, I will graft Israel back into the root of David and they shall again be My people. I owe that much to Abraham because of My covenant with him. However, as long as my people will not hear My voice, which is Christ Jesus, they will continue to suffer.
Whether I keep you out of tribulation or preserve you through it, hear My voice and do My will. My ways are higher than your ways and My thoughts are not your thoughts. You must trust what I say and reject what seems right to your own mind. Hear My voice, overcome and stand upon the shores of My new creation and sing a new song to Me.