

Lyrics and Music by Michael King

© 1996

Sung by Sandra K. Hall

Verse 1

C                                       B Flat
Make them one Father, as we are one Father

F                                       C            G
Make them one Father in You and Me

C                           B Flat
As I am in you so shall they be in you

F                                   C    G
And we will be one for eternity


C                      F                                   G

While feasting within the house of the Lord

C                                AM

Laying our heads on the One we adore

F                  G

Sweet fellowship forever more


While feasting within the house of the Lord

C                        F                       G

Come one come all and love the King

C                     AM

Surrender each and everything

F                       G

Come let your spirits soar and sing

F               G                  C

While feasting within the house of the Lord

Verse 2

C                                B Flat
As a bride is adorned to meet her bridegroom

F                                       C            G
So we’ll be clothed in His righteousness

C                                           B Flat
And we shall know Him for we shall be like Him

F                                         C         G
When we shall meet Jesus face to face


G                      F                                   G

While feasting within the house of the Lord

C                                AM

Laying our heads on the One we adore

F                  G

Sweet fellowship forever more


While feasting within the house of the Lord

C                        F                       G

Come one come all and love the King

C                     AM

Surrender each and everything

F                       G

Come let your spirits soar and sing

F               G                  C

While feasting within the house of the Lord

Verse 3

C                                                 B Flat
The Spirit and the bride bid you come to His table

F                                          C       G
Come to the marriage feast of the Lamb

C                                           B Flat
For eye has not seen nor the heart has imagined

F                                                C           G
What God has prepared for the ones He loves


G                      F                                   G

While feasting within the house of the Lord

C                                AM

Laying our heads on the One we adore

F                  G

Sweet fellowship forever more


While feasting within the house of the Lord

C                        F                       G

Come one come all and love the King

C                     AM

Surrender each and everything

F                       G

Come let your spirits soar and sing

F               G                  C

While feasting within the house of the Lord


C                        F                       G

Come one come all and love the King

C                     AM

Surrender each and everything

F                       G

Come let your spirits soar and sing

F               G                  C

While feasting within the house of the Lord