The Father of Our Faith

The nature of truth is that it is true regardless of how much another berates, yells at, or bullies you. People can pretend truth is irrelevant, but in the end, truth will stand and they will fade away. The reason this is the case is that truth is, in fact, congruent with God and, like Him, it changes not.

Our Father in heaven defines truth by His spoken word, whether received by His Spirit, written in the scriptures, or displayed in the heavens. Truth is plain to hear and see if we have a heart to do so. It is only when our heart hardens that deception creeps in and we are lead astray by our own desires and lusts.

Abraham, whom the scriptures refer to as the father of our faith, due to his obedience to God, is under attack in our society. Everything he stood for, everything he did, even those who are descended from him, both physically and spiritually, are being accosted by those who do not love truth, but instead believe a lie. Nations rise up against Israel, women rise up against men, and children disrespect and disobey their fathers. This is the rise of the antichrist spirit in our day, and it is just getting started.

In the beginning, Lucifer sinned. This sin was introduced into the Garden of Eden to Eve and she was deceived. Adam, who was not deceived, in a desperate bid to save his wife from death, partook of her sin hoping that His father would not kill them both. As a result, mankind was cursed and driven out of the Garden of Eden. Adam was forced to live by the sweat of his brow, and Eve was put under Adam and would have pain in childbirth. This is the truth and no amount of philosophy or woke ideology can or will change these facts.

The Physical and Spiritual Seed of Abraham

What is happening in Israel right now is Satan fighting against the physical seed of Abraham. Likewise, the woke world is fighting against the spiritual seed of Abraham. Christians who are led by God’s Spirit are coming under horrendous attacks by an ungodly society, just like the State of Israel is being attacked by Satanic Muslim believers who wish to destroy them.

When you attack God’s people, you attack God. When you attack men of God who are led by His Spirit, you denounce and set yourself against the very nature of your savior. Christians who act like the devil are not Christlike, but rather are deceived and, in fact, are yielding to an antichrist spirit.

Israel has a right to exist, because God planted them in that part of the world. Muslims are wrong and follow a self-styled warlord who simply found it expedient to control his followers by lying about being God’s prophet. He wasn’t. Islam has no rightful claim to the holy land, while Israel has every right to occupy it.

Likewise, Godly men who are led by His Spirit have a right to lead their households the way that the Holy Spirit guides them. Our Father put women under men as a protection, and from that moment onward, it was men whom He worked with to both provide for and protect the weaker sex and their families. While He does make exceptions in difficult circumstances, in the main our Father honors the order he set in place.

When You Build Your Own Will on God’s Place, Chaos Ensues

Therefore, when usurpers come, like the Arabs, and try to set their mosque on the Temple Mount, God does not honor their desire and does not bless them. When women leave their first estate and try to run the family unit, disregarding the man that God has set over them, God withholds His blessing, too. Though Muslims or women may think they know better, God does not honor their desires, because that is not the order He authored, and they are usurpers and robbers. Everything they touch turns to chaos, and they rule not through love and honor, but by intimidation and death. They take what they were not given, destroy what God wishes to build up, and hurt those around them for a gravely misguided sense of self importance that had no basis in truth.

I suppose when Muhammad married Aisha, a 6-year-old, and waited to consummate his marriage until she was nine, he felt dominant. Perhaps when he had 600 men beheaded in a ditch in the middle of a town he conquered, he felt powerful. It may even well be that he enjoyed the thought that others felt he was a prophet and a mere word from him could condemn all Muslim women to be veiled. However, none of those things were of God or His will, and no amount of terror will ever make them good.

Likewise, when children disrespect their fathers, they disrespect the God who created them. When women try to take over their houses and run them according to their own wisdom through bullying and threats, they are no better than Muslims who terrorize to get their way. As they literally tear apart their own homes brick by brick with their own hands, they harm their husbands, children, and any other people God may have been able to touch if they had remained humble and pliant in His hands.

Women Are Not Powerful

Women are not powerful. God did not make them powerful, and when they try to pretend they are, they become ridiculous. Men are not feminine. God did not make them soft and compliant. When they become so, they look silly and contemptible. Right now, in our western society, women are being taught that they are better than men, wiser, more compassionate, and better suited to run everything. However, they are not. Women are just easier to control through their emotions, and unscrupulous politicians gain power through women by pandering to them.

No one should ever murder an unborn child, yet many women have done so and champion it as a right. Women should never disrespect their husbands, yet they often do so with impunity. God did not put women over men, because Eve was the one deceived, not Adam. Today, women are still the ones being deceived while men often see things quite clearly.

If You Act Like Satan, You Are Doing His Will

If it walks like Satan, talks like Satan, it is Satan. Christians who act like the devil are false believers and are already set up to follow after the antichrist. If, as a Muslim, you feel like it is your mandate to eradicate Israel, you are of the devil, and you must be resisted. If, as a woman, you believe you must take over your family and run it by your own wisdom through threats and bullying, you are antichrist and have left the covering of your husband and God.

In the end, through a lot of suffering, Muslims will find out that Christ is King. They will learn that Muhammad was a false prophet and a murderer. Israel will prevail and God will restore His people, just as He promised. Likewise, in the end, women will learn that their place of honor God gave them, that place of protection He provided, is the only place where they and their children will prosper.


Defeating the Rebellious Spirit