
God calls to us in the midst of war

There is a war going on.  A war for our very souls.  It is time to join God’s army, to become a soldier of the light and fight the good fight of faith. In our day and age, many seem numb to the truth. There’s so much data coming at us, that all we want to do is find a quiet place to sit and think.  The information age is creating more functional ignorance than the dark ages ever did.

Who can know right from wrong?

How does one determine right from wrong, good from evil, better or worse, and truth from lies?  Most people subscribe to a form of relativism where there are no hard and fast answers to anything. To many, everything is a shade of grey and they don’t believe that truth is absolute. However, I believe that good is good and evil is evil and that we can know the difference.

The fact is, God correctly judges between evil and good.  Only our Father has the perfect knowledge require to know right from wrong in an absolute way.  Therefore, only through listening to and trusting His voice can we know “the truth”.

The origins of the war

We are all involved in a war that started well before our present creation.  This conflict is over the fate of Satan and his demons.  As part of this struggle, Satan tempted Adam and Eve to sin just as she did. Thus, fallen Lucifer put God in the impossible position of having to damn Adam and Eve along with the fallen angels.

In order to solve this problem, God chose to send His son Jesus Christ to die in our place for our sins. In dying for our sins, Jesus paid the price, satisfying the debt we owed God for disobedience.  Now, when we accept Jesus as our personal Lord and Savior, our Father forgives our sin.

The consequence of war

God created hell as a punishment for angels who rebelled against Him.  Angels are eternal beings, therefore hell is eternal.  We are caught up in that war we did not start.  However, if we follow Satan, ignoring God’s gift of  eternal salvation, we will suffer her same eternal damnation.

Actual truth can only be known through the Holy Spirit.  Apart from the Holy Spirit, there is no truth. Therefore, those who reject what the Holy Spirit says cannot know truth.  This is why we must live by revelation and not by what seems right to our own minds.  When we believe what we know, instead of Whom we know, we are blinded to the truth.

Seeing through the fog of war

I write what God reveals, not what I study.  I simply say whatever the Holy Spirit drops into my mind and trust His wisdom.  People who approach what I write from a natural minded viewpoint,  never truly understand what I say. This is significant, because in the near future events are going to take place that seem good when, in fact, they are evil.

The Antichrist is about to make his debut on the world stage and he does not appear with horns. Many, who only look after the natural, will embrace him as their earthly savior. Even many Christians, who say that they love Jesus, will accept the son of perdition.  It seems impossible, but religious people will wonder after the Beast, because he “fits” their natural-minded vision of what Christ is.

In the midst of this Strong Delusion, what makes the difference whether you accept or reject the Antichrist, is Strong Revelation.  Listening to the Spirit of God and believing His voice more than your natural mind allows God to save you. Others, who believe only what they understand, follow after the Antichrist and are lost forever.

The nature of this war is Strong Delusion

Some people who say “no way, I am not deceived”, are deceived already. Believers are generally naive about what Strong Delusion is.  It is the tail of the Dragon that sweeps a third of the stars of heaven to the Earth. In other words, the great falling away is an unexpected deception that ruins many.  We already live in Strong Delusion and most of us know it not.  All we usually sense is a general uneasiness that things are not right.  What many consider normal is actually the Antichrist spirit preparing the world to receive that Man of Sin. This deception only seems right, because few have never known anything else.

Against the fall of night

In the end, no man or woman makes heaven their home, because what God asks appears “reasonable”. Our Father commands we accept Christ and everything He says by Faith and not by sight.  In fact, if it seems “reasonable” it is probably not of God.

Finally, God says “if you will seek Me with your whole heart you shall find Me”.  The reason you are here reading this essay to the end is that you are seeking truth. You want to know what is right and how to serve God in Spirit as well as truth.  If you desire to know Strong Revelation, these writings can and will help you know find the way. My advice to  you is this,

“Get as much oil of the Holy Spirit as you can, while you can.  We are up against the fall of night.”

Real Love by Blanca