breath of God

Breath of God


Lyrics and Music by Michael King


© 1996




D                                         Cadd9

At the dawn of time when the world was young

G                                    D

God planted a garden east of Eden

D                            Cadd9
A perfect place in a perfect world

G                           D
A cradle for His last creation

D                                        Cadd9

Man was formed from the dust of the earth

G                                   D
Created from common clay

D                                       Cadd9
And Adam was made and living soul when

G                     A            D
He was filled with the breath of God




D                                             Cadd9
We live and we move and we have our being

G                                   D
We’re Living in the breath of God

D                                              Cadd9
And the world was formed by God speaking

G                     A             D
Created by the breath of God


Verse 1


D                                   Cadd9
The east wind blew all day and all night

G                              D
Making the sea dry ground

D                          Cadd9
The Israelites did safely take flight

G                                         D
Delivered by the breath of God

D                                          Cadd9                                 

And the word of God came not in the old time

G                           D
Not by the will of men

D                              Cadd9
But holy men spake as the were moved

G                    A             D
Moved by the breath of God




D                                             Cadd9
We live and we move and we have our being

G                                   D
We’re Living in the breath of God

D                                              Cadd9
And the world was formed by God speaking

G                     A             D
Created by the breath of God


Verse 2


D                           Cadd9
Ezekiel stood in a valley wide

G                       D
And lo it was full of bones

D                                 Cadd9
God said “Son of man prophesy”

G                          D
lo the bones shall live

D                               Cadd9

Then bone-to-bone sinew and flesh

G                        D
Arose an army exceeding strong

D                                      Cadd9
And the four winds blew upon that host

G                             A             D
And filled them with the breath of God




C              G       D
Breath on us oh Lord

C              G       D
Breath on us oh Lord

C              G       D
Breath on us oh Lord

C              G       D
Breath on us oh Lord


Verse 3


C                                     Cadd9
In the beginning was the word and the word was with God

G                                 D
And lo the word was made flesh

D                                   Cadd9
He dwelt among God’s fallen sons

G                             D
A beacon of righteousness

D                                              Cadd9

He said come to me all ye that hunger and thirst

G                             D
And you shall surely be filled

D                                      Cadd9
He breathe on them with His own breath

G                    A             D
And filled with the breath of God




D                                             Cadd9
We live and we move and we have our being

G                                   D
We’re Living in the breath of God

D                                              Cadd9
And the world was formed by God speaking

G                      A            D
Created by the breath of God

Verse 4


D                                            Cadd9

A hundred and twenty in the upper room

G                             D
Waited with one accord

D                           Cadd9
A mighty rushing wind and fire

G                                              D
Filled them with the breath of God

D                                            Cadd9

He said this is that which the prophet Joel

G                          D
Spake of and testified

D                                             Cadd9
In these Latter days you shall all be filled

G                     A             D
Filled with the breath of God




C              G       D
Breath on us oh Lord

C              G       D
Breath on us oh Lord

C              G       D
Breath on us oh Lord

C              G       D
Breath on us oh Lord




D                                                   Cadd9
At the end of the time, when this world is through

G                       D
God will fashion another Eden

D                              Cadd9
A perfect place in a perfect world

G                                        D
A home for those who know salvation

D                                Cadd9

Man shall not live by bread alone

G                                               D
But by every word from the mouth of God

D                        Cadd9
And we shall be eternal souls

G                                     D
Filled with the breath of God




D                                                Cadd9
And we’ll live and we’ll move and we’ll have our being

G                                   D
Living in the breath of God

D                                                    Cadd9
The new world will be formed by God speaking

G                     A             D
Created by the breath of God