
I pray that I never become dull of hearing

“God says,

“Hear now this, O foolish people, and without understanding; which have eyes, and see not; which have ears, and hear not:”

Jeremiah 5:21

There is a great deception upon the church right now and it is this:

“The church leadership believes they have ears to hear and eyes to see when in actuality they are poor, blind, and naked before God.”

Here is some correspondence to a certain well known church movement that claims to hear the voice of God.

Michael wrote,


“Dear Sindy,

My name is Michael King and I called your national office, asking to speak to someone about theology. The lady I spoke to referred me to you saying that you may be able to assist me.

I have been developing, for the last 30 years, a new wineskin for the Christian church.  I have followed what happened with the (name omitted) movement and was impressed by how much they emphasize listening to the Holy Spirit.

Why moves of God’s Spirit fail to last

What I see happening in the spirit led movements is that God comes powerfully and, for a time, He moves spectacularly in church planting, spiritual experiences, or healing etc. However, all these waves of His Spirit crash on the rocks of our theology and then retreat back into the vast ocean of God’s Spirit from whence they came.  The problem which causes this is that our wineskins break. Our wineskins are inelastic and brittle, Therefore, when God’s Spirit goes beyond our theologies, the move of His Spirit ruptures.

I have been working on the Tabernacle Theology to remedy (at least in the short term) this problem and provide a way for the Ecclesia to transition from a knowledge based walk to a spirit led walk.

Hiding behind emails and URLs

One of the problems I face in trying to share the Tabernacle Theology is that everyone now days is fire-walled behind emails and web pages.  What I am asking is to speak with someone who is Spirit led and can take enough time to actually understand what I am talking about.  I am not part of the normative church and I am a voice, as it were, in the wilderness. However, it was the voice in the wilderness, the man who wore only camels hair, that needed to speak to God’s people in order to usher in what God what about to do.

What I want to do is speak to someone who can listen to what I say and not just who I am. Someone who will judge by the Spirit and not just after the flesh.  Someone who has and is hearing the voice God so that they can judge by what voice I speak.


“Dear Michael,

Thank you for reaching out.

(Name omitted) is an organic, local-church based movement.  Our churches gather around a set of core values that include the theology of the Kingdom of God.  Robust discussions of theological thoughtfulness occur in our churches and at the larger gatherings at our conferences and events. Please reach out to our pastors and leaders in your area and start the conversation.

Further, here is a link to our Society of (name omitted) Scholars page… these guys and gals LOVE to talk about theology.

http://www.(name ommited).org




“Dear Sindy,

Thank  you for getting back to me.

You know, one of the real problems with the internet is that it puts barriers between people and “real” communication.  All you did was give me a “URL” and thought that was good enough.  I, on the other hand, wanted to speak to an actual person.

I remember one time that God sent me as a prophet to a certain city and the word that God gave shook everyone there.  People thought God was speaking to them through their car radios and a woman listening to the message in her kitchen, dropped her casserole because she shook so violently upon hearing it.

A man with ears to hear

The only reason that the people of this city heard the message of God is that when the Holy Spirit directed me to go into a radio station and sit down before the station manager he looked at me and asked, “what is it.”

We have a responsibility to hear the voice of God when we are presented with it.  I have come to the (name omitted) to speak a word about the theology of the coming move of the Spirit to those who can do something with it.  You, quite frankly, needed to have discernment about my message and put me in contact with someone I could speak to, however, you opted to merely follow protocol.

Man made barriers to communication

Now, I have the option to go to a conference or write another message to someone else that will most likely give me a URL too.  I will do neither because I was only directed to contact your office.

This is laziness on your part and on the part of your organization. The simplest thing, such as speaking to someone is person, is just not possible anymore.


Michael King”


In conclusion,

We all have a responsibility to have ears to hear God’s voice.  The problem with Pharisees, Sadducee, Scribes and lawyers is that they do not have ears to hear.  Jesus comes to people in the person of regular people, but they do not hear them because they do not know Him.  In the future, we as a people, must have ears to hear the voice of our Father.  We must be ready to accept what God says when He says it, through whomever He speaks.

Finally, a minister once insisted I say I was a “donkey’s ass” before allowing me to speak.  So I said, “I am a donkey’s ass.”  Then he said, “now you can speak to me.”  I simply said,

“Jesus is coming.”

Jesus Is Coming Soon Song