God wants to show you how much He loves you
. . . and one of the most amazing ways He does this is through
spiritual connections
. . . and one of the most amazing ways He does this is through
spiritual connections
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Dear Spiritual Connections,
God gives us good and perfect gifts, blessings that last forever. Like the time Jesus told the rich young ruler that he should sell all and follow Him, we are given a choice to totally commit to God’s voice and do His will. In retrospect, we all see the enormous consequences of the choice the young, wealthy man made; however, at the time, he thought his choice was best.
Spiritual Connections is a similar choice, for once given and refused, the loss to ourselves and the kingdom of God is very great. People mistakenly think that such divine unions are simply “feel-good” blessings from God, when in truth, they have very important and far reaching consequences for the kingdom of heaven.
What if Jonathan would have chosen to stand against David instead of loving him as a brother? What if Peter would have said no to Jesus when he said, “Come, follow me?” Think of the hardships that Mary, the mother of Jesus, might have suffered if John refused to take care of Mary as his own mother? In each instance, these connections had real and lasting consequences – and so do your connections.
One of the ways that the Devil tempts us is by offering something that looks shiny to distract us when God calls. Suddenly, when we know God’s will, that which we hoped for in the natural world appears. Whereas we were sold out before, now we question whether or not we heard God correctly.
I counsel you to give spiritual connections the commitment in God they deserve. Don’t throw Divine Love and the union of God and man away for a pot of lentils. Uniting with God through another chosen by His Spirit is the very reason you were created. To despise that for a temporary, earthly gain is foolish.
Thank you for all of the insight you all give. I hope all is well since there haven’t been any new podcasts. I have been listening for about a little over a year and a half… as well as reading the Bible (something I thought I would never get to). One thing never touched on is the heartbreak experienced when God’s chosen connection turns away, repeatedly and permanently. How do you continue believing in all that has been “revealed”. Why would God set up this hurtful scenario? In other words, there are those who experience wonderful things and acknowledge God’s involvement, but whose connection is like the rich young ruler.. any thoughts?
Hi Cesol,
Thank you so much for your comment and questions! We are so blessed that the podcasts are encouraging you and drawing you toward God and reading the Bible.
Yes, all is well with us, thank you for your concern! We have been busy with many things in the ministry here, one of which is beginning some video content that we are posting on our YouTube channel: God’s Love Club. We want to be very Spirit led in all we do, and producing podcasts continues to come directly as a result of God’s leading, and as He leads, the regularity of the podcasts sometimes changes.
But, in fact, just yesterday Michael and I were talking together about the very subject you mentioned above: “when God’s chosen connection turns away, repeatedly and permanently.” And when we read your comment after having discussed that, we knew the Spirit was leading us to record a podcast about this very topic. So look for one to be posted in the next few days on this concept!
Both Michael and I, as well as I would imagine many who have experienced spiritual connections, have experienced the joy of connecting with someone as a result of God’s drawing, and then experiencing the connection walking away from what God has done. You describe it very well – it is a heartbreak.
Something I find helpful to remember is that God allows free choice in all people. And just as the rich young ruler received a beautiful invitation from Jesus, then walked away, even the disciples had that same choice. I believe that all the disciples that walked with Jesus on earth were spiritually connected to Him. This explains why they were so immediately drawn to Him and were willing to walk away from so much to follow Him. I even believe that Judas experienced that same spiritual connection with Jesus – yet He ultimately chose against it. Why?
Because God had given him – as well as all of us – free will.
I wouldn’t personally say that God “sets up” these hurtful scenarios. I believe His first choice is that the connections that begin in God in this life will carry through to eternity – in whatever capacity He wills them. But I think that, perhaps, even though He knows that one will ultimately walk away from a spiritual connection He begins on earth, He may still draw the people together. Maybe this is because there is always a chance that people will choose to stay in the wonderful things God has done, but even if not, He can use the connection for whatever length of time and depth the people allow it to still accomplish some of His desires. Who knows the heart and mind of God clearly enough to understand why?
But yes, you are correct – “there are those who experience wonderful things and acknowledge God’s involvement” and then choose to walk away. However, let me encourage you: If you are the one who has decided to stay with the wonderful thing God has done, He will bless you. If God allows a person to walk away from a connection with you, rest assured He will bless your devotion to Him and to that person. And I believe, and both Michael and I have experienced, that that blessing will come through another deeper, truer, and more enduring spiritual connection with another of His beautiful souls. I hope this helps.
God bless you, Cesol. Hang in there! God has amazing things for you!
Dear Cesol,
Thank you for your comment, I appreciate your input very much.
It is really difficult to experience the breaking up of a spiritual connection. I have several times and it is about as heart and gut wrenching as it gets. I think the emotion is so intense, because God is also grieving along with you when the good that He desired in and through your union is lost.
Spiritual unions are the original way God desired to connect the human race, from friendships all the way to Divine Mates. The truth is, what God joins together, let no man put asunder. When you are joined with another, it feels wonderful for both of you, but that is just the halo effect of something much more significant and important God envisions.
Right now, most of Christianity does not recognize that spiritual connections is the “fitly joined together,” the Bible speaks about. Therefore, these spiritual unions are not recognized as important. Moreover, because of the intensity of the love shown between those whom God joins, many Christians mistake them for sin when they are in fact, holy. Not understanding how vital these unions are to the maturing of the Body of Christ, many treat them as trivial and break what God is doing without realizing the grave error they are committing.
What does one do when their spiritual connection does not understand the importance of the union? How do you live when your spiritual half will not cooperate with the Holy Spirit? It depends on what God desires you to do. Sometimes you stand fast in faith and pray like you’ve never prayed before. Sometimes you pursue them (when God is leading that way) and fight for your spiritual union when they are attacked and cannot fight for themselves. At other times, as God leads, you pull back and grieve for the loss. The truth is, that if a spiritual union breaks from what God is doing, in time God will simply raise up another to take their place. It is what God intended to do with your union that is ultimately important, therefore if one refuses, God will replace them with another and accomplish His will anyway. However, you have to be willing to let go at a certain point and be willing to let God replace your connection if it is His will.
There are different types of spiritual connection too, some which are permanent and some which are only for a time and season. Divine Mates, which is a special subset of Divine Unions, last forever and are eternal. Even if you are separated here on earth, you will resume your relationship again on the New Heavens and New Earth. Some unions, like those for ministry in a certain area of God’s kingdom, may only be temporary until the work is done. Within spiritual unions there are endless variations of administrations of His Spirit and no two unions are exactly alike.
In conclusion, though we grieve when a spiritual union is broken by the other, God still has great plans for us. Our hearts will heal and He will bring another or others to us to minister and bind our broken spirit and heart. The truth is, that it is God’s Spirit, coming through someone, that we fall in love with. Though we may not be allowed to see our Heavenly Bridegroom through the lens of those who refuse to let Him shine, we will find Him through those who will. Take comfort, all will be well.
Big hugs and lots of love,