Into The Woods
“Is everything ok with you?”
“Yes dear…everything is good. How are you? Not asleep I see”
“No, not sleeping yet. Not having good evening. I’m feeling unsettled.”
“Why? Can you put your finger on it?”
“I’m not sure my head and heart feel unsettled, like something not right.”
“OK, let your spirit tell you. Just say whatever comes to your mind.”
Looking through time
“When I pause and look between time, it is like I see a buildup of preparation happening, a regrouping.”
“Of us or something else?”
“No, it is not us, I see doing that, although I do feel we been doing that. It is odd though.”
An angry mob
“What do you see?”
“It looks like a buildup of people to attack, but looks like villagers from centuries ago. There is no technology or modern things anywhere.”
“Pitchforks and staves eh?”
“More like wooden carts. The men are in dark, overthrown, brown linen or something. Almost peasants looking. Villagers.”
“So they are peasants rising up?”
“I see torches in the woods. “
“Are they angry? Are they looking for something in the night?”
“Yes, they looking for someone or thing. It’s very dark.”
“Is someone lost? Are the concerned or are the angry?”
“It’s not a concern over a lost person. What they are doing seems to be justice to them. The are bent on exacting it maybe. I wonder if it is like a lynch mob.”
“Sounds like it to me. Maybe someone evaded justice or escaped captivity.”
“I know they are not rising up against the establishment.”
“I wonder who they are looking for.”
“I think it is a woman. I think she is hiding. Her name is Sara”
The guilty are innocent
“What did she do? Is she guilty or innocent?”
“Well, that is different.”
“I know, its odd.”
“I wonder what her story is. Is the related to you” Perhaps an ancestor?”
“Sara’s guilty of their law, but innocence in reality. Their justice is unjust.”
“OK, that makes more sense.”
“She is wearing a long dress, white blouse which only shows part at front. It’s a dark dress. This is weird, like from long time ago. She is crouched, hidden in bushes trying to escaped. She feels a lot of fear and dread for her safety. I think the mob wants to kill her.”
“I see her too.”
“I am glad you do, this is really weird.”
Dangerously gifted
“Do they think Sara is a Witch? She doesn’t seem that old.”
“Yes, I think they do. She is only in her twenties.”
“Seems that Sara said something they did not like or that came true. Yes, she is very scared for her life.”
“Sara thinks they are stupid and don’t know anything about what they are judging her for.”
“Why don’t you just ask her what is going on, after the people pass.
Wrongly labeled
“She has been wrongly judged, mislabeled.”
“I am pretty sure she is an ancestor of yours.”
“How odd, I was just feeling unsettled at first. This feels like a regression, but I don’t know what that is.”
“I wonder why its relevant. Yes, it does to me too. These people who are after her, they say that Sara bewitched someone. they’re going to burn her at the stake or whatever they do to witches if they catch her. So she will die if caught. There will be no mercy.”
“Yes, it’s a stake for sure, I saw it already, the torches are not just for searching. She is an ancestor of mine.”
“This is a predicament. She can’t stay there or she will eventually be caught. What is she going to do? Actually, she has the same gifting as you have.”
“A message, I think Sara is trying to project a message to me forward in time. If that is even possible.”
“Just go with it, don’t worry.”
“Yes, she is the same as me, a kindred spirit. I feel it would be reincarnation if that actually existed.”
Back in the 1500’s
“Well, just step into that scene or have her come to where you are. This feels like 1500’s or there abouts.”
“Her fate is going to be not good she will get caught eventually and has to be for the rest of history to play out. Yes, that feels right 1500’s. What is the message? What is she doing?”
“I think this happened in the general area that you are living now.”
Witches may be the link more than the ancestor thing.”
“That feels right also, you come from a long line of them, although they are not like into black magic. More like spiritual gifted people.”
“That’s why I feel the same or similar. I mentioned before that I feel like there are witches on the maternal side of my family tree.”
From “that” side of the family
“Yes, some, not all of them. They run in your mother’s side.”
“This now, is a result of praying strongly.”
“Your gifting is genetic, not a result of a spiritual gift given to you at some point in your life. You were born with this.”
“I think so, it comes through the women of my family, that is why my child is also spiritually sensitive.”
“It’s a “second sight” type thing. It seems this stuff all caught up with your birth mother, or maybe it skips generations. “
“Sometimes I feel like I have something like an eye in my forehead that is seeing beyond normal sight. I think that is why when I feel I’m in the Spirit, my forehead really burns. Over the years have just learned to use it as a tool for spiritual discernment.”
“I wonder if Sara knows you are around. Probably to busy surviving right now to notice. Wow, it just came to me that covens are as much for protection as for doing witchcraft. I didn’t know that before.”
People jumping to conclusions
“Yes covens are for protection needed. The are protectors, for protections, and protect those with giftings. For a Witch, a prayer is a spell. Words, it’s just all words for they all carry power. Being a witch isn’t always about casting spells or doing hocus pocus. Someone can be termed a witch who never cast a spell in her life. I feel that this is the case with her. She is not a witch as commonly understood. Her words are prayers and knowledge.”
“I think many are just spiritually sensitive people. Like a race of throwbacks to a time when we could hear better in the Spirit. She is not evil or anything like that.”
“I still feel she is related to me even though I’m not from round here. Maybe it is possible that I have an ancestor that lived near here. 500 years gives people a lot of time to move around.”
“Yeah, she is part of your bloodline and you are a lot like her in many ways. Thankfully, the lynch mob has missed her.”
A message in time
“I think the message for me is to simply know the strength and history of my gifting. I am supposed to realize that God has stepped in and saved people of my bloodline many times over the years. The same thing with has happened with me. The devil nearly took me out many times but I’ve been saved because God stepped in, just like is happening to her now.”
“I think she is pregnant. Seems a nobleman’s son slept with her and then, when she became with child, accused her of using witchcraft on him. That young man is a nasty piece of work to do that to her.”
“You know our strength of protection is great because St Michael is not just my personal guardian Angel, but has been my families guardian angel (on the female side) as long back as can see in the Spirit.
Yeah, what that young man did was not righteous, He did that to save his social standing.”
“I hope she makes it.”
“I know she will. The child will be born, it has to. It is an only child, a girl.”
Getting to the root of things with Sara
“I think this is maybe where some curses of abandonment came into your bloodline. Running, hiding, violence, etc.”
“Could be. How odd That this came up tonight. I’ve been ok throughout day, quite strong really since this morning, but the last hour before bed got I felt more and more unsettled. I thought something might be up with you. That fact is, I suppose, I always feel unsettled whether good or bad. I think it’s just way my spirit reacts to spiritual things.
I think this is a good thing because I don’t have the physical ability to know my ancestors, so this kind of reveal is only way ever going to find things out for sure,”
“I think you can probably talk to her if you like, she will most likely just think you are a spirit or angel. Might as well try to get some info while your with her.”
“She knows who I am, I wasn’t expecting that. The message is, “Spiritual things are not bound by time. This is why this is possible and plus I just know by discernment. Don’t wait for bad things to happen, engage Michael the archangel and ask Him to help you. Michael is spiritual and you are spiritual and this is why you can ask Him to help you. You know his strength.”
I am asking her why he is our families guardian angel, because I feel that it is unusual for us to warrant such attention. Most people have regular angels assigned to them, but it is highly irregular to have an archangel assigned to you.
The other day when I told you of the vision of myself dressed in purple you remarked that it is the color of royalty. I think that is why and that is the link that binds our family together. My family bloodline has been important to God from as far back as I can see.”
“So your bloodline has been assigned Michael the archangel to protect it so it would not be snuffed out.”
“It is what we carry, the gifting that follows our bloodline, that has to be protected and kept until the right time. This is why we do not die when normally we would, it is what we carry that is effectively safeguarded. It is passed through the females of my family lineage.
My great grandma was a beautiful spirit, yet my nanny, her daughter and my mother were not. However, I knew my great grandma and interestingly enough she didn’t die until I came along. My Nanna and mother never carried this so they did not have the protection I do.”
“I feel that is true.”
Making sense of it all
“This all makes sense to me now. I understand a lot more about myself and my family now and it makes such simple sense to me too.
Sara is at peace now and their torches are snuffed out. Thank you Sara for being strong in your faith and spirit at such a time as this.
I feel tha the man who did that to her and the mob died. Judgement is strong on those that raise their arms to God’s beloved.
I pray God’s peace, love, and strength to you Sara, that you walk in that for the rest of your days.”
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