Esther says,

Our Bridegroom wants you to be totally open to receive Him intimately, so He can heal you. Then minister to the needy, the rejects and outcasts of society through you.

Empathy always reaches deeper than sympathy. It helps deliver hope to people, those who do not even see or feel there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Do not hide your light under a bushel.

God uses anyone, anytime, anywhere and anyhow for His good and purpose.

God is Love. Bring Love to people for Emmanuel is amongst us. Jesus said you see me you see my Father. We do greater things by ALL being willing sons and daughters of God.  We Are ambassadors of Christ. We follow in His footsteps.


The Body of Christ is places at once


Jesus was one amongst many until Pentecost. We being born again are now many amongst the one earth. Where He brought God’s Love to one place at one time, we collectively bring God to many people, in many places at one moment in time.

Be willing vessels for God, it’s what He wants and needs. He wants intimacy, Divine Love with all His children. Jesus paid the ultimate cost for this Reconciliation.

Be blessed and be a blessing always, Amen.


Michael sings,


My spirit longs for those realms above to be lost with you in His heavenly love

Becoming one in the spirit with you

This love I’m feeling within my soul is as a firebrand or a burning coal

Many waters could never quench this love


I love you my sweet sister and friend

My heart is given to you and our love will never end


Receive Him


I long for the moment when our spirits will meet, to express this love with be oh so sweet

Becoming one is the spirit with you

And there so close that we are one the depths of This love will have only begun

Ever increasing throughout eternity.


I love you my sweet sister and friend

My heart is given to you and our love will never end


The Spirit and the Bride say “come”


Oh come with me will you my love, lets run away to those realms above

And sing a new song in the light of eternal day

Face to face in paradise I’ll eat again of the tree of life

And I’ll know you as I am known


I love you my sweet sister and friend

My heart is given to you and our love will never end
