Revealing God

The Holy Spirit Is Revealing God In Us

There is a lot of confusion about what it means to be “one with God”.  To many, though Christ states plainly that we are to have the same relationship with God as He does, it seems unachievable.

Jesus says,

“That they all may be one; as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they also may be one in us: that the world may believe that thou hast sent me.”

John 17:21

The truth is, though, that we are destined to have the exact same “oneness with God” that Jesus does.

Paul says,

“Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is.”

1 John 3:2

The term “possession” has many negative connotations.  When you mention being “possessed” many automatically think of the movie “The Exorcist” or something similar.

However,  the original possession happened in the Garden of Eden as God breathed the breath of life into Adam.  God is Spirit and YHWH filled the first man with His Spirit.  Therefore, when you looked at the original son of God, YHWH looked back at you.

We are vessels made to be filled with His glory

We are designed by God to be filled or “possessed ” by His Spirit.   God creates us vessels to be filled, as a body of believers, by all the fullness of His Godhead. This is why those whom reject the infilling of the Holy Spirit as evidenced by speaking in other tongues commit such sacrilege.

Though many may agree, in principle, with what I say, almost no one is prepared to accept what it really means.  In fact, most Christians are predisposed, even if they are Spirit filled, to reject the manifestation of God’s Divine Love.

The Tabernacle Experience is revealing God in us

The Tabernacle Experience, of which I write, is the manifestation of “oneness” with God.  However, accepting God’s Divine Love in us and through us is, unfortunately, diametrically opposed to most believers’ doctrine.  This is not their fault, because many simply trust what they’re taught. Nevertheless, because most hold their doctrine to be synonymous with God, they cannot accept “true oneness with Him”. The way God truly is violates what they believe.

In order to overcome our fear of becoming possessed by the Holy Spirit, we need to stop relying upon our natural minds.  What seems right to us, is often opposite of God’s will.  Only as we totally let go of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, can we yield to God’s Spirit fully. We are to live our lives by direct revelation from the Holy Spirit every moment of every day. Not we, but Christ who lives his life through us.

Let go and let God

Being possessed by the Holy Spirit is what you were created for.  Revealing God in us is every Christian’s destiny.

Paul says,

“I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me.

 Galatians 2:20

Finally, when God says He has need of your body, soul, and spirit, willingly give yourself to Him straight away.  Withhold nothing from God and you will be counted as a good and faithful servant of the Most High.

Podcast: Breathe God In, Breathe God Out