What is “Sound Doctrine?”

God says,

Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all long suffering and doctrine.  For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears;  And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.”

2 Timothy 4: 2-4

It is the Holy Spirit that leads and guides us

In Timothy’s day sound doctrine was not simply opening a Bible and doing word studies.  What Timothy taught was the doctrine of Paul and the word that He studied was the Old Testament.  However, even though He studied the same scriptures the Pharisees did,  He arrived at a vastly different interpretation.  Why is this so?  It is because He listened to Paul who was led by the Holy Spirit.

Sound doctrine is, therefore, what the Holy Spirit illuminates.  Moreover, the definition of sound doctrine expands over time as the Spirit leads and guides us into all truth.  That is to say, the core truths that the Holy Spirit has shown us in times past do not change, but our understanding of them deepens and expands as we grow nearer to God.

Changing our perspectives

When you read these essays you may experience paradigm shifts in your understanding.  The revelation contained herein does not violate the scriptures but merely illuminates them is new and expanded ways.  For instance, the rapture is still the rapture, but it is explained in a much fuller sense than you may have ever heard.  What it means to be born again still contains the essence of the newness of life, but it is put within a fuller context of the New Heavens and New Earth.  We come to understand the underlying reasons why we must be born again.

We are in an age where it is necessary to put away childish things and understand God in adult ways.  Whereas in times past, there was the “mystery” of the church, that is no longer the case today.  The day has come for the marriage supper of the Lamb to take place, therefore, we need to know the intimate things of God.

Who we need to know

Many tend to cling to what they know rather the become better acquainted with the One they need to know.  This is because we are so far from God we hardly recognize Him any longer.  If you are reading this you, at least, have the beginnings of a godly curiosity about His truth and His Spirit.

As you read these essays simply allow the Holy Spirit to speak to your heart and spirit.  Learn to trust God more than you trust yourself.  Prove all things (by the Holy Spirit) and hold fast that which is good.  My writings represent the revelation God has given me up to this point.  I may not be 100% correct but I try to be as transparent as possible.  God’s truth challenges our doctrines, world views, and comfort zones.  However, I purpose to count all things lost so that you may know Christ and His unsearchable riches.  After all, is that not what this is all about?

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Martin Luther Documentary Part 1

Martin Luther Documentary Part 2

Spirit Lead Me by Hillsong United

What Is Sound Doctrine Audio Commentary by Michael King and Christi Smith